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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Upper Room Liturgy on July 30, 2017, Co-Presiders: Lynn Kinlan ARCWP and Kathie Ryan ARCWP

left to right: Lynn Kinlan, ARCWP Kathie Ryan ARCWP, Co-Presiders

 Liturgy One---- Afire with Divine Presence

Songs:  #27 You are Mine page 7 --#44 Deep Within page 14---#82 All You Works of God page 30

Receiving the stoles
Opening song-
Welcome and Theme

Kathie Ryan holding cup

Homily Starter for July 30, 2017: Kathie Ryan ARCWP

One of the best parts of co-presiding is praying and reflecting over the scriptures and then with your co-presider discover something you had not found before.  When Lynn and I sat down to plan for today the first reading was familiar and pretty self-evident.

 Solomon asked for a discerning heart, the ability to understand good from evil.  Great request and the Holy One grants his request and gives him additional rewards!
 Now we could interpret this and maybe we have at times, if we ask for the right or good thing we will receive a positive outcome.
 We have all asked God to heal someone from an illness, or to help a friend find a job, or to please mend a broken relationship. And we know we don’t always receive what we asked for.

 What can and often does happen though when we ask for the right thing is a change of heart. We become closer and more loving toward the person we are praying for, we pay attention to their needs in a way we had not done so before.  We become wiser because our hearts are in sync with the Holy One. And then we experience what we have heard  the kin-dom our treausre is here right now.

Let’s take a look at the gospel reading.   At first glance it sounds like the person who finds the treasure then hides the treasure and then goes and buys the field is doing something on the down low, sneaky. Finders keepers losers weepers mentality.
 And then there seems to be something not quite right with the merchant too. Not very practical -- sell everything for a great big beautiful priceless pearl?  Really?  What will he do with this pearl when it is time to feed his family or pay his rent?

So we know parables are not meant to be read literally.  Lynn and I turned this parable upside down and inside out, read some commentary and discovered another way of looking at it. 

The person in the field is working, going about his daily routine, earning a leaving and all of a sudden comes across a treasure. Isn’t this person just like us? Sometimes we are just going about our daily business, living our lives the best we can and we find a treasure.  Maybe the treasure is a new relationship, or a healing of an existing relationship. Maybe the treasure is the awareness of a daily blessing and we are very grateful.

The merchant on the other hand is a seeker an explorer and he is going about his life focusing on finding his treasure, the great pearl. Sometimes we are like the merchant, reading and studying and praying and reflecting, looking for answers to life’s big questions and then a light bulb goes on, an aha moment, and we understand something or someone in a way we never had before.

The merchant, the person in the field and Solomon all found their treasure, their kin-dom in different ways.   What are your treasures?  How do you find them
Irish Blessing: Sending Forth to Ireland: Mary Theresa, Joan and Bridget Mary

Blessing of Joan, Mary Theresa and Bridget Mary by Lynn Kinlan 
May the wind be always at your back, most especially on your red-eye flights. 
May your message of ordination equality be welcomed and taken to heart by all whom you meet.
May your journey be one of safety, enlightenment and the joyous love of the Holy One. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a lovely Liturgy, aside from the Ordinations of the past several years, it was my first SUNDAY Liturgy, and I felt welcomed and blest.I appreciated the shared homily,the thoughtful work and prayer the co-presiders put into it. It even sparked some comments from me! And I appreciated insightful thoughts others contributed. I was glad to be there to pray for and bless the three travelers, srtting out for Ireland. I will be back, from time to time!


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