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Friday, December 4, 2015

Psalms Are Prayers from the Heart: Write Your Own Litany of Love, from Affirmations from the Heart of God, Part 4, by Bridget Mary Meehan and Regina Madonna Oliver

Litany of Love:

Imagine yourself  contemplating the Holy One.

Reflect one or  more of these praise lines, or make up some of your own especially suited to your own relationship with God.

O God of Abundance,

I praise you for all your gifts! 

Sheltering God,

I rest in your everlasting arms. 

Gentle God,

my heart is thankful for your loving presence.

Compassionate God,

I am grateful for all your mercies.

Living Water,

I drink from your fountain of goodness,

love, healing, and peace.

Loving Creator,

I delight in you.

Compassionate Friend,

I give you my heart.

Eternal Light,

draw me into your radiance.

Wonder of the Ages,

in your image I am created.

Miracle Worker,

I believe in you.

Faithful One,

thank you for believing in me.

Spirit of Goodness,

I see you in others.

Spirit of Love,

I love because of you.

Spirit of Sharing,

imbue me with your graciousness.

Melody Maker,

I sing your praises.

Tranquil Assurance,

in your healing love, all shall be well.

Wellspring of Wisdom,

you are my way, my truth, and my life.

Loving Companion,

I cherish your friendship.

O God of Blessing,

reverence be to you for all you have given me.

Love of my life,

I come into your presence with joy.

Mentor of my soul,

I trust in your love and goodness.

Strength of the weak,

Your help is always there for me.

God who smiles,

You are my joy.

Dancing God,

Lift me up and swing me

around in the arms of Love.
Write your own Psalm: 

Psalms are prayers from the heart.

The verses create a litany of praise, as the psalmist reviews all the wonders God has performed for God‘s people, and for each, affirms: ―God‘s sustaining love

lasts forever!‖ This becomes a soaring mantra throughout the psalm‘s twenty-eight verses. By

supplying one‘s own verses of praise for remembered interventions in life, and in the life of

one‘s family and nation, the heart can soar with the psalmist. You may not have the writer‘s

enthusiasm for the opening of the Red Sea, or the overthrowing of Pharaoh (verses 13 and 15),

but you can feel oceans of gratitude and praise for each difficult family and personal crisis you

have surmounted, only with God‘s help. Thus you create your own litany in praise of the God of Love, who has always been there for you.

Introductory Prayer

Jesus, your whole life asserts the goodness of God whom you know so intimately that you give

us a familiar name of love and tenderness for God—Abba! The God whose holiness was so

protected by Jewish law that even God‘s name could not be spoken, you fondly call ―Abba.‖ You

tell us to be as intimate with God as you are. Give me, Jesus, your vision of things, and your

vision of God as I begin this time of prayer, and as I whisper the sweet word, ―Abba, my Abba!‖

(Enter into restful silence.)

Memorial Litany

(based on Psalm 136)

Reread the Psalm that introduces this part. Allow yourself to be drawn into the music of the

refrain. Begin to insert your own verses—acknowledging God‘s presence in the past events of

your life. Let the mantra soothe your spirit, and quiet your fears. Let its melody rekindle your

waning trust. In your own litany, affirm the action of God‘s ―sustaining love‖ in your lived

experience. Reflect that you are proclaiming the highest form of praise: that God is Good and the Source of

all Good. That in no way can any perceived evil in life be attributed to such a loving God. In every aspect of my

life, O God, my Love, your sustaining love lasts forever. Your transforming love endures forever. Your love

upholds me, forever, and forever, and forever.

More Psalm-Prayers

Take any of these psalm prayers and make it your own. If you choose to do so, look it up in your

Bible. (A word of warning: the psalmists spoke to God frankly, unabashedly, from the heart.

They did not hide their feelings under any veneer or subterfuge of sweet words. They ―said it

like it was,‖ expressing their emotions frankly. You may find later verses of a psalm cited here

reflecting anger at enemies, even vengeance. This is not the affirming part of the psalm you are

looking for. Attune yourself to the affirming sentiment the psalmist expresses.)

The following Psalms are from The Inclusive Psalms.

1. PSALM 104:1

Bless Our God, my soul!

Adonai, my God, how great you are!

2. PSALM 101:1

I sing of your love and justice—

Adonai, I sing to you!

3. PSALM 100:5

For Our God is good;

God‘s steadfast love endures forever,

and God‘s faithfulness

to all generations.

4. PSALM 71:3

Be mine, O mountain of strength!

