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Monday, December 19, 2016

Witnesses for Justice at Standing Rock Need Your Help by Silvia Brandon Perez ARCWP

I have been staying at Standing Rock and am presently occupying a suite at the Casino which is being used as a healing unit for people from camp who need a place to sleep warmly or to shower or bathe.  Today we had eight (8) people showering, two baths, and we right now have about eight people sleeping on the bed and various sleeping bags.  I am sleeping on the couch.

Last night we had a young man who was injured because of overwork and lack of sleep for 72 hours; his hands are badly swollen and painful and he is resting comfortably.  Because a Wellness Unit that was operating at the Casino closed down, he had become paranoid, also because he had not slept for 72 hours.

The suite costs (with tax) $157.88; tonight is the second night I have provided this service.

Tomorrow an elder who was providing constant service at camp will be released from the local hospital where she was treated for pneumonia; she will need a warm place to sleep.  I have offered the bed of the suite, where she can heal at greater length.

I am using my PayPal account to pay for the hotel; money can be sent directly to this email address,

The second time I came to SR I had been doing a water fast, and with the low temperatures, on the fourth day I began to feel faint, and came to the Casino to take a shower.  At that time there was a unit in place (which was just recently disbanded) and the shower and sleep literally prevented me from winding in the hospital, as I was beginning to suffer from hypothermia, and many people at camp have been treated for pneumonia.  Now that this service is not available, I felt called upon to rent a suite and offer it to others.  Technically, the hotel has advised me that we are allowed to have three people sleeping in the room and taking showers... but the numbers above reflect what has taken place in the past two days.  The young man who slept for the first time in 72 hours is feeling better, but not well enough to return to camp.

We would like to rent the suite for another five days if possible.  Long-term, we are looking at the possibility of renting a house so as to have a) safe house b) communications center (since internet service at camp is unreliable) c) inside center for provision of care, including good healthy meals, d) a warm place to sleep and shower, and d) a laundry.

There are no hotels within 100 miles of camp.  There are practically no stores, laundromats, etc., unless you ride 1 hour.  Wind and snow conditions make driving, especially at night, particularly hazardous.

Please call me if you have any questions.  I will be posting this request on Facebook. You can find my page at Silvia Brandon Pérez.  My phone number is (510) 901-8384.

Note that temperatures at night, with the wind chill factor taken into account, are 30 below or in that area.
Note that temperatures at night, with the wind chill factor taken into account, are 30 below or in that area.
Update: Last night before we slept we played guitar and shared songs in three languages; the young people in the room are all from Canada, most of them in their early thirties, communicate their calling and hopes in French, Spanish and English, but most of all in the universal language of love, which is music. Orka, a medic of Indian and Pakistani descent whose family also emigrated through Africa, shared songs from new and wonderful singers who are bringing the plight of the poor to the world in new and moving ways. I shared with them Mercedes Sosa's beautiful collaboration with Calle 13, Hay un niño en la Calle, about homeless children everywhere present, which is surely the shame of our world.
I have done early prayers in the ancient circle to the east, south, west and north. My wonderful Jim Braveheart accompanies me, ashes to ashes but remarkably Jeremiah for whom I rented the suite originally is also a Scot, as is Colin, directly from there, both Bravehearts as is my beloved Jim. I am embraced in the arms of the Creator. I well remember the gaitas or bagpipes of my youth.
Last night I shared my work for ordination and also beloved liberation theology, which started me on this path, we are learning from each other in constant holy breath. Would that I could be ordained here in the vastnesses of this most holy Land, as with Chimayó in New Mexico a land of daily miracles as well as deep corruption. The children have been called to service as have I and we are all indeed the ones we have been waiting for...
Silvia Antonia Brandon Pérez, humbly in love and peace

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