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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Birthing Christ Anew by Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP

The medieval mystic Meister Eckhart reminded us that we are all called to be mothers of God.

 “When you look at any other person, a flower, a honeybee, a mountain-anything-“ Richard Rohr writes, “you are seeing the incarnation of God’s love for you and the universe you call home.” 

The love of Christ is within us and all around us everywhere we go. We can hear God speak to us in every person we meet and respond to them with love.

Let me introduce you to some people who have been the face of love, "birthers of Christ" in their tender care for other people. 

When we lived in Ireland, my mother Bridie tended the sores of Ger, an elderly man who was dying of cancer. When we moved to Virginia, she sent me with tea and scones every day to Mrs. Adams, our next door neighbor who was confined to a wheel chair. 

In 1980’s and 90’s I served a small military community as a pastoral associate. My supervisor was an army Chaplain, Frank Keefe. On Christmas Eve, our chapel would be packed. He would say to me with an impish grin: “Sister, I cannot hear all these confessions, so I am going to give everyone the best gift- general absolution! 

I experience the face of God each day in my friends breakfast gathering at McDonalds. Paula, who stayed with me overnight after a recent surgery, is an awesome care giver for her daughter and those in need. If you want an honest opinion about anything, ask Paula. Paul, a retired educator, provides a home for a homeless man with a variety of disabilities. Dotty, a salt of the earth, kind woman, speaks softly but shares words of wisdom. Carol, a woman with special needs, is determined to walk on swollen legs and do things for herself. She provides regular updates on the news of the homeless in our neighborhood.  

Birthing the Holy One anew means being attentive to goodness, kindness and beauty all around us, and paying it forward to those we meet. We can share our love with random acts of kindness and generous giving. When we do this, everyday is Christmas!

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