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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Liturgy, for Survivors of Sexual Harassment #METOO, Co-Presiders Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP and Pat MacMillan, Music Minister: Mindy Lou Simmons

Bridget Mary and Pat MacMillan: Co-Presiders

Theme: Rising Up and Living with Integrity

Presider 1:  Welcome everyone!  We affirm that we are holy and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect in our relationships and work places. In solidarity, we embrace all #METOO, who have survived sexual abuse and harassment, as courageous reflections of the face of God, who show us how to rise up and live with integrity.

We all participate in our liturgy as celebrant, sharing in our homily, our prayers, our blessings, and the sacred meal.  Let us place ourselves fully in this holy time…now…in St. Andrew’s Church…at a MMOJ liturgy. (pause)  And as we gather ourselves together in mind let us sing our opening song:

Gathering Song: We are Holy by Karen Drucker ( I am holy. holy. Holy, you are holy, holy, holy. We are holy, holy holy)

Presider 2: We gather joyfully and begin in the name of the Holy One, Source of all Being, Eternal Word and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Rite of Reconciliation
Presider 1: O Holy One, You love each of us beyond all imagination.
ALL: We are wounded healers on a journey to inner healing and wholeness.

Presider 2:  We see Your holy face in every person we meet, especially those who have survived violence, abuse and harassment..
ALL: We acknowledge Your Divine Presence within all.

Presider 1: Jesus, our brother, stood up for the abused and exploited. 
ALL: We work to dismantle patriarchal structures that dominate and denigrate women.

Presider 2: Your love sets us free, heals and empowers us
ALL: We rejoice as we live the Spirit’s call to grow and evolve in mutual respect and partnership.

Opening Prayer:
 All: God of compassion, you love us into healing and wholeness. We open ourselves to your Spirit working in us to support our sisters and brothers who are confronting violence, abuse and harassment and all unjust systems in our church and world. We hold them in your embrace. Amen.


ALL: (Sung)  Glory to God, Glory, O praise and alleluia.  Glory to God, glory, O praise the name of our God.  (3x)


First Reading: Malachi 1:14b,2:3b, 8-10

Responsorial Psalm Response:: In you, God, I have found my peace

Psalm 131:
Most gracious Presence, let me not be arrogant,
nor boast of my virtuous deeds.

Let me not seek fame
or set my heart on the riches of the world.

Help me to calm and quiet my soul,  
Like a weaned child on its mother’s breast.

I shall be at peace in you,
O Breath of my Breath,
from this time forth and forevermore.
(Response) (Nan Merrill, Psalms for Praying)

Second Reading:1 Thessolonians 2:7b-9,13

Gospel Acclamation:  Celtic ALLELUIA!  (sung)

Reader:  A reading from  the  Gospel Matthew 23:1-12

HOMILY Starter: Pat MacMillan

 “All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.”   
   We’ve all experienced humiliation.   It’s usually a lesson we learn early in life.  The first time may have been when you sassed Mom or Dad or told them you’re not going to do something they asked you to do- and then your first “come to Jesus” moment.  Mom or Dad’s demeanor changes and they come and look you straight in the eye and say “ What did you say? “  Your voice quivers and your bravado melts away and you repeated what you said and then those unforgettable words, “you’re getting a little too big for your britches aren’t you!”   You remember that lessons don’t you?  Even adults have those “come to Jesus” experiences.    A friend shared  this story with me, he was  working on a special project for the Dept of Children and Families and with pride he shared the importance of the project with a favorite aunt who listened intently and when he was finished looked at him and said “that’s important work , don’t get too big for your britches”.  My friend said he was stunned.  WOW, where did that come from?   He was sharing something important to him with his favorite aunt and her response left him bewildered.  Maybe she heard something or thought something that concerned her and wanted to remind her nephew that the emphasis of the project wasn’t about him, but about the subject he was evaluating.    Whatever the reason it’s a painful lesson never forgotten.  Those moments and that message stays with us throughout life, it makes us stop every so often and evaluate our motives.  What is the old saying “Surgery isn’t designed to feel good; it’s designed to heal you. “
Humiliation comes in different forms. There’s the too” big for your britches” form and then there is the “know your place” kind of humiliation - that’s very different.   Let me share some stories:
·      “I was a very young state legislator, and in my 20s and I was single — and I was nervous about getting my first bill out of committee,” she said. “So I cautiously approached the dais and went up to speak to the very powerful speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives. And I explained to him the bill I had, and did he have any advice for me on how I could get it out of committee?” “And he looked at me, and he paused, and he said, ‘Well, did you bring your knee pads?’ ”  Senator Claire McCaskill

