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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Anointing of Michele Birch Conery ARCWP with Heart of Compassion Community, Windsor, Canada and the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests


Presider 1: Dear Michele, we your community gather around you to pray with you. Our collective loving energy is now directed to you as we anoint you for the days ahead. Know without a shadow of doubt that we are walking with you. 

Presider 2: We love you Michele. Your life is a gift to us and we are most grateful for the gift of you. 

We will begin with our Centering Song. (Jan Phillips)

Opening Prayer: 
Psalm 61 by Nan Merrill 
(Adapted from Psalms for Praying)

I dwell in your Heart forever!
And am safe under the shelter
of your wings!
For with tender Love, You strengthen me,
You have shown me the heritage
of those who know your Love and Friendship.

Committed to my birthright, I will
serve You in this world and
in the Unseen Realm of Love.
As I walk on your path forever,
You fill me with abiding love,
gentle joy, deep peace,
and wisdom.

I shall sing praises and blessings
to your Name, as
I abandon myself into your Heart
moment by moment.
For You are the Love that embraces and heals me.

What Does It Look Like to Walk with Jesus in Real Life" adapted from the writings of Chara Donahue. 

In the scriptures, we see that God walked in the Garden of Eden, we see many people described as those who walked with God, and we see people who walked in close proximity to Jesus but never knew him. We often hear the term “walk with Jesus” used in the church as a mark of solid faith, but what does that actually look like? In real life walking with Jesus means hills and valleys, times when we will feel energized, weary, challenged, and relieved. 

Walking with Jesus requires us to take steps of faith and that means we can’t always see where our feet will land. It is with trust that we walk into the unknown, and we have that trust because we know that we are loved, we are cared for, and we are a part of the Holy One and the Holy One is a part of us.  When we don’t know these things so deeply that they are alive within every part of us, it can feel impossible to walk by faith. 

Every day of your life you can walk alongside Jesus. Through the suffering, he is there. In the moments of joy, he is there. When you are lonely, he is there. In the moments when doubt presses in and tells you that you are alone, he is there. Every day, he is there, walking with you, holding you.  You are never alone. 

Prayers and blessings by Members of the Community 

Presider 1: Thank you for your tender words. Please join with us in singing Peace is Flowing Like a River.

Peace is Flowing Like a River
By Carey Landry

Peace is flowing like a river,
flowing out of you and me,
flowing out into the desert,
setting all the captives free.

Love is flowing like a river, …
Healing’s flowing like a river, …
Alleluia, alleluia…


Presider 1: We will now anoint Michele as she prepares for her loving journey into endless love. 

Presider 2Blessed are you, Loving Spirit, the boundless love of Your presence blesses us at every moment of our lives.
Your compassion radiates through each of us and brings the blessing of Your peaceful, tender touch to Michele.

Voice 1:  As we pray for you, Michele, we pray also for your Heart of Compassion Community. May they continue to surround you and be guided by Holy Wisdom.

Voice 2:  Michele, the same Spirit that moved in Jesus, dwells in you and fills you with love and peace beyond all imagination. All of your loved ones in this community and in the Communion of the Saints join you in prayer.

Voice 3:  In their name and in the name of the Holy One, we now anoint you, dear Michele for your journey. 

 All extend hands toward Michele . Barbara Billey anoints Michele's forehead and hands as the following is read:

Presider 2: May the power of Divine Love within you comfort, and strengthen you. Amen.

Presider 1: And now we will conclude our Anointing of Michele with this beautiful closing song.

Closing Song: "Endless Is Your Love"

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