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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Homily by Elena Garcia ARCWP on Ordination as a Priest on October 21, 2017 in Sarasota, Florida, Ordination Rite (after homily)

Second Reading: “We Were Made for These Times”

 A reading taken from Clarissa Pinkola Estes:

My friends, do not lose heart.  We were made for these times.  I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered.  They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now.  Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people.  Yet, I urge you, ask you, gentle you, to please not spend your spirit dry by bewailing these difficult times.  Especially do not lose hope.  Most particularly because, the fact is that we were made for these times.  Yes.  For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement.

In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the world.  Do not focus on that.  There is a tendency, too, to fall into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be.  Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails. 

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.  Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely.  It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward and enduring good.

The reason is this:  in my utter most bones I know something, as do you.  It is that there can be no despair when you remember why you came to earth, who you serve, and who sent you here.  The good words we say and the good deed we do are not ours.  They are the words and deeds of the one who brought us here.  In that spirit, I hope you will write this on your wall:

When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt.  But that is not what great ships are built for.
These are the inspired words of Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

Homily- Ordination October 21,2017
Ay Dios Mio!

In the first reading we heard how Elijah did not hear the voice of God in the powerful whirlwind, earthquake and fire, but in the gentle whisper of Yhwh.

In the second reading we heard that we were made for these times. This reading exhorts us to not lose heart but to endeavor to respond to the call of the Divine and Jesus’ teaching to love and serve our neighbor.

In today’s Gospel account, we heard that Jesus had just returned from the desert experience where he had been tempted and where he had also received guidance and empowerment for his prophetic ministry.

In contemporary times, it appears that “showing up” and “stepping up to the plate” are popular expressions which challenge us to be responsive and responsible.
So, we can say that Jesus “showed up” and “stepped up to the plate”. How so? He revealed his calling, to teach us by example to serve the poor and the marginalized. We know that his mission was lauded and welcomed by the poor and the marginalized who benefitted from his loving care. He was seen as an irritant by the powerful, the rich and the religious whose lifestyles allowed them to ignore the poor and needy.  And we know that Jesus died attempting to get his message across.

These readings resonate with me in ways that unveil my relationship with Jesus and my desire to follow in his footsteps.

From my mother’s womb God has called my name. It has been a gentle persistent call punctuated by God’s whisper. I was not aware that in every turn I took, and every path I walked, (and there have been many turns and twists), that God was leading me to this moment. God saw in this sickly shy little Puerto Rican kid from East Harlem, a vessel through which Divine love and compassion was to be shared with a few on this path. In my heart, there has always been a burning desire to serve others, to advocate for them, to console and to teach and to counsel. I have always been compelled to respond to those needs and there have always been those appointed by God to walk this path with me and to provide guidance and direction.

And here we are today. Jesus is with us still. We are the body of Christ. And the calling continues to be the same.  And the challenges and obstacles are with us as we endeavor to lead the church into contemporary times in ways that respond to The Divine mandate for justice and equality. I was anointed at Baptism and will be again today to bring the good news to those who are poor, to proclaim liberty to those held captive, to recover sight to those who are blind (whether the blindness be physical or spiritual), to release those imprisoned (whether the imprisonment be self-imposed or as the result of external victimization), and to speak truth to power.
The marginalized are among us in numbers and oh how they yearn to be loved and accepted without exception! By what power does this become a reality?

By the power of Holy Spirit! That same Holy Spirit who guides me and calls me to this moment in time. Holy Spirit for whom nothing is impossible------ Holy Spirit who led me to ARCWP –The association of roman catholic women priest. Yes, look around, women priests are here!   With the help of God I now respond to this call as prophet, healer, advocate, serious prayer, and teacher. I hope to share my God given gifts with all God’s children in prophetic obedience to the Divine. I hope to grow in humility and gratitude which will most certainly yield unbridled joy and passion. A condition from which I never wish to recover as I live in the joy of loving and being loved.

My favorite thing to do is to associate or hang out with saints and I feel blessed to be in the company of all of you, the saints in my life. To me your witness to Christ’s gospel message of love, forgiveness and service, supports and enables me to respond to the prophetic and mystical call to show up and step up to the plate. God Bless You!

Ordination Rite
The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests


Elena Garcia

Ordaining Bishop
 Bridget Mary Meehan

October 21, 2017

4:00 PM

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community
St. Andrew United Church of Christ
6908 South Beneva Road
                                            Sarasota, FL 34328

Processional Order:
Liturgical Dancer: Sheila Carey
Candle Bearers:  Nancy Alexander and Nydia Sturges
Cross Bearer:  Erik Ohrman
Gospel Book Bearer:  Beatrice Hendren
Stole Bearer:  Carolyn Courtney
Prostrate Cloth Bearers: Ryan, Madeline and Adia Hendren
Clergy Friends
ARCWP Deacons
ARCWP Priests
Ordinand to Priesthood:  Elena Garcia
Bishop’s Assistant:  Sally Brochu
Bishop:  Bridget Mary Meehan


MC: Good Afternoon. My name is Mary Theresa Streck, and I am a priest from the Upper Room Inclusive Catholic Community in Albany, NY.   I have the honor of leading you through this holy ceremony. 

In keeping with the sacredness of these rituals, we ask that you turn off your cell phones.

Our presiding Bishop is Bridget Mary Meehan.  She is a member of our Pastoral Team here at Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community.  We thank Sally Brochu, a priest from Mother of Jesus, who will assist Bridget Mary.

We thank Linda Lee Miska and Cheri McDonough who will lead us in music for this joyous celebration. We also thank Sheila Carey who will provide us with liturgical dance.

We, the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests, welcome you to the public ordination of Elena Garcia as a priest

We gather together on this journey of Good News for those who long for the fullness of the Body of Christ for the life of the world.
Historical and archaeological evidence reveals that women and men served as deacons, priests and bishops during the first twelve hundred years of the church’s history leading communal liturgical celebrations.