Send your decree—deliver me,

for you are my rock, my fortress!

5. PSALM 71:14

As for me, I‘ll always have hope,

and I will add to all your praises.

6. PSALM 71:19

Your justice, O God,

is higher than the heavens,

You have done great things;

who is comparable to you?

7. PSALM 59:9–10

O my Strength, I watch for you;

for you, O God, are my stronghold.

The God who loves me

will go before me.

8. PSALM 30:2

I cried to you for help, Adonai, my God,

and you healed me!

9. PSALM 34:8

Taste and see how good Our God is!

Happiness comes to those who take refuge

in Our God.

10. PSALM 46:1

God is our refuge and our strength,

who from of old has helped us in our distress.

11. PSALM 71:17

You taught me when I was young,

and I am still proclaiming your marvels.

12. PSALM 75:1

Thank you, O God, thank you!

For your presence—your Name—is near

when we hear of your wonderful deeds.

13. PSALM 13:5

I trust in your love;

my heart rejoices in the deliverance you bring.

I‘ll sing to you, Adonai,

for being so good to me.

14. PSALM 23:1, 6

Adonai, you are my shepherd—I want nothing more.

You let me lie down in green meadows,

you lead me beside restful waters;

You refresh my soul.

Only goodness and love will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in your house, Adonai,

for days without end.

15. PSALM 68:19

Blessed be Our God, who supports us day by day—

God alone is our Savior!

16. PSALM 84:1–4

How I love your dwelling place,

Adonai Sabaoth!…

My heart and my flesh sing for joy to you,

the living God.

The sparrow has found its home at last,

the swallow a nest for its young—

on your altars, Adonai Sabaoth,

my Sovereign, my God!

Happiness belongs to those who live in your house

and can praise you all day long;

and happy the pilgrims who find refuge in you

as they set their hearts on the Ascents!

17. PSALM 85:10–12

Love and faithfulness have met;

justice and peace have embraced.

Fidelity will sprout from the earth

and justice will lean down from heaven.

Our God will give us what is good,

and our land will yield its harvest.

18. PSALM 1:7, 12

I will proclaim God‘s decree—

Our God said to me:

―You are my own;

I‘ve given birth to you today.‖

Happiness comes to those

who make God their refuge!

19. PSALM 16:7, 11

I praise Our God, who guides me;

even at night my heart teaches me.

I‘m always aware of your presence;

you are right by my side, and nothing can shake me.…

You show me the path to Life;

your presence fills me with joy,

and by your side I find enduring pleasure.

20. PSALM 30:11–12

Then you changed my despair into a dance—

you stripped me of my death shroud

and clothed me with joy.

That‘s why my heart sings to you,

that‘s why I can‘t keep silent—

Adonai, you are my God,

and I will thank you forever!

21. PSALM 33:20–22

And so we wait for Our God,

our help and our shield.

For in you our hearts find joy;

we trust in your holy Name.

May your love be upon us, Adonai,

as we place all our hope in you.

Positive Exclamations of Praise

Imagine yourself  speaking to God in love one or more of these praise lines, or make up some of your own especially suited to your own relationship with God.

O God of Abundance,

I praise you for all your gifts!

Sheltering God,

I rest in your everlasting arms.

Gentle God,

my heart is thankful for your loving presence.

Compassionate God,

I am grateful for all your mercies.

Living Water,

I drink from your fountain of goodness,

love, healing, and peace.

Loving Creator,

I delight in you.

Compassionate Friend,

I give you my heart.

Eternal Light,

draw me into your radiance.

Wonder of the Ages,

in your image I am created.

Miracle Worker,

I believe in you.

Faithful One,

thank you for believing in me.

Spirit of Goodness,

I see you in others.

Spirit of Love,

I love because of you.

Spirit of Sharing,

imbue me with your graciousness.

Melody Maker,

I sing your praises.

Tranquil Assurance,

in your healing love, all shall be well.

Wellspring of Wisdom,

you are my way, my truth, and my life.

Loving Companion,

I cherish your friendship.

O God of Blessing,

reverence be to you for all you have given me.

Love of my life,

I come into your presence with joy.

Mentor of my soul,

I trust in your love and goodness.

Strength of the weak,

Your help is always there for me.

God who smiles,

You are my joy.

Dancing God,

Lift me up and swing me

around in the arms of Love.

During Advent Season, I will share stories and prayer practices for healing and wholeness from  Affirmations from the Heart of God  with my blog readers. On Nov. 10th, I shared the introduction to the book on this blog as Part 1. 

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