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Saturday, April 28, 2018

"A Calling" - A Film about Women's Equality in the Catholic Church

For more information about the film and to book a viewing in your location visit:


  1. I attended the premiere screening last night at St. Lucy/St. Bernadette Church. The film is an excellent portrayal of women who respond to the calling of service to God's people regardless of their state in life. The focus is on imitating what Jesus did while on earth - feeding hungry, clothing the naked, living simply - all regardless of gender. All are called to serve the neighbor.
    The photos and clips of the protests reveal that change had taken place - lay women, nuns, those who worship in different ways, clergy, those of different races are called to go out into the world and tell the good news. I was amazed at the number of people who attended the showing.

  2. Thank you, Nick and Marie. I attended Wednesday's showing and was very much impressed with both the theme and the video. You captured so well the need for everyone to respond to their calling to do what Jesus did regardless of gender, race, religion or status in life. I was honored to view such an inspiring video.

    Sister Mary Salvaterra, CSJ


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