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Monday, April 3, 2017

A Litany Prayer to Christ Who Raised Lazarus by Mary Sue Barnett ARCWP

5th Sunday of Lent
ALL: Christ, my Companion, weep with me, for the sorrow of my life can be so heavy.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Teacher, fill my mind with your peace.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Guide, fill my heart with your wisdom.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Healer, pour your oil of compassion on my life.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Living Water, quench the thirst of my soul.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Friend, hold my hand in the lonely hours.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Advocate, stand with me and give me strength.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Light, call me out of the darkness.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Power, pull me out of the tomb of despair.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Hope, unbind me.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Love, assure me that I am your beloved.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Liberator, fill my desert with superabundant blossoms.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Song, lift my being into joy.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Vision, open my eyes to your Love all around.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Presence, grace me with courage.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Inner Voice, lead me along a path of self-understanding.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Savior, help me to love myself freely.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Prophet, help me to love others freely.
Take two deep breaths
ALL: Christ, my Breath, You are in, with, and around me. You are my Resurrection.
Mary Sue Barnett ARCWP
Chaplain at a psychiatric hospital in Louisville, KY


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