Mary Theresa: Dearest Bridget Mary, we your ARCWP sisters and brothers gather around you to pray with you. Our collective healing energy is now directed to you as we anoint you for the days ahead. Know without a shadow of doubt that we are walking with you.
Kathryn: We love you Bridget Mary. Your life is a gift to us and we are most grateful for the gift of you.
We will begin with our Centering Song, Root of the Root by Sara Thomsen.
Centering Song
Root of the Root
Words and music by Sara Thomsenhttps://youtu.be/fqQzGmlqtzo
Words and music by Sara Thomsenhttps://youtu.be/fqQzGmlqtzo
Return returning
Return returning
To the root of the root
Home of your home
Return, return (repeat)
Come home, come home
Return, return
Come home, come home
Come home, come home
Return, return,
Come home, come home
Come home, come home
To the root of the root
home of your home
home of your home
Return, return (repeat)
Shining light, guide me
Golden light, inside me
© 2018 Sara Thomsen
Shining light, guide me
Golden light, inside me
© 2018 Sara Thomsen
Mary Theresa: Joan will now read a prayer to St Brigit.
Opening Prayer: Prayer to St. Brigit read by Joan Chesterfield
Saint Brigit, be with us now.
You were a woman of peace.
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light to the darkness
You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace
be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world.
Calm us into a quiet inner listening that heals.
May we grow each day into greater wholeness
In mind, body and spirit. Amen.
Adapted from prayer by Solas Bhride, Kildare, 1997
Prayers and blessings by ARCWP Members
Mary Theresa will call each person’s name.
Janice Sevre-Duszynska
Barb Billey
Jeni Marcus
Shanon Sterringer
Denise Hackert-Stoner
Ann Harrington
Miriam Picconi
Shelley Gilchrist
Gerry Lococo
Lindy Sanford-Martinez
Christina Moreira
Diane Dougherty
Annie Cass Watson
Kathie Ryan
Kathryn: Thank you for your tender words. Please join with us in singing Peace is Flowing Like a River.
Peace is Flowing Like a River
By Carey Landry
Peace is flowing like a river,
flowing out of you and me,
flowing out into the desert,
setting all the captives free.
Love is flowing like a river, …
Healing’s flowing like a river, …
Alleluia, alleluia…
Anointing of Bridget Mary
Kathryn: We will now anoint Bridget Mary as she prepares for surgery on Wednesday morning at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida.
Mary Theresa: Blessed are you, Loving Spirit, the boundless love of Your presence blesses us at every moment of our lives.
Your compassion radiates through each of us and brings the blessing of Your healing, tender touch to Bridget Mary.
Joan: As we pray for you, Bridget Mary, we pray also for your medical team.
May your surgeons’ hands be blessed and guided by Holy Wisdom.
Kathryn: Bridget Mary, the same Spirit that moved in Jesus, dwells in you and fills you with love and peace beyond all imagination. All of your loved ones in this community and in the Communion of the Saints join you in prayer.
Mary Theresa: In their name and in the name of the Holy One, we now anoint you, dear Bridget Mary for your journey.
All gather and lay hands on Bridget Mary. Kathryn and Seth anoint Bridget Mary’s forehead and hands as the following is read:
Mary Theresa: May the power of Divine Love within you, heal, comfort, and strengthen you. Amen.
Bridget Mary addresses the community and invites them to stand and join her in a liturgical dance to the song: Peace Prayer.
Closing Song: Prayer for Peace by David Haas
Peace before us.
Peace behind us.
Peace under our feet.
Peace within us.
Peace over us.
Let all around us be peace.
Love before us…
Light before us…
Christ before us…
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