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Saturday, April 29, 2017

My Name is Lucero Arias Manco ARCWP

For those who do not know me and can not get to know me, because of the care I give my family, I work as a peasant woman, I study and I am a woman priest. Virtual communication is difficult for me, because I do not have internet on the sidewalk, I use it when I go down to town.
I live in my path The Lion, my house there, in the high as you can see. I serve my family, I have an already grown daughter and a adopted couple who live with me.
I work in the country, in a land that Mother has given us. I have a good relationship with my neighbors, we meet and share how to improve our crops and serve the family bread-and-swap products, to survive, because life with such a TLC, has been complicating us. They forbid us to use our own seeds, they force us to buy only those authorized by the Government! We are receiving training from the SENA, with the families for the agricultural sustainability, so that the peasant does not leave the field and the children are empowered every time of the earth.
I am finishing my theology as personal formation, linked to Unv. Claretian (I attend classes every month) and Boston College, (where we have just finished a beautiful reflection, analysis and study on the Apocalypse), I am a Member of CEDEBI (Ecumenical Collective of Biblists), I belong to the Ecclesial Base Communities.
I accompany my community in their communal work, we are 14 Families very united. We celebrate Christmas together, we stand in solidarity when we need it, especially when there are sick members. With Evelio, my husband, we teach music, in the School to the children.
Will they wonder how I can handle so many fronts? I count on the full support of my family, and my community.
With the children in the last Christmas (December / 16)
I share some photos of my ordination:
I remember with vivid emotion the day I felt that I was renewing my Baptism. June 4/16
On the day of my ordination, Mama also laid hands on me along with the other members of the Community present.
The day of my ordination, June 4/16. The community participating in the Consecration, as a sign of their commitment and dedication to the service of the Church with the most needy.
With some of the people who accompanied me to strengthen the experience of my Baptism through my priestly ministry
In Popayán, celebrating sharing the celebration of the Eucharist.
We are within the Church, the hierarchical institution does not recognize our ordinations, due to Canon 1024 which says: "Only baptized men can be ordained." We ask: is the water with which they baptized men different from ours?
Someday all this will change because, as Francis just said, who says: that "it has always been so" (1) is a bad word that hurts the Church.
  1. Http://
* Roman Catholic Presbyterian.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Lucero, our daily lives are very different for we live in different settings but my heart is with you and we stand together insisting on our baptismal promise. I especially loved the picture of your mother laying hands on you at ordination. She and you are extraordinary women love from the US, Lynn Kinlan diaconate candidate ARCWP


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