·      I was shadowing a respected therapist at the county health department in an internship for my master's program. Because he was attractive and charming and I was overweight and insecure, I was flattered by his flirtatious texts asking to "rendezvous."
We were in his car after an assessment when he told me to undress.
"Anxious, scared, and seemingly paralyzed, I did what he asked," she says. "People make it seem very easy to just say no, or just don't give in, or don't respond. But it can be very paralyzing when someone is in control of where your future may go."

·      I was on a crowded tram at Disney, and sat a row behind my family. This man kept his hand on my thigh the whole ride, stroking the fine hair there. His friend looked on. I was 11 and scared to confirm dates of that trip with my mom, because I never told anyone. Us too. All of us.  Allison Tolman
·      Any girl who’s ever used public transport in India - local buses/trains has been a victim of sexual molestation & harassment. #MeToo Suchitra
·      For all those 13 years spent working as a #therapist I have never met a woman who has not complained of #molestation#abuse.#Metoo Sonali Gupta
·      And I was blamed for it. 
I was told not to talk about it.
I was told that it wasn't that bad.
I was told to get over it.
Najwa Zebian   Author and Poet

 In my lifetime, I’ve experienced sexual discrimination on the job, have had inappropriate jokes said in front of me, have had comments made about my body and other things I don’t wish to reveal. #METOO
And we are a “civilized” country, things are far worse for women in other countries. Some countries, often the poorest and most conflict-ridden, have a level of violence that makes life unbearable for women:
Rape is a weapon of war.
In Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan when it is time for a man to marry, he or his family will pick a woman and she will be kidnapped. Some families will keep the girl hostage for several days to break her will.
Honor Killing is a punitive murder, committed by members of a Muslim or Hindu family for refusing an arranged marriage, being an adulterer, being a homosexual, wearing inappropriate clothing
Bride Burning is a form of domestic violence practiced in parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries set a woman on fire because her family has refused to pay an additional dowry.
Acid Attacks are revenge against a woman who rejects a proposal of marriage or a sexual advance that primarily occur in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
In Africa they continue the ritual of Female genital mutilation on girls between the ages of 4-8 for cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reasons which has led to victims bleeding to death.
Human trafficking –The former Communist states of Eastern and Western Europe such as Albania, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine  Offer  young women and girls the promise of money and work to lure them to wealthier countries where they are reduced to sexual slavery.
In parts of Ghana, a family may be punished for an offense by having to turn over a virgin female to serve as a sex slave within the offended family.
The” know your place” kind of humiliation comes in many forms and is inflicted to control by individuals who want to show power over their victims.   This kind of humiliation is severely damaging both physically and psychologically to woman, LGBTQ individuals but most especially to a young boy or girl.  It’s been going on throughout history, in civilized and uncivilized countries. The following is a quote by Stacy Patton on #METOO   “Black women have been saying #METOO since slavery.”  I believe this behavior dates back to the beginning of man.
How do we feel when we are subjected to this humiliation.  We feel damaged, guilty, inadequate, isolated, lonely, suicidal and angry.
What can we do, what can help victims in this country and around the world?  The #METOO phenomenon has visually shown the world, how extensive the problem is.  For each of us, it tells us that we are not alone and what has happened to us is not our fault.   
The law that Jesus delivered on Mt. Sinai, was never intended to be a heavy burden, but a source of moral identity.  So the question for each of us is how important is it as a people, as a country, to be moral and how will we bring it about?
Shared Homily: Community
Profession of Faith   