In the ordination of deacons and priests, we continue in the renewal of our first Christian traditions.  We celebrate the fact that Jesus invited women as well as men to become leaders in building the kin-dom and sent the Spirit, Wisdom-Sophia, to dwell with us and lead us forward in being Church.
Let us celebrate with joy the dwelling of our God among us. Our liturgical style is inclusive, which is expressed in several ways. We include female biblical images of God. You are invited to participate in the words of consecration and the doxology leading to the Great Amen. Our Eucharistic Table is open to all. Please join in according to your desire and comfort.

We now welcome Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan who, as presiding Bishop, gathers us as the universal church.  Please stand and join us in singing our opening song:

Opening song – The Summons – all verses 
Will you come and follow me, if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know, and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown?  Will you let my name be known?
Will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?

Will you leave yourself behind if I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind and never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer in you and you in me?

Will you let the blinded see if I but call your name?
Will you set the pris’ners free and never be the same?
Will you kiss the homeless clean and do such as this unseen
And admit to what I mean in you and you in me?

Will you love the “you” you hide if I but call your name?
Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same?
Will you use the faith you’ve found to reshape the world around
through my sight and touch and sound in you and you in me?

God your summons echoes true when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you and never be the same.
In your company I’ll go where your love and footsteps show.
Thus I’ll move and live and grow in you and you in me.


All bow with the Bishop toward the table, turn around and bow to the assembly, and then go to their seats.

Bishop’s assistant remains at the front of assembly with the Bishop.


Bishop:  We gather joyfully for this ordination and we begin in the name of God, Source of all Being, Eternal Word and Holy Spirit,

All: Amen.

Bishop:  Our God is with you.

All: And also with you.

Bishop:  Let us pray:  Loving God, Jesus, our brother, taught the disciples not to be served but to serve.  We pray for this ordinand, that she may serve her sisters and brothers.  May she be effective in her work and persevering in her prayer, performing her ministry with compassion and concern for all. 
All:  Amen.

MC: Please be seated as we present the candidate Elena Garcia for ordination.


MC:  I invite Program Companion, Katy Zatsick, to come forward.

Bishop stands facing assembly and ordinand.
Program Companion says name of ordinand for ordination.

Program Companion: Elena Garcia!

Ordinand comes forward and turns to the assembly.

Ordinand: Here I am. I am ready.

Program Companion: Dear Bishop, the holy Church asks you to ordain our sister Elena to the priesthood.

Bishop: Do you know if she is worthy?

Program Companion: Those responsible have been asked.  They testify that they find her worthy.  Cathy Alexander and Beatrice Hendren are here to give witness and represent the church, the Body of Christ, as we present Elena for ordination.

Bishop returns to her chair.
The Witnesses speak. When finished, they embrace and return to their seats.  Elena remains standing.
Bishop stands

Bishop: In the name of Jesus, we choose you, Elena, our sister, as our priest. 

All:  Thanks be to God.  Applause.

MC:  Let us signify our approval by singing "Amen."  (Danish Amen)

Ordinand returns to her seat.


MC: The first reading will be proclaimed by Christopher Courtney.    

Psalm 40  Sung by Cheri McDonough  
Response: Here I am God, I come to do your will.

MC: The second reading will be proclaimed by Dorothy Pryor.
Gospel Acclamation: Celtic Alleluia  (3X)

Jim Marsh carries the Gospel Book to the lectern and proclaims the Gospel.

Gospel: Luke 4: 14-21    proclaimed by Jim Marsh


Homily: Elena and community sharing led by Bridget Mary


MC:  As the People of God gather in hope and love, we now invoke the Spirit of God within Elena called to serve as priest, and within us all.

Everyone is seated.

Hymn to the Holy Spirit: Veni Sancte Spiritu   


MC: We invite Elena, ordinand for the priesthood, to come forward.

The ordinand comes forward, stands in the center and faces the assembly. 
The Bishop moves to the front of the assembly and turns to face the ordinand.

Karen Hylen, the selected Representative of the Mary Mother of Jesus community moves to the microphone.

Bishop: (standing) My dear sister, before you receive the Order of Priest, you are asked to proclaim before the assembly, that you willingly take on this office and ministry.

Bishop: So, I ask you: Are you ready to be ordained for priestly ministry in the Church by the laying-on-of hands and the gift of the Holy Spirit?

Ordinand: I am.

Representative: Are you ready to fulfill the office of priest faithfully and serve the people of God?

Ordinand: I am.

Bishop: Are you ready to celebrate the mysteries of Christ faithfully as they have been handed down to us, for the glory of God and the flourishing of grace among God’s people?

Ordinand: I am.

Representative: Are you ready to live the mystery of the word worthily and wisely, preaching the gospel and teaching the faith of Jesus and our church?

Ordinand: I am.

Bishop: Are you ready to consecrate your life to God’s holy work with all of creation and to unite yourself closely to the Christ who lived and taught us justice in the beatitudes and in the works of mercy?

Ordinand:  I am ready, with the help of God.

Bishop: May God complete the good work already begun in you.

All:  Amen.

Ordinand for the priesthood returns to her seat.


Before the Litany begins, the Bishop's chair is moved to the side so that prostration takes place before the altar, not the Bishop.

MC: We invite the ordinand’s assistants to lay the prostration cloth in the center aisle.

Assistants spread ordinand’s cloth on the floor.

MC: We now invite the ordinand for ordination to prostrate while the litany of saints is sung.  The prostration is an act of loving surrender to God.  We call upon those who have gone before us in the communion of saints, our friends, the prophets of God, and all holy women and men.

The ordinand lies prostrate on the cloth.
Bishop: In gratitude, we pray to our loving God who grants abundant grace and blessings to this woman called to be a priest.

Litany of the Saints is sung. 

At the end of the Litany of Saints:

Bishop: (extending hands over the ordinand) Let us pray:  Gracious and Loving God, You hear our prayers and those of your angels and saints. You pour out upon this woman the blessing of your wisdom and the grace and integrity of the order of priest.  As we approach the moment of ordination hold her close to you with your unfailing love.  You are with us now and always. 

All: Amen.

MC: We invite the ordinand to rise.  Ordinand for the priesthood, please come forward to the chair for the laying-on of hands. 

