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Monday, August 10, 2020

"Go Deep Within- Be Still and Aware of God's Presence Within and All Around You" by Bridget Mary Meehan, A Promise of Presence


"Be still, and know that I am God!"

Psalm 46:10 (NRSV)

Do you sometimes feel like you have too much to do and not enough time to get it all done? I have certainly felt that way­

many times. Each day I would make long lists, determined to finish everything on the list before the end of that day. My friends would jokingly call me "Supernun." My life was one of hustle and bustle: do the household chores, prepare manuscripts, work on TV productions, attend meetings, prepare for retreats, and coordinate household tasks. Sometimes it felt like I was only half present to what I was doing. I did not get adequate sleep; I did not exercise; I did not eat properly. Even though I accomplished a lot, I was frazzled and fragmented- "running on empty," as they say.

Then one day I became ill. When I took an honest look at myself, I had to admit that I deserved better treatment. I needed to relax and find ways to nurture my body and soul.

Deciding to treat myself like Christ treats me, I made several small changes in my life. I began to care for my body as the beautiful temple God created, by eating nourishing food, exercising regularly, and getting more rest. I concentrated on one task at a time and accomplished more than I imagined. I found quiet time for prayer and contemplation and, in the solitude, I listened to God speaking in the sanctuary of my heart. As I journeyed within, I discovered the simple pleasures of life that I had been too busy to experience: a refreshing swim on a hot summer's day; a walk through the woods; laughing at a joke; reading a good book; watching children play; enjoying the taste of a hot cup of tea and delicious scones; talking with close friends. All of these things gave me a sense of well-being and comfort. I became more calm and receptive to the divine gifts offered to me in each day.

Twenty minutes of meditation can lead us to deeper wisdom, where our physical and mental capacities awaken. Our spirit can take wing and accomplish all that we set out to do with enthusiasm and energy.

When we are still and receptive, God often whispers in our soul. We can learn to embrace every moment of every day, as everything and everyone becomes a blessing for us. Each day we can go deep within to where God truly dwells. There we will find endless love.


Ponder what is most precious in your life. Listen to God speaking in your soul. Be aware of any insights or inspirations. Give thanks for the blessings of this day.


Make this your prayer today:
God, give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed; courage to change the things that should be changed; and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Reinhold Niebuhr


As your prayer this day, do one or more of the following:

* Focus on the love and joy of the Spirit in your life.

* As you shower or bathe, be aware of the cleansing, refreshing power of water on your body.

* As you eat your•favorite food, savor the taste, bite by bite.

* Smell the aroma of flowers, potpourri, perfume or bread baking, and allow it to permeate you.

* As you greet people, be totally present to the Divine within them.

* As you walk or drive, be conscious that God goes before you.


Be still. Sit with God. Listen to the silence within. Let awe and wonder envelop you. Dwell in this sacred space. Awaken to Infinite Love.


Focus today on accomplishing one task at time. Bring all your attention to whatever you are doing. Glimpse God in each thing you do, by looking people in the eye, listening attentively, letting every action be your prayer.


Make this your prayer today:

Shekinah, dancing in days and nights, appearing in symbols of light, cloud and fire as you accompanied the Israelites on their journey through the darkness of wilderness and exile, be dazzling light and fiery wings to lead me through the dark places, for it is there that your deepest secrets are revealed.

Shekinah, you who are God's feminine presence among us, I give my heart to you. Enfold me in your deep, passionate love, that I may be truth-teller, justice-doer and love-giver, reverencing you in everyone I meet.


Make this your prayer today:

Intimate God, you are the companion of my soul. You loved me into being. You wove me in my mother's womb, possessing everything I need. Here I am- unique, gifted, a bundle of sur­prises, your beautiful image, with sparkling eyes and radiant smile. I laugh with delight as I dance with you through the doors of time, now and forever.


This meditation is in A Promise of Presence by Bridget Mary Meehan and Regina Madonna Oliver

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