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Thursday, November 15, 2018

"3 Lessons of Revolutionary Love in a Time of Rage" by Valarie Kaur, "Forgiveness is freedom from hate' Opens up possibility of reconciliation, Awesome Video

Valarie Kaur
3 lessons of revolutionary love in a time of rage | Valarie Kaur
1)Stories can help us see no stranger.
Who have we not tried to love?
2) We love our opponents when we tend to their wounds.
3) We love ourselves when we breathe through the fire of pain and refuse to let it harden into hate.

How do we practice love in a time of rage?
1) See no stranger, look at each person as sister, brother
2) Tend the wound, Can you see the wound in the one who hurt you?
3) In order to love self, breathe and push in the fires that you encounter. In the darkness we dance and love, protect joy each day.
What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb. Remember wisdom of midwife, breathe and push through the fire with warriors heart and a saint's eye? One day you will see the other as your own, tend to their wounds, affirm you are brave!"

The Revolutionary Love Project

We pledge to rise up in Revolutionary Love.
We declare our love for all who are in harm’s way, including refugees, immigrants, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, LGBTQIA people, Black people, Latinx, the indigenous, the disabled, and the poor. We stand with millions of people around the globe rising up to end violence against women and girls (cis, transgender and gender non-conforming) who are often the most vulnerable within marginalized communities. We vow to see one another as brothers and sisters and fight for a world where every person can flourish.
We declare love even for our opponents. We vow to oppose all executive orders and policies that threaten the rights and dignity of any person. We call upon our elected officials to join us, and we are prepared to engage in moral resistance throughout this administration. We will fight not with violence or vitriol, but by challenging the cultures and institutions that promote hate. In so doing, we will challenge our opponents through the ethic of love.

We declare love for ourselves. We will practice the dignity and care in our homes that we want for all of us. We will protect our capacity for joy. We will nurture our bodies and spirits; we will rise and dance. We will honor our mothers and ancestors whose bodies, breath, and blood call us to a life of courage. In their name, we choose to see this darkness not as the darkness of the tomb – but of the womb. We will breathe and push through the pain of this era to birth a new future.apacity for joy. We will 

The video below features Valarie Kaur of the Sikh tradition. Her embodied, feminist message of love was part of the keynote address by speakers from a variety of religious traditions at the Parliament of World Religions.

3;50 What if this darkness right now around the world is not the darkness of the tomb but the darkness of the womb?
A country waiting to be born. 
You are brave, you are brave – midwives tell us to breathe and then push.
When I breathe I see what I could not see before.
I see all of you who are rising up.
All of you who are loving and caring for one another.
Without deaminizing the other

It is time for us to shift from resistance to rebirth
Resistance is required but will not sustain us
Rebirth shifts our focus to rebirth a more just world
Out of pain and love

Reclaim love as a public ethic through a feminist lens.

Revolutionary love is our call for this time.

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