The ordinand rises and goes to the seat in front of the community.  Kevin Connolly places the chair in the front of the center aisle.


MC: We invite Elena, ordinand for the priesthood, to come forward.

MC: We come to the most sacred moment of the ordination rite, the laying-on of hands, which we celebrate in reverent silence.  The gesture is the prayer and there are no words spoken. 

The Bishop lays hands on the ordinand in silence. No music.
The Bishop returns to her seat.

MC:  You, the people of God, the body of Christ, are invited to come forward in silence to continue this sacred action of laying hands on this chosen woman. We encourage you to come forward as pairs, families and groups.

Ushers (Kathy Ryan and Patty Zorn) assist the Community in its procession for the laying-on of hands.
Music: CD Chant by The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos
At the conclusion, Elena remains seated and the Bishop stands for Prayer of Consecration.

MC: Our bishop will now pray a prayer of consecration for our newly ordained priest.

Bishop: Loving and gracious God, you are ever present to us. Your Spirit, Your Breath of Life dwelling within us, is the source of every blessing ensuring our growth and stability.

In communion with the saints, with your friends, your prophets and our ancestors, your presence is within all of creation. You support us with your gifts of wisdom and patterns of order. You called forth leaders to serve and guide your priestly people.

The numbers of leaders grew and their ministries were recognized by sacred rites. In the desert, you extended Your Spirit through Moses, to Aaron, Miriam and all the holy women and men of Israel.

You called seventy wise people to help them lead an exiled community from slavery to freedom. Among the children of Aaron and of Miriam, you shared the fullness of your power. You provided worthy leaders in sufficient number for the increasing rites of worship.

With the same loving care, you beckoned women and men for later generations to serve with Jesus' disciples. They continued his work of healing and teaching.  They loved and supported one another, became advocates for justice and prophets of peace.  They preached the Gospel to the whole world.

Loving God, you give this woman the graces of the priesthood.  You renew within her the spirit of holiness. You give her strength, wisdom and the gifts of your Spirit.

Together with the people of God, You inspire and bless her as she responds to your call in loving service.

(Bishop stretches out her hands over the priest and invites all to do the same.)

Bishop: I now invite you, the community, to join me in extending your hands over Elena as we embrace the Spirit in her and in all.

God’s Spirit strengthens you to carry out your ministry faithfully.

God’s Spirit calls you to heal and reconcile.

God’s Spirit guides you in your work for justice and peace for all.

God’s Spirit enlivens you in prophetic and liberating obedience.

Together, we are one in Christ, loving and serving as God’s holy people.

All: Amen.

Elena stands in front of assembly while being vested. Bishop sits.


MC:  We invite those who have been asked to do so, to come forward and represent us all by vesting this newly ordained priest for priestly ministry in her chasuble and stole.  (Cathy Alexander and Beatrice Hendren)

After vesting of Elena, the vesters return to their seats. Elena remains standing at the altar.


Katy Zatsick brings chrism to the Bishop.

MC: The hands of our newly ordained priest will now be anointed for priestly service.

The bishop moves to Elena and anoints saying:

Bishop:  God anointed Jesus, the Christ, through the indwelling of the Spirit. May Jesus work through you to bless the People of God and to offer table friendship and unity.

Towels are brought to the bishop and priest to wipe their hands.
The bishop and priest move to the center and before the Community.

Bishop: It is with great joy that we present to you our new priest.

All: Applause
The Bishop and Elena exchange a sign of peace and Bishop and Elena return to their seats.


MC: Our offertory collection today is a donation to the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests and Mary Mother of Jesus Community. All donations will be used to help our ministries grow.  Thank you for your generosity.

The hymn is sung by all.   Kathy Ryan and Pat and Bob MacMillan prepare the table.

For All the Faithful Women

For all the faithful women who served in days of old.
To you shall thanks be given: to all their story told.
They served with strength and gladness in tasks your wisdom gave.
To you their lives bore witness, proclaimed your power to save.

We praise your name for Miriam who sang triumphantly
While pharoah’s vaunted army lay drowned beneath the sea.
As Israel marched to freedom, her chains of bondage gone,
So may we reach the kingdom your mighty arm has won.

All praise for that brave warrior who fought at your command;
You made her Israel’s savior when foes oppressed the land.
As Deborah stood with valor upon the battlefield,
May we in evil’s hour, truth’s sword with boldness wield.

To Hannah praying childless before the throne of grace,
You gave a son whose service would be before your face.
Grant us her perseverance; God teach us how to pray,
To trust in your deliverance when darkness hides our way.

We sing of Mary, mother, fair maiden, full of grace.
She bore the Christ our brother who came to save our race.
May we with her surrender ourselves to your command
And lay upon your altar gifts of heart and hand.

We praise the other Mary who came at Easter dawn
And near the tomb did tarry, but found her God was gone.
And then with joy she saw him in resurrection light.
May we by faith behold him, the day who ends all night.

Written by Herman Stuempfle, Copyright 1923, GIA Publication
Tune: AURELIA 7 6 7 6D: Samuel Sebastian Wesley.


Bishop accepts the gifts of bread and wine (from Madeline and Adia) and passes them to Elena who places them on the table.  Donation basket (carried by Ryan) is given to the community representatives (Pat and Bob MacMillan) at the altar.  Those participating in the procession return to their seats.

Bishop, Elena, and Pat and Bob MacMillan approach the table.
Elena approaches the front of the community and stands beside the bishop.

Procession begins for the presentation of the chalice and paten for the new priest.

Presentation of the Chalice and Paten

The chosen representatives (Drew, Christopher, Beatrice and Cathy) of the community bring forward to the bishop the chalices and patens.

The newly ordained priest turns toward the Bishop. The Bishop hands the chalice and paten to the newly ordained.

Representative of Community – Christopher: Receive these gifts entrusted to you by the people of God for this sacred meal of remembrance and thanksgiving in praise, in hope, and in loving service.

Pat begins to pour the wine into the chalices and Bob divides the bread on the patens.

