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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Songs for Today's Liturgy

Come Be Beside Us By Jan Phillips

Come be beside us.
Come be around us.
Come be within us.
Come be among us.

Holy, Holy, Holy (Karen Drucker)
We are Holy, Holy, Holy…3x (Karen Drucker)
We are whole. 

Spirit divine, Come to me 
Feeling love, Healing me. 
Open my heart, Allow me to see, 
Beauty & love, Lives in me. 

You are Holy, Holy, Holy… 

 Communion Meditation, John Michael Talbot’s “I Am the Good Shepherd (Psalm 23).”

Closing Song: Anthem, Tom Conry

We are called, we are chosen,
We are Christ for one another,
We are promised to tomorrow,
While we are for him today.
We are sign, we are wonder,
We are sower, we are seed,
We are harvest, we are hunger.
We are question, we are creed.


Then where can we stand justified?
In what can we believe?
In no one else but Christ who suffered,
Nothing more than Christ who rose.
Who was justice for the poor,
Who was rage against the night,
Who was hope for peaceful people,
Who was light.


Then how are we to stand at all,
This world of bended knee?
In nothing more than barren shadows,
No one else but Christ could save us
Who was justice for the poor,
Who was rage against the night?
Who was hope for peaceful people,
Who was light.


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