ALL:  We believe in the Holy One who loves passionately, embraces all and forgives everything.
We believe in Jesus who accompanies us on our journey and shows the way to the fullness of life.
We believe in the  Divine Spirit, the breath of Wisdom Sophia, who energizes us as co-creators  of caring communities that challenge oppression, exploitation and injustice.
We believe that we are radiant images of God called to live fully, love tenderly, and serve generously.  
We believe in the communion of saints, our heavenly friends, who support us on life’s journey.  
We believe in the partnership and equality of women and men in our church and world.  
We believe that we are one in the Heart of God.


Presider 1:  Aware that the Holy One, calls us to be people of integrity, wounded healers, and advocates of justice, we now bring the women and men in our world, before You.

Response: Holy One, You hear our prayer.

Presider 2:  For those who have been abused, we pray for empowerment.  R.   
Presider 1:  For those who have confronted their abusers, we pray for courage.  R.
Presider 2:  For those who have been sexually exploited, we pray for healing.  R.  
Presider 1:  For all wounded healers, especially they women who have experienced sexual harrasment in #Me Too, we pray for their continued growth and well being.  R. 
Presider 2:  For all those who need our prayers. Please share your intentions now.

Presider 1:  In Your name we can do all things by the power of Your Spirit working in us.  
ALL: Amen


Presider 2:  Blessed are You, O Holy One, through Your divine providence we have this bread to offer, it will become for us the Bread of Life. 
ALL: Blessed are You forever.   

Presider 1:  Blessed are You, O Holy One, through Your divine providence we have this wine to offer, it will become our spiritual drink. 
ALL: Blessed are You  forever.

Presider 2:  Nurturing One, we are united in this sacrament by the love of Jesus in communion with all who proclaim the liberating power of  Your Spirit in our midst.
ALL:  Amen.

Presider 1:  O Heart of Love, You dwell in us,
ALL: And we dwell in You.

Presider 2:  O Pursuer of Justice, we lift up our hearts,
ALL: In service to our sisters and brothers.

Presider 1:  We thank You, Source of All,
All: All the days of our lives.


Voice 1: O Holy One, You love through us as we reach out to our sisters and brothers who are abused and exploited. Your Spirit, who raised Jesus from the dead, is rising up in our work for justice. With thankful hearts in the company of the angels and saints, we praise You, Spirit of Healing and Wholeness.

ALL:  Holy, Holy, Holy Source of strength and light. All creation is full of Your glory. Hosanna in the highest.  Blessed are all who come in Your name.  Hosanna in the highest.

Voice 2:  You are holy indeed, O Nurturing One. You are the Heart of Love. You affirm our  bodies as holy and our stories as sacred.

Presider 2:  Please extend Your hands in blessing.

ALL:  You pour out Your spirit anew upon this bread and wine and upon us as we become more deeply the Christ Presence in our world

On the night before he died, Jesus came to table with the women and men he loved.  Jesus took bread blessed and broke it, saying, “Take, eat, this is my body. Do this in memory of me.”


After supper, Jesus poured a cup of wine and shared it with his friends, saying, “This is the cup of the covenant of my love. As often as You drink of it, remember me.”

Presider 1:  Let us proclaim the mystery of faith:

ALL: Christ has died in all those abused and exploited.
Christ is rising in all those working for justice, equality and partnership.
Christ comes each day in our work for a renewed humanity.