Bishop and priest approach the table.
Bishop: (lifting the bread)
Blessed are You, God of all creation. Through Your goodness we have this bread to offer, which earth has given and human hands have made.  It will become for us the bread of life.

All:  Blessed be God forever.

Elena: (lifting the wine)
Blessed are You, God of all creation. Through Your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. It will become our spiritual drink.
All:   Blessed be God forever.

Bishop:  Our God is with you.

All:  And also with you.

Bishop: Lift up your hearts.

All: We lift them up to our God.

Bishop: Let us give thanks to our loving God.

All: It is right to give God thanks and praise.

Bishop: All-loving and ever-living God beyond all imagining, we give You thanks for the gift of awareness that allows us to recognize Your presence and action in our universe. Everything we have, everything we see, everything we do, everyone we love and everyone who loves us, reveals Your sustaining presence.  We thank You for Your presence which animates life and all that exists. 

Elena: You express yourself in human life and through us you sing and dance, speak and write, love and create.  In this we never cease to hope, and for this we always thank and praise You.  We join with the saints of all times and places as they sing forever to Your glory:

All: Holy, holy, holy God, Spirit of Love and Peace.
Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. 
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed are all who come in the name of our God.
Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

Bishop: Loving God, we live and move and have our being in You. We give thanks for those throughout history who have affirmed your loving presence and moved your people to give witness.  They have given witness to your presence in lives characterized by love, mercy, compassion, generosity and forgiveness.

Bob: We thank you for Jesus, who loved so greatly, taught so clearly, and proclaimed so courageously.  He set people free from images, ideas and religious practices that bound them in fear and a false sense of separation from you. Through Jesus, we know our loving actions become a share in your life.  In Jesus, we see your Spirit challenging us to make your presence more visible on earth.

Pat: We thank You for Your Spirit of life and love among us. We are grateful that Your Spirit sets us free to discover your presence within us and in all of creation.  And for this we thank and praise You. 
Bishop: (addressing the community) I invite you, the People of God, to extend your hands and pray with me:

All: Loving God, intensify the presence of your Spirit in these gifts, as they, and we, become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ for our wholeness and the wholeness of all creation.

All: We remember that on the night before he died, while at supper with his friends, Jesus took the Bread, spoke the blessing, broke the bread and offered it them saying: Take and eat, this is my body.    (Pause)

All: When supper was ended, Jesus took the cup of wine, spoke the blessing and offered it to them saying: Take and drink of the covenant made new again through my life in you. Do this in memory of me.

Elena: Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.

All: Nurtured by your Word, nourished by your food, called anew to be your people, we acclaim your praise.

Bishop: Loving God, through Jesus You entrusted this pledge of love to us.  We celebrate the memory of his life, death and resurrection, and bring to You the gifts You have given us: reconciliation, justice, and peace. You fill us with Your Spirit in the sharing of this meal. You keep us in communion with one another and with all living beings. Your Spirit makes us a sign of unity, a model of equality and instruments of Your peace.

Bob: Inspire our leaders, both religious and political, so that they act without fear to bring your justice. May they become peacemakers who transform your church and society so that all living beings and our planet may thrive.

Pat: You have gathered us around this table in friendship, with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the apostles, and all the saints. May all who are suffering in any way be strengthened and consoled by your Presence. You bless all who have gone before us and bring them into the lasting joy and peace of your presence.

Elena: You gather together women, men and children of every race, language, religion and way of life to share in your one, eternal banquet. In your presence, we give you glory with all creation and with Jesus through whom your goodness flows. 

Bishop holds Bread, newly ordained priest holds wine.

All: Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit, may all glory and honor be Yours, all-loving God, forever and ever.

All: Great Amen  (African American Spiritual)


Bishop: Let us join hands, and pray together the prayer that Jesus taught us: God, our Mother and Father,

All:  ...who is in heaven, holy is your name, Your kin-dom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Yours is the kin-dom and the power and the glory now and forever.  Amen.


Elena:  The peace of Christ be with you always.

All: And also with you.

Elena: As we share our joy, let us share God’s abundant peace.

MC:  Please share a sign of peace with those around you.

Peace Song: Instrumental by Linda

During the Sign of Peace: The Eucharistic Ministers (Anna Davis and Maryal Gagnon) come forward to receive their cups and purificators and step to the side.


Bishop: Please join in praying the prayer for the breaking of the bread:

All:      Loving God, You call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice.
We will live justly.  

Loving God, You call us to be Your presence in the world. 
We will love tenderly.

Loving God, You call us to speak truth to power. 
We will walk with integrity.

Bishop holds up the bread, newly ordained priest holds up the wine:

Bishop: This is the Bread of Life. How blessed are we who are called to this Table.

All: Jesus, you affirm our worthiness and by your word, we will heal the world.

All ministers go to their place. All ministers receive after the community.

Ushers (Kathy Ryan and Patty Zorn) with communion lines.

Communion Hymn:    God, When you Came to the Seashore / Pescador de Hombres

God, when you came to the seashore
You weren’t seeking the wise or the wealthy,
But only asking that I might follow.

Refrain:  Oh God, in my eyes you were gazing,
                 Kindly smiling, my name you were saying;
                 All I treasured I have left on the sand there;
                 Close to you, I will find other seas.

God, you knew what my boat carried:
Neither money nor weapons for fighting,
But nets for fishing, my daily labor.

Refrain:  Señor, me has mirado a los ojos.    
                 Sonriendo has dicho mi nombre,
                 En las a arena he dejado mi barca,
                 Junto a ti bucaré otro mar.

God, have you need of my labor,
Hands for service, a heart made for loving,
My arms for lifting the poor and the broken?

Refrain:  Oh God, in my eyes you were gazing,
                 Kindly smiling, my name you were saying;
                 All I treasured I have left on the sand there;
                 Close to you, I will find other seas.

God, send me where you would have me,
To a village or heart of the city;
I will remember that you are with me.

Refrain:  Señor, me has mirado a los ojos.   
                Sonriendo has dicho mi nombre,
                En las a arena he dejado mi barca,
                Junto a ti bucaré otro mar.

