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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Why are not women already priests? The female diaconate, a cunning to distract" by Antonio Aradillas, December 26, 2017 , A Critique of Roman Catholic Church's Sexism in Reference to Women Priests

My Response: This article states the ridiculous stance of the Roman Catholic Church's sexism in a clear way. The good news is that women are already priests and serving inclusive Catholic Communities in Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Asia as Roman Catholic Women Priests. The Vatican needs to affirm the charism of our movement leading the church into its future now. We are a new beginning for the church - offering a model of priestly presence that honors all the members of the baptized as equal members.  All are welcome to celebrate sacraments and to serve as prophetic witnesses of justice in our inclusive empowering, spiritual transforming , loving communities. Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP,

"...In the concrete theme of the female priesthood , it went back to Genesis, Leviticus, the patriarchs and priests of Israel, and concluded that females are excluded from the priesthood, and that Jesus chose twelve men, and not women, to to constitute and continue his Church, affirming that the hierarchy does not have the power to change Jesus' plan, all wrapped up in a macho cloud of affirmations, phrases, reasonings, humiliations and insults against half of the human race. his intention to silence the woman, dedicating to the mothers, sisters, daughters and even nuns, a flourish of phrases taken from the Holy Fathers of the Church, up to "offensive to pious ears", such as the following:
"Women were created essentially to satisfy the lust of men ." "I do not allow women to teach, nor to take authority in front of their husbands, but to be silent." (Saint John Chrysostom)
Women should not be illustrated or educated in any way, in fact, they should be segregated, as they are causes of insidious and involuntary erections (!) In male saints." "The woman is an inferior being and is not created in the image and likeness of God." It corresponds, then, to justice, as well as to the natural order of humanity, for women to serve men, just order only occurs when the man commands and the woman obeys "(Saint Augustine)
"If the woman does not submit to the man, who is her head, she becomes guilty of the same sin as a man who does not submit to Christ." " Nothing more impure than a woman in the period . impure "(San Jerónimo)
"The woman is inferior to the man in virtue and in dignity" . "In everything that refers to the individual is defective and badly born, because the active power of the male seed tends to produce a perfect resemblance in the male sex, while the production of a woman comes from a lack of active power " (Saint Thomas of Aquino)
"As is obvious, continues the author of" Roma Veduta ", the denial of the female priesthood is not attributable to Opus My testimony does not go beyond a curial anecdote As in other doctrinal or disciplinary issues, Opus has left its mark In this inconsequential nothingness, Paul VI may have some hope for change in the matter, when proposing his study to the Holy Office. "The conclusion of the" Coetus consultorum ", confirmed by the cardinals, served Pope Wojtyla to reaffirm and settle the matter and in his "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis" of 1944, he dares to affirm that "the Church lacks the faculty to confer the priestly ordination on women, and that this opinion must be definitive for all the faithful"That's how Álvaro del Portillo ended. And the former Holy Office in 1995 clarified that "the impossibility of the female priesthood has been" infallibly proposed by the ordinary and universal magisterium and demands unconditional assent ".

..."And here, and now, to our theologians and theologians, I ask them, among others, questions like these; "Rome locuta, finite cause"? With so deep, far-reaching and predictable socio-cultural changes that in relation to women happily reveal history and sociology, is it not conclusive that the Church is opposed so radically, without the slightest humility, for the acceptance, inspiration and urgency of the themselves, and still others? Will they cease to be sons and daughters of the Church, who do not agree with the interpretations annexed to Opus, even if they have officially become "the word of God"?What limits has the pontifical assertion that the impossibility of the feminine priesthood has been infallibly proposed by the ordinary and universal magisterium and demands total assent? What arguments of the theology-fiction can be contributed today for its demonstration and proof?
What consequences , in this life and in the other, will it bring to Catholics the non-acceptance, or doubt, of this "doctrine"? Will the eternal salvation of so many members of the Church, the belief, or unbelief, of such pontifical assertions be subordinated as well? In the case, quite often, in the ecclesiastical history, that one day change his mind, and other "pontiffs" correct such disgust and dereliction, will publicly be asked for forgiveness to humanity, and how will they try to correct so serious damages caused so many times, even in the social and family order, and not only "religious"?
In what proportion and measure is the reliability of an institution like the Church, -dogmatic and intolerant in itself- exposed to the irresponsible insensitivity of consultants and interested "experts", "in accordance with the will of the Lord and the service"? of the faithful people "(¡)?
The issue is relevant , and moreover, and at this point, about the historical viability of the female diaconate and its possible reactivation, sacramental or not, it will never be the solution that is needed and urgent. The "metanoia" -reconversion, change and penance-of everything related to women and the Church-institution, is decisive and peremptory. It is and makes the Church true Church, which is said "our, holy, mother, catholic and apostolic."

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