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Friday, January 26, 2018

Pope Francis: From Failure to Failure by Francisco Delgado

By  Francisco Delgado
The recent visit of the Pope to Chile and Peru has been catastrophic and not only because of the "issue" related to Bishop Barros, covering cases of sexual abuse of priests to minors, a fact that Bergoglio played down, no matter how many words of hypocritical pardon, since - afterwards - (to questions of journalists) he was exculpated with the excuse that the victims would not have contributed - in his opinion - more evidence. Nothing more and nothing less.
When  Jorge Mario Bergoglio  was elected maximum (and infallible) leader of the Catholic Church back in March 2013, Catholics and Catholics in good faith thought that the leadership of the Church was going to modernize, it would become more transparent, from the Holy See, to the last diocese in the farthest and most remote place in the world, as well as the congregations, religious orders, associations and entities dependent on papal governance.
They also  thought that it would submit to "revision" the historical " entrism " of the Catholic Church in politics , in order to facilitate the "separation of religion from the State" (which in its day the son of God, for Christians, proclaimed, according to the New Testament) and that a large part of the citizenship wishes, among them many and many Catholics;
- That it would accept the  progressive elimination of the enormous tax, economic, political, legal privileges and in matters of education, social services and health  that the Church reports to the Concordats agreed with many States of the planet;
That they would renounce exercising powerful  lobbying  (doctrinal and commercial) in diversity of international organizations  in which they are present;
- That (in the case of Spain) they would  return (to the citizenship or / and to the State or those corresponding ...) the goods registered , from 1948 to 2016;
- That it  would help to uncover and bring to the ordinary courts the thousands of cases of sexual abuse  of priests towards minors  existing in the world;
- That  it would not attack women's right to sexual and reproductive health ;
- That  Catholic women may have, little by little, the same possibilities of exercising ministries  and hierarchies as men, within the Church;
- That  it would advance in the recognition of an open priesthood model  to be able to form his own family;
-What  would not attack gender equality policies ...
In short, I would try to put the Church in a model of secular society and equality before the law and, of course, that would not oppose the construction of secular States, in order to advance democracy and coexistence, universally .
Also, from within the Church, it was thought that the election of the Argentine Pope would contribute, more effectively (real), to the  consolidation of religious ecumenism  and, above all, to trying to suture the enormous "waterways" that diversity of evangelists and religious reformers are causing the Catholic Church, especially in Latin America.
Also people not attached to the Catholic Church, especially in the field of politics thought  that this Pope was going to walk more democratic and transparent paths ... However a first example very illustrative of his mandate we had in his visit to the European Parliament in November of 2014. There  Bergoglio  not only did not say anything different (in doctrinal matters) from what any of his predecessors had said, although he did some winks to the ecology, criticized the politicians and the big capital, that if ... in a huge boast of hypocrisy, since Church treasures one of the greatest patrimonial and mercantile fortunes of the planet. But there was a serious insult to women who abort ... curiously, amid the applause of a large part of deputies and deputies.
The recent visit of the Pope to Chile and Peru has been catastrophic  and not only because of the  "issue" related to Bishop Barros , covering cases of sexual abuse of priests to minors, a fact that  Bergoglio played down  , no matter how many words of hypocritical pardon, since - afterwards - (to questions of journalists) he was exculpated with the excuse that the victims would not have contributed - in his opinion - more evidence. Nothing more and nothing less.
The Peruvian government banned demonstrations against the Pope ... (?) -induced, but enlightening ... being the trip to these two countries, in addition to "answered" by a considerable part of the citizenship of the poorest -pastorally speaking- of those made to now, since it did not achieve the intended objectives. Only that-once again-the political authorities "overturned" in receptions and congratulations, in many cases, against constitutional postulates of secularism.
As for the many questions that were pending four years ago in the heart of the Catholic Church, only in what affects the Vatican bank have "covered" some scandals, but only covered, as they have not emerged -transparently- the alleged corruption, contubernios and rigging.
It has NOT achieved (which was one of the objectives of its mandate) to "arm" pastorally the dioceses of Latin America, which increasingly lose more faithful in a very alarming way.
Nor can it reverse the fact that there is a vastly aged priesthood throughout the world (in Europe it is at a minimum). But, also, ecumenism does not progress as expected.
Faced with what some assumed,  his attack on secular projects is a constant , (as a more visible example is that of his friend, Cardinal  Sturla, who   urges Uruguayan Catholics "- not to stay in the laicist bucket " ... attacking, with it, constantly the secular State in Uruguay).
In addition, he fights, strenuously, against what the Roman Curia and the bishops call "gender ideology", that is, against the equality of men and women and, in addition, against the LGBT community throughout the world, even though it may sometimes have words Evangelicals, nothing more and nothing less than "forgiveness". At the UN he went on to say that - " the union of people of the same sex was an anomalous style of life and a sin ".
In this situation, Catholic women, who do not expect openness, nor aspire to the priesthood, in the mandate of  Bergoglio.
No matter how much you vocifere and do a very well-adapted marketing  campaign  to the Digital Age, you could consider (in practice) the Supreme Pontiff  anti-individual rights , quite possibly being at the height of Leo XIII and Pius XII, each one of them in their time.
Francisco Delgado (ex-president of Europe Laica)

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