Text: Pescador de Hombres, Cesareo Gabarain: copyright 1979
Translation by Willard Francis Jabusch, b. 1930, copyright 1982

After everyone has received communion Bishop and priest clear the table.

Bishop: Let us pray.  Loving God, You renew us with spiritual nourishment in this bread and wine. You watch over Elena and inspire her as a faithful minister of Word and Sacrament to give generously for your glory and for the good of all living beings. We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus, our brother.
ALL:  Amen.


- Announcements
-Thank Yous

MC: After the ceremony, all priests and Elena are invited to come to the sanctuary for a group picture. A reception follows in Stewart Hall next door. We invite you to join us for food and friendship.


MC:  Please stand and extend your hands as we pray our final blessing.

Bishop: Loving God, in the moment, You draw us to you and make us aware, not so much of what we’ve given but of all we have received and have to share.  God, bless all gathered here as we minister to one another and all of God’s creation.

All: Amen.

Elena: God blesses us and moves us forward in prophetic obedience to the Spirit. 

All: Amen.

Elena: We are sent forth. Let our service continue.

All: Amen.

MC: Our recessional hymn is Alabare. If you have musical instruments, please use them!


All ARCWP priests line up in front of the altar on either side of the Bishop facing the table.  The priests with the Bishop bow toward table and then to the people.

Order of Recession:
Liturgical Dancer
Cross Bearer
Newly Ordained Priest
Clergy Friends

RECESSIONAL:  Alabare a Mi Señor

Refrain:           Alabare, Alabare,
                        Alabare, Alabare,
                        Alabare a mi Señor.
Juan vio el numero de los redimidos                          
Unos cantaba, otros oraban                                        
Y todos alababan al Señor.                                         
Todos unidos, alegres cantamos
Glorias y albanzas al Señor.
Gloria a la Madre. Gloria al Hijo.
Y Gloria al Espiritu de amor.


The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests


Elena Garcia

Ordaining Bishop
 Bridget Mary Meehan

October 21, 2017

4:00 PM

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community
St. Andrew United Church of Christ
6908 South Beneva Road
                                            Sarasota, FL 34328


Processional Order:
Liturgical Dancer: Sheila Carey
Candle Bearers:  Nancy Alexander and Nydia Sturges
Cross Bearer:  Erik Ohrman
Gospel Book Bearer:  Beatrice Hendren
Stole Bearer:  Carolyn Courtney
Prostrate Cloth Bearers: Ryan, Madeline and Adia Hendren
Clergy Friends
ARCWP Deacons
ARCWP Priests
Ordinand to Priesthood:  Elena Garcia
Bishop’s Assistant:  Sally Brochu
Bishop:  Bridget Mary Meehan


MC: Good Afternoon. My name is Mary Theresa Streck, and I am a priest from the Upper Room Inclusive Catholic Community in Albany, NY.   I have the honor of leading you through this holy ceremony. 

In keeping with the sacredness of these rituals, we ask that you turn off your cell phones.

Our presiding Bishop is Bridget Mary Meehan.  She is a member of our Pastoral Team here at Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community.  We thank Sally Brochu, a priest from Mother of Jesus, who will assist Bridget Mary.

We thank Linda Lee Miska and Cheri McDonough who will lead us in music for this joyous celebration. We also thank Sheila Carey who will provide us with liturgical dance.

We, the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests, welcome you to the public ordination of Elena Garcia as a priest

We gather together on this journey of Good News for those who long for the fullness of the Body of Christ for the life of the world.
Historical and archaeological evidence reveals that women and men served as deacons, priests and bishops during the first twelve hundred years of the church’s history leading communal liturgical celebrations.

In the ordination of deacons and priests, we continue in the renewal of our first Christian traditions.  We celebrate the fact that Jesus invited women as well as men to become leaders in building the kin-dom and sent the Spirit, Wisdom-Sophia, to dwell with us and lead us forward in being Church.
Let us celebrate with joy the dwelling of our God among us. Our liturgical style is inclusive, which is expressed in several ways. We include female biblical images of God. You are invited to participate in the words of consecration and the doxology leading to the Great Amen. Our Eucharistic Table is open to all. Please join in according to your desire and comfort.

We now welcome Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan who, as presiding Bishop, gathers us as the universal church.  Please stand and join us in singing our opening song:

Opening song – The Summons – all verses 
Will you come and follow me, if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know, and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown?  Will you let my name be known?
Will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?

Will you leave yourself behind if I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind and never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer in you and you in me?

Will you let the blinded see if I but call your name?
Will you set the pris’ners free and never be the same?
Will you kiss the homeless clean and do such as this unseen
And admit to what I mean in you and you in me?

Will you love the “you” you hide if I but call your name?
Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same?
Will you use the faith you’ve found to reshape the world around
through my sight and touch and sound in you and you in me?

God your summons echoes true when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you and never be the same.
In your company I’ll go where your love and footsteps show.
Thus I’ll move and live and grow in you and you in me.


All bow with the Bishop toward the table, turn around and bow to the assembly, and then go to their seats.

Bishop’s assistant remains at the front of assembly with the Bishop.


Bishop:  We gather joyfully for this ordination and we begin in the name of God, Source of all Being, Eternal Word and Holy Spirit,

All: Amen.

Bishop:  Our God is with you.

All: And also with you.

Bishop:  Let us pray:  Loving God, Jesus, our brother, taught the disciples not to be served but to serve.  We pray for this ordinand, that she may serve her sisters and brothers.  May she be effective in her work and persevering in her prayer, performing her ministry with compassion and concern for all. 
All:  Amen.

MC: Please be seated as we present the candidate Elena Garcia for ordination.


MC:  I invite Program Companion, Katy Zatsick, to come forward.

Bishop stands facing assembly and ordinand.
Program Companion says name of ordinand for ordination.

Program Companion: Elena Garcia!

Ordinand comes forward and turns to the assembly.

Ordinand: Here I am. I am ready.

Program Companion: Dear Bishop, the holy Church asks you to ordain our sister Elena to the priesthood.

Bishop: Do you know if she is worthy?

