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Friday, August 1, 2014

Bridget Mary's and John Chuchman's Take on Vatican Directives "for more restrained Sign of Peace at Mass"

 Bridget Mary's Response: Once again, the Vatican is the gift that keeps on giving! What's next air brushed waves or kisses tossed across the pews at the Sign of Peace! And just why can't Father leave the altar and share the Sign of Peace with the assembly?

Come on guys this stuff is over the top. What we need is more Jesus love, more giving, more blessing, and more sharing,.  We need to leave church fed ---filled with love, forgiveness, peace, and joy, ready to share so that all will be blessed. The last thing we need are rigid liturgical regulations that stifle our spontaneous gestures of peace to one one another in the Body of Christ. 

Really, we do not need a discourse from the Sacred Congregation of the Faith on appropriate gestures for the new approved Rite of Peace.  Can't you just see instructions like these coming to a parish near you:" Give one bow to the person on your right, then to your left, in front and back.  Do not leave your pew for any reason whatsoever" No hugs, kisses or embraces allowed. Priest Presiders found in violation of stepping off altar will have their pay docked!

In my view, the Vatican liturgy regulators  have too much time on their hands. They need a real job. Perhaps, Pope Francis could find a soup kitchen where they could serve the hungry. Guys, give the rule-making a rest and lighten up.

 Do you honestly think Jesus would stress over a sign of peace such as hug, and a kind word or two  Catholics believe God is love and that love is at the heart of our faith. What more appropriate time to share a gesture of God's infinite, boundless, extravagant love than at the Sign of Peace!  
I love to sing and do gestures to a beautiful Prayer of Peace as the community gathers in a circle around the altar to pray for world reconciliation!  So praise God that we worship in Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community where these new Vatican liturgical restrictions do not apply!  Bridget Mary Meehan,,

Vatican wants Sign of Peace abuses ended:
And, priests should do everything possible to end "abuses" such as:

  • "The introduction of a 'song for peace,' which is nonexistent in the Roman rite."    (Only approved ancient music)
  • "The movement of the faithful from their places to exchange the sign of peace amongst themselves."  (Stay Put)
  • "The departure of the priest from the altar in order to give the sign of peace to some of the faithful." (He Must Remain Elevated.)
  • People using the sign of peace at Christmas, Easter, baptisms, weddings, ordinations and funerals to offer holiday greetings, congratulations or condolences. (None of that mundane stuff. by John Chuchman

Its second recommendation was that as translations are made of the third typical edition of the Roman Missal, bishops' conference should consider “changing the way in which the exchange of peace is made.” It suggested in particular that “familiar and worldly gestures of greeting” should be substituted with “other, more appropriate gestures.”
The congregation for worship also noted that there are several abuses of the rite which are to be stopped: the introduction of a “song of peace,” which does not exist in the Roman rite; the faithful moving from their place to exchange the sign; the priest leaving the altar to exchange the sign with the faithful; and when, at occasions such as weddings or funerals, it becomes an occasion for congratulations or condolences..."
Vatican announces desire for more restrained sign of peace at Mass

Vatican City, Jul 31, 2014 / 05:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- 
"The Congregation for Divine Worship, in a recent circular letter, announced that the placement of the sign of peace within Mass will not change, though it suggested several ways the rite could be performed with greater dignity...
First, while confirming the importance of the rite, it emphasized that “it is completely legitimate to affirm that it is not necessary to invite 'mechanistically' to exchange (the sign of) peace.” The rite is optional, the congregation reminded, and there certainly are times and places where it is not fitting.


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