Voice 3: In memory of Jesus, who showed us the path to empowerment, we give thanks for the loving relationships that helped us grow more aware of our goodness, strength, and passion. We give thanks for Your Enfolding Presence as we advocate for survivors of violence and sexual harrasment.  You accompany all on their journey to healing and wholeness.  As we share this sacred banquet of love, we are filled with courage to rise up and live with integrity in our communities.

Voice 4:  Holy One, we remember all people throughout the world, as we grow in love, together with Francis our pope, Bridget Mary our bishop and all our community leaders.  We pray for courageous leaders who champion justice for survivors of abuse.

Voice 5: We remember all the companions who have gone before us:  Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mary of Magdala, Martha and Mary, the Samaritan Woman and holy women and men who have witnessed for justice throughout the ages. Like Jesus, their courage inspires us to confront all forms of discrimination and work for equality. For it is…

ALL: through living as Jesus lived,
and loving as he loved,
that we awaken to Your Spirit
empowering us to work for justice.  AMEN


The Prayer of Jesus

Presider 2:  Let us pray as Jesus taught us.

All:  Our Father and Mother (sung)

Sign of Peace: (Peace is flowing like a River by Carey Laundry)
Presider 1:  Jesus said to his disciples, “My peace I leave You.  My peace I give You.” 
The peace of the Holy One is also with You.  
We will sing Peace is flowing like a River as we hold hands and pray for healing of survivors of sexual abuse and harassment.

Litany for the Breaking of the Bread

ALL:  Holy One, You call us to speak truth to power; we will do so.
Holy One, You call us to live the Gospel of  healing and justice; we will do so.
Holy One, You call us to be Your presence in the world; we will do so.

Presider 2:  This is the bread of life and the cup of blessing. Blessed are we who are called to the table.
ALL:  We are the Body of Christ.


May the Christ Light Shine in You
By Kathy Sherman

May the Christ light shine in you.
​May the Christ light shine in me.
Then together we will shine with
God's love to the world.

Communion Meditation Song: Beauty of the Dancer
By Sara Thomsen

You see the beauty of the dancer
You hear the beauty of the song
You feel the beauty all around you
You wonder whether you belong.
You are where you belong!

You are the beauty of the dancer
You are the beauty of the song
You are the beauty all around you
You’re standing right where you belong
You’re standing right where you belong!

all above you
all below you
all around you
all within you

Beauty all above you
Beauty all below you
Beauty all around you
Beauty all within you

You see the beauty of the dancer
You hear the beauty of the song
You feel the beauty all around you
You wonder whether you belong

You are the beauty of the dancer
You are the beauty of the song
You are the beauty all around you
You’re standing right where you belong!

You are beauty
You are beauty
All above you
All below you
All around you
All within you

You are beauty
You are beauty

Beauty all above you
Beauty all below you
Beauty all around you
Beauty all within you

Prayers, of Gratitude, Announcements and Introductions of new people


Presider 1:   The Holy One is with You. 
ALL:  and also with You.


Presider 2: Please extend You hands as we pray our final blessing:
ALL: The encompassing of the Holy One is on us,
The encompassing of the Divine Presence,
The encompassing of the Christ of love,
The encompassing of the Spirit of Grace,
let us go forth from this Banquet, aware always that that we are all the beloved of God. ALL:  Amen.
  (Adapted from Alexander Carmichael’s Carmina Gadelica)


Presider 1:   We go forth with the energy of Christ to heal and transform our church and world.  Let the service to rise up and live with integrity continue!
ALL:   We give grateful thanks and may we live holy lives in our time.


Woman’s Spirit
words and music: Marvella McPartland & Lynn Fugua
sung by: Karen Drucker

Woman’s Spirit is beauty
Woman’s Spirit runs deep
Woman loves with compassion
Our perfection is complete…

Woman’s Spirit is graceful
Woman’s Spirit is wise
Woman’s Spirit is moving
Bringing love into our lives...

Woman’s Spirit is passion
Woman’s Spirit is birth
Woman’s power unfolding
To honor life on earth.

Liturgy by Dr. Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,,


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