Program Companion: Those responsible have been asked.  They testify that they find her worthy.  Cathy Alexander and Beatrice Hendren are here to give witness and represent the church, the Body of Christ, as we present Elena for ordination.

Bishop returns to her chair.
The Witnesses speak. When finished, they embrace and return to their seats.  Elena remains standing.
Bishop stands

Bishop: In the name of Jesus, we choose you, Elena, our sister, as our priest. 

All:  Thanks be to God.  Applause.

MC:  Let us signify our approval by singing "Amen."  (Danish Amen)

Ordinand returns to her seat.


MC: The first reading will be proclaimed by Christopher Courtney.    

Psalm 40  Sung by Cheri McDonough  
Response: Here I am God, I come to do your will.

MC: The second reading will be proclaimed by Dorothy Pryor.
Gospel Acclamation: Celtic Alleluia  (3X)

Jim Marsh carries the Gospel Book to the lectern and proclaims the Gospel.

Gospel: Luke 4: 14-21    proclaimed by Jim Marsh


Homily: Elena and community sharing led by Bridget Mary


MC:  As the People of God gather in hope and love, we now invoke the Spirit of God within Elena called to serve as priest, and within us all.

Everyone is seated.

Hymn to the Holy Spirit: Veni Sancte Spiritu   


MC: We invite Elena, ordinand for the priesthood, to come forward.

The ordinand comes forward, stands in the center and faces the assembly. 
The Bishop moves to the front of the assembly and turns to face the ordinand.

Karen Hylen, the selected Representative of the Mary Mother of Jesus community moves to the microphone.

Bishop: (standing) My dear sister, before you receive the Order of Priest, you are asked to proclaim before the assembly, that you willingly take on this office and ministry.

Bishop: So, I ask you: Are you ready to be ordained for priestly ministry in the Church by the laying-on-of hands and the gift of the Holy Spirit?

Ordinand: I am.

Representative: Are you ready to fulfill the office of priest faithfully and serve the people of God?

Ordinand: I am.

Bishop: Are you ready to celebrate the mysteries of Christ faithfully as they have been handed down to us, for the glory of God and the flourishing of grace among God’s people?

Ordinand: I am.

Representative: Are you ready to live the mystery of the word worthily and wisely, preaching the gospel and teaching the faith of Jesus and our church?

Ordinand: I am.

Bishop: Are you ready to consecrate your life to God’s holy work with all of creation and to unite yourself closely to the Christ who lived and taught us justice in the beatitudes and in the works of mercy?

Ordinand:  I am ready, with the help of God.

Bishop: May God complete the good work already begun in you.

All:  Amen.

Ordinand for the priesthood returns to her seat.


Before the Litany begins, the Bishop's chair is moved to the side so that prostration takes place before the altar, not the Bishop.

MC: We invite the ordinand’s assistants to lay the prostration cloth in the center aisle.

Assistants spread ordinand’s cloth on the floor.

MC: We now invite the ordinand for ordination to prostrate while the litany of saints is sung.  The prostration is an act of loving surrender to God.  We call upon those who have gone before us in the communion of saints, our friends, the prophets of God, and all holy women and men.

The ordinand lies prostrate on the cloth.
Bishop: In gratitude, we pray to our loving God who grants abundant grace and blessings to this woman called to be a priest.

Litany of the Saints is sung. 

At the end of the Litany of Saints:

Bishop: (extending hands over the ordinand) Let us pray:  Gracious and Loving God, You hear our prayers and those of your angels and saints. You pour out upon this woman the blessing of your wisdom and the grace and integrity of the order of priest.  As we approach the moment of ordination hold her close to you with your unfailing love.  You are with us now and always. 

All: Amen.

MC: We invite the ordinand to rise.  Ordinand for the priesthood, please come forward to the chair for the laying-on of hands. 

The ordinand rises and goes to the seat in front of the community.  Kevin Connolly places the chair in the front of the center aisle.


MC: We invite Elena, ordinand for the priesthood, to come forward.

MC: We come to the most sacred moment of the ordination rite, the laying-on of hands, which we celebrate in reverent silence.  The gesture is the prayer and there are no words spoken. 

The Bishop lays hands on the ordinand in silence. No music.
The Bishop returns to her seat.

MC:  You, the people of God, the body of Christ, are invited to come forward in silence to continue this sacred action of laying hands on this chosen woman. We encourage you to come forward as pairs, families and groups.

Ushers (Kathy Ryan and Patty Zorn) assist the Community in its procession for the laying-on of hands.
Music: CD Chant by The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos
At the conclusion, Elena remains seated and the Bishop stands for Prayer of Consecration.

MC: Our bishop will now pray a prayer of consecration for our newly ordained priest.

Bishop: Loving and gracious God, you are ever present to us. Your Spirit, Your Breath of Life dwelling within us, is the source of every blessing ensuring our growth and stability.

In communion with the saints, with your friends, your prophets and our ancestors, your presence is within all of creation. You support us with your gifts of wisdom and patterns of order. You called forth leaders to serve and guide your priestly people.

The numbers of leaders grew and their ministries were recognized by sacred rites. In the desert, you extended Your Spirit through Moses, to Aaron, Miriam and all the holy women and men of Israel.

You called seventy wise people to help them lead an exiled community from slavery to freedom. Among the children of Aaron and of Miriam, you shared the fullness of your power. You provided worthy leaders in sufficient number for the increasing rites of worship.

With the same loving care, you beckoned women and men for later generations to serve with Jesus' disciples. They continued his work of healing and teaching.  They loved and supported one another, became advocates for justice and prophets of peace.  They preached the Gospel to the whole world.

Loving God, you give this woman the graces of the priesthood.  You renew within her the spirit of holiness. You give her strength, wisdom and the gifts of your Spirit.

Together with the people of God, You inspire and bless her as she responds to your call in loving service.

(Bishop stretches out her hands over the priest and invites all to do the same.)

Bishop: I now invite you, the community, to join me in extending your hands over Elena as we embrace the Spirit in her and in all.

God’s Spirit strengthens you to carry out your ministry faithfully.

