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Friday, July 21, 2017

Anointing of Gloria Whitley (with Communion Service), by Elena Garcia ARCWP and Jim Marsh ARCWP in New York

Elena's childhood friend from grade school (Gloria calls her "Nita"), 
Gloria's sister Marisa, niece Felicia and friend Dolores were also present.
There's also a pic of family outside Silvia's restaurant in Harlem 
(l to r Gloria, Elena's son
Christopher, Elena, Eric, granddaughter Maddy, and daughter Beatrice.)

Anointing of the Sick


Opening Song:      “You are the Face of God” [Karen Drucker]
You are the face of God
I hold you in my heart,
You are a part of me
You are the face of God…
You are the face of love
I hold you in my heart
You are my family
You are the face of God…
Elena:                  Praise to you Abba/Amma God, for the gift of life.

Jim:            Praise to you Jesus, born of Miriam and Joseph, who taught us how to live – who told us we are face of God to each other.

Elena:                  Praise to you Spirit Sophia who inspires our every breath.

Jim:            My dear friend(s),
We know that Jesus is present among us.  The gospels tell us the sick came to him for healing; and because he loved so much (had compassion), they were healed and made whole.

Elena:         The Apostle James reminds and urges us, when he wrote:  “Are any of you in trouble? Then pray.  Are any of you in good spirits?  Then sing a song of praise.  Are any of you sick?  Then call for the elders of the church, and have them pray over those who are sick and anoint them with oil in the name of Jesus, the Christ.  And this prayer offered in faith will make them well (make them whole again), …”

Anointing Litany Prayer
Jim:            Gloria, for what do you wish us to pray?
Blessed are you, loving God,
the boundless love of your presence blesses us at every moment of our lives.  May your compassion radiate from each of us and bring the blessing of your tender touch to Gloria.

Elena:         Gloria, the same Spirit that moved in Jesus, dwells in you and fills you with love and peace beyond all imagination.  All of your loved ones present in your life and in the Communion of the Saints join us in our prayer today.  In their name and in the name of the Holy One, we now anoint you.  Gloria, may you be strengthened by this holy anointing and be free from all harm and anxiety; may you know God’s peaceful presence!  Let us also pray for all those who are ill, and all those dedicated to the care of the sick. 
[Jim will anoint head]
Jim:            Gloria, you are embraced by the Holy One and by all who are praying for you. May you feel the power of divine love healing, comforting and strengthening you…. in the name of God, our Creator,
Jesus our brother, and the Holy Spirit, our Wisdom. AMEN

[Elena will anoint hands and feet]
Elena:         Through this holy anointing, may you be reminded that you are God’s beloved one and may God free you from all anxiety, brokenness and dis-ease as you experience the mystery of suffering in your life…. in the name of God, our Creator, Jesus our brother, and the Holy Spirit, our Wisdom. AMEN

[all those present extend hands or place you hand on Gloria as Jim & Elena pray ….]
 J & E:        May the Holy One who created you,
grace you with strength for the journey,
and in your wholeness and holiness may your prayer be a gracious ‘thank you’ for all the blessings of your life.  AMEN.

The Jesus Prayer


Closing Song:       “All Is Well” [Karen Drucker]
All is well,
I can rest,
I am safe,
all is well.

All is well,
all is well,
all is well,
all is well.

Final Blessing

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