God’s Spirit calls you to heal and reconcile.

God’s Spirit guides you in your work for justice and peace for all.

God’s Spirit enlivens you in prophetic and liberating obedience.

Together, we are one in Christ, loving and serving as God’s holy people.

All: Amen.

Elena stands in front of assembly while being vested. Bishop sits.


MC:  We invite those who have been asked to do so, to come forward and represent us all by vesting this newly ordained priest for priestly ministry in her chasuble and stole.  (Cathy Alexander and Beatrice Hendren)

After vesting of Elena, the vesters return to their seats. Elena remains standing at the altar.


Katy Zatsick brings chrism to the Bishop.

MC: The hands of our newly ordained priest will now be anointed for priestly service.

The bishop moves to Elena and anoints saying:

Bishop:  God anointed Jesus, the Christ, through the indwelling of the Spirit. May Jesus work through you to bless the People of God and to offer table friendship and unity.

Towels are brought to the bishop and priest to wipe their hands.
The bishop and priest move to the center and before the Community.

Bishop: It is with great joy that we present to you our new priest.

All: Applause
The Bishop and Elena exchange a sign of peace and Bishop and Elena return to their seats.


MC: Our offertory collection today is a donation to the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests and Mary Mother of Jesus Community. All donations will be used to help our ministries grow.  Thank you for your generosity.

The hymn is sung by all.   Kathy Ryan and Pat and Bob MacMillan prepare the table.

For All the Faithful Women

For all the faithful women who served in days of old.
To you shall thanks be given: to all their story told.
They served with strength and gladness in tasks your wisdom gave.
To you their lives bore witness, proclaimed your power to save.

We praise your name for Miriam who sang triumphantly
While pharoah’s vaunted army lay drowned beneath the sea.
As Israel marched to freedom, her chains of bondage gone,
So may we reach the kingdom your mighty arm has won.

All praise for that brave warrior who fought at your command;
You made her Israel’s savior when foes oppressed the land.
As Deborah stood with valor upon the battlefield,
May we in evil’s hour, truth’s sword with boldness wield.

To Hannah praying childless before the throne of grace,
You gave a son whose service would be before your face.
Grant us her perseverance; God teach us how to pray,
To trust in your deliverance when darkness hides our way.

We sing of Mary, mother, fair maiden, full of grace.
She bore the Christ our brother who came to save our race.
May we with her surrender ourselves to your command
And lay upon your altar gifts of heart and hand.

We praise the other Mary who came at Easter dawn
And near the tomb did tarry, but found her God was gone.
And then with joy she saw him in resurrection light.
May we by faith behold him, the day who ends all night.

Written by Herman Stuempfle, Copyright 1923, GIA Publication
Tune: AURELIA 7 6 7 6D: Samuel Sebastian Wesley.


Bishop accepts the gifts of bread and wine (from Madeline and Adia) and passes them to Elena who places them on the table.  Donation basket (carried by Ryan) is given to the community representatives (Pat and Bob MacMillan) at the altar.  Those participating in the procession return to their seats.

Bishop, Elena, and Pat and Bob MacMillan approach the table.
Elena approaches the front of the community and stands beside the bishop.

Procession begins for the presentation of the chalice and paten for the new priest.

Presentation of the Chalice and Paten

The chosen representatives (Drew, Christopher, Beatrice and Cathy) of the community bring forward to the bishop the chalices and patens.

The newly ordained priest turns toward the Bishop. The Bishop hands the chalice and paten to the newly ordained.

Representative of Community – Christopher: Receive these gifts entrusted to you by the people of God for this sacred meal of remembrance and thanksgiving in praise, in hope, and in loving service.

Pat begins to pour the wine into the chalices and Bob divides the bread on the patens.

Bishop and priest approach the table.
Bishop: (lifting the bread)
Blessed are You, God of all creation. Through Your goodness we have this bread to offer, which earth has given and human hands have made.  It will become for us the bread of life.

All:  Blessed be God forever.

Elena: (lifting the wine)
Blessed are You, God of all creation. Through Your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. It will become our spiritual drink.
All:   Blessed be God forever.

Bishop:  Our God is with you.

All:  And also with you.

Bishop: Lift up your hearts.

All: We lift them up to our God.

Bishop: Let us give thanks to our loving God.

All: It is right to give God thanks and praise.

Bishop: All-loving and ever-living God beyond all imagining, we give You thanks for the gift of awareness that allows us to recognize Your presence and action in our universe. Everything we have, everything we see, everything we do, everyone we love and everyone who loves us, reveals Your sustaining presence.  We thank You for Your presence which animates life and all that exists. 

Elena: You express yourself in human life and through us you sing and dance, speak and write, love and create.  In this we never cease to hope, and for this we always thank and praise You.  We join with the saints of all times and places as they sing forever to Your glory:

All: Holy, holy, holy God, Spirit of Love and Peace.
Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. 
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed are all who come in the name of our God.
Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

Bishop: Loving God, we live and move and have our being in You. We give thanks for those throughout history who have affirmed your loving presence and moved your people to give witness.  They have given witness to your presence in lives characterized by love, mercy, compassion, generosity and forgiveness.

Bob: We thank you for Jesus, who loved so greatly, taught so clearly, and proclaimed so courageously.  He set people free from images, ideas and religious practices that bound them in fear and a false sense of separation from you. Through Jesus, we know our loving actions become a share in your life.  In Jesus, we see your Spirit challenging us to make your presence more visible on earth.

Pat: We thank You for Your Spirit of life and love among us. We are grateful that Your Spirit sets us free to discover your presence within us and in all of creation.  And for this we thank and praise You. 
Bishop: (addressing the community) I invite you, the People of God, to extend your hands and pray with me:

All: Loving God, intensify the presence of your Spirit in these gifts, as they, and we, become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ for our wholeness and the wholeness of all creation.

All: We remember that on the night before he died, while at supper with his friends, Jesus took the Bread, spoke the blessing, broke the bread and offered it them saying: Take and eat, this is my body.    (Pause)

All: When supper was ended, Jesus took the cup of wine, spoke the blessing and offered it to them saying: Take and drink of the covenant made new again through my life in you. Do this in memory of me.

Elena: Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.

All: Nurtured by your Word, nourished by your food, called anew to be your people, we acclaim your praise.

Bishop: Loving God, through Jesus You entrusted this pledge of love to us.  We celebrate the memory of his life, death and resurrection, and bring to You the gifts You have given us: reconciliation, justice, and peace. You fill us with Your Spirit in the sharing of this meal. You keep us in communion with one another and with all living beings. Your Spirit makes us a sign of unity, a model of equality and instruments of Your peace.

Bob: Inspire our leaders, both religious and political, so that they act without fear to bring your justice. May they become peacemakers who transform your church and society so that all living beings and our planet may thrive.

Pat: You have gathered us around this table in friendship, with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the apostles, and all the saints. May all who are suffering in any way be strengthened and consoled by your Presence. You bless all who have gone before us and bring them into the lasting joy and peace of your presence.

Elena: You gather together women, men and children of every race, language, religion and way of life to share in your one, eternal banquet. In your presence, we give you glory with all creation and with Jesus through whom your goodness flows. 

Bishop holds Bread, newly ordained priest holds wine.

All: Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit, may all glory and honor be Yours, all-loving God, forever and ever.

All: Great Amen  (African American Spiritual)


Bishop: Let us join hands, and pray together the prayer that Jesus taught us: God, our Mother and Father,

All:  ...who is in heaven, holy is your name, Your kin-dom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Yours is the kin-dom and the power and the glory now and forever.  Amen.


Elena:  The peace of Christ be with you always.

All: And also with you.

Elena: As we share our joy, let us share God’s abundant peace.

MC:  Please share a sign of peace with those around you.

Peace Song: Instrumental by Linda

During the Sign of Peace: The Eucharistic Ministers (Anna Davis and Maryal Gagnon) come forward to receive their cups and purificators and step to the side.


Bishop: Please join in praying the prayer for the breaking of the bread:

All:      Loving God, You call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice.
We will live justly.  

Loving God, You call us to be Your presence in the world. 
We will love tenderly.

Loving God, You call us to speak truth to power. 
We will walk with integrity.

Bishop holds up the bread, newly ordained priest holds up the wine:

Bishop: This is the Bread of Life. How blessed are we who are called to this Table.

All: Jesus, you affirm our worthiness and by your word, we will heal the world.

All ministers go to their place. All ministers receive after the community.

Ushers (Kathy Ryan and Patty Zorn) with communion lines.

Communion Hymn:    God, When you Came to the Seashore / Pescador de Hombres

God, when you came to the seashore
You weren’t seeking the wise or the wealthy,
But only asking that I might follow.

Refrain:  Oh God, in my eyes you were gazing,
                 Kindly smiling, my name you were saying;
                 All I treasured I have left on the sand there;
                 Close to you, I will find other seas.

God, you knew what my boat carried:
Neither money nor weapons for fighting,
But nets for fishing, my daily labor.

Refrain:  Señor, me has mirado a los ojos.    
                 Sonriendo has dicho mi nombre,
                 En las a arena he dejado mi barca,
                 Junto a ti bucaré otro mar.

God, have you need of my labor,
Hands for service, a heart made for loving,
My arms for lifting the poor and the broken?

Refrain:  Oh God, in my eyes you were gazing,
                 Kindly smiling, my name you were saying;
                 All I treasured I have left on the sand there;
                 Close to you, I will find other seas.

God, send me where you would have me,
To a village or heart of the city;
I will remember that you are with me.

Refrain:  Señor, me has mirado a los ojos.   
                Sonriendo has dicho mi nombre,
                En las a arena he dejado mi barca,
                Junto a ti bucaré otro mar.

Text: Pescador de Hombres, Cesareo Gabarain: copyright 1979
Translation by Willard Francis Jabusch, b. 1930, copyright 1982

After everyone has received communion Bishop and priest clear the table.

Bishop: Let us pray.  Loving God, You renew us with spiritual nourishment in this bread and wine. You watch over Elena and inspire her as a faithful minister of Word and Sacrament to give generously for your glory and for the good of all living beings. We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus, our brother.
ALL:  Amen.


- Announcements
-Thank Yous

MC: After the ceremony, all priests and Elena are invited to come to the sanctuary for a group picture. A reception follows in Stewart Hall next door. We invite you to join us for food and friendship.


MC:  Please stand and extend your hands as we pray our final blessing.

Bishop: Loving God, in the moment, You draw us to you and make us aware, not so much of what we’ve given but of all we have received and have to share.  God, bless all gathered here as we minister to one another and all of God’s creation.

All: Amen.

Elena: God blesses us and moves us forward in prophetic obedience to the Spirit. 

All: Amen.

Elena: We are sent forth. Let our service continue.

All: Amen.

MC: Our recessional hymn is Alabare. If you have musical instruments, please use them!


All ARCWP priests line up in front of the altar on either side of the Bishop facing the table.  The priests with the Bishop bow toward table and then to the people.

Order of Recession:
Liturgical Dancer
Cross Bearer
Newly Ordained Priest
Clergy Friends

RECESSIONAL:  Alabare a Mi Señor

Refrain:           Alabare, Alabare,
                        Alabare, Alabare,
                        Alabare a mi Señor.
Juan vio el numero de los redimidos                          
Unos cantaba, otros oraban                                        
Y todos alababan al Señor.                                         
Todos unidos, alegres cantamos
Glorias y albanzas al Señor.
Gloria a la Madre. Gloria al Hijo.
Y Gloria al Espiritu de amor.

Composer:  Jose Pagan-Lopez

Composer:  Jose Pagan-Lopez

1 comment:

  1. Un abrazo inmenso, lleno de la luz de la resurrección, que en la frescura de la mañana hace la elección eterna de la mujer como testiga directa y creíble del kerigma.

    Bendita sea tu llamado, elección, envío y consagración ministerial.

    muchas felicidades.

    con Inmenso cariño
    Blanca azucena caicedo
    Diacona de Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests.


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