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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Upper Room Inclusive Catholic Community - Liturgy for All Saints and All Souls Day - November 1, 2020 - Presiders: Julie Corron, ARCWP, and Tim Perry-Coon

Don’t forget the time change! We fall back one hour this week.

Please join us between 9:30 and 9:55 am via Zoom
Here is the Zoom link:
phone-in for (audio only).
Phone Number: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 825 1215 9155

November 1, 2020 Liturgy of the Beatitudes

Welcome and Theme: 

Julie: Good morning and welcome to the Upper Room. Our liturgy this morning celebrates All Saints and All Souls Day with the theme of Extravagant Blessings. We are indeed blessed to have you with us today.

Opening Prayer: 

Tim: Holy one, we celebrate today to connect with each other and to remind us of Your presence. We belong to You and You belong to each of us. Today we consider our saints, those who inspire us to get up when we feel beaten down, to speak when others cannot speak, to see clearly the path we must follow, those who have gone before us or are around us now. May we always be aware of your presence and great love. AMEN. 

Peace and Opening Song: Julie: Before we begin the Liturgy of the Word, let us take a moment to settle ourselves, find a bit of peace within ourselves and each other. Please join us in singing Namaste.




Bridget: Our first reading is from Nadia Bolz Weber.

What if the beatitudes aren’t about a list of conditions we should try and meet to be blessed? What if these are not virtues we should aspire to but what if Jesus saying blessed are the meek is not instructive –what if it’s performative? …meaning the pronouncement of blessing is actually what confers the blessing itself. Maybe the sermon on the mount is all about Jesus’ seemingly lavish blessing of the world around him especially that which society doesn’t seem to have much time for, people in pain, people who work for peace instead of profit, people who exercise mercy instead of vengeance. So maybe Jesus is actually just blessing people, especially the people who never seem to receive blessings otherwise. I mean, come on, doesn’t that just sound like something Jesus would do? Extravagantly throwing around blessings as though they grew on trees?

So if you are here mourning, or feeling forsaken, abused, unseen, or no-longer-useful. If you, perhaps like myself, are all too aware that it is not your strength and virtue that qualify you to be called a saint, but your need for a God who makes beautiful things out of dust, then this meal we are about to eat is for you. It is as much for we who believe we have no need for it as it is for we who believe we are not worthy of it. And know that it is not your ability to do for yourself, but your hunger that qualifies you to be fed. For it is a beatitude meal: the broken, blessed and given body of Christ. So as you come, behold who you are. And as the blessings Jesus pronounced on the mount so long ago – know that it is here that you become what you receive.

These are the inspired words of Nadia Bolz Weber and the community affirms them by saying AMEN.


GospelMatthew 5:1-12A

Bernie: A reading from Matthew.

When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on the mountainside, and after he sat down and the disciples had gathered around, Jesus began to teach them:

“Blessed are those poor in spirit:
the kindom of heaven is theirs.
Blessed are those who are mourning:
they will be consoled.
Blessed are those who are gentle:
they will inherit the land.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice:
for they will have their fill.
Blessed are those who show mercy to others:
they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are those whose hearts are clean:
they will see God.
Blessed are those who work for peace:
they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted because of their struggle for justice:
the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

“You are fortunate when others insult you and persecute you, and utter every kind of slander against you because of me. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward in heaven is great.”

These are the inspired words of the anonymous storyteller we call Matthew and the community affirms them by saying AMEN!


Homily Starter: 

Tim: During the years attending Catholic elementary school, I was enthralled by the litany of saints during Mass on the Solemnity of All Saints: “St. Peter, pray for us. Saint Brigid, pray for us.” I was thrilled whenever my patron saint, Timothy, was included in the litany! To me, sainthood was an achievement which seemed unreachable to me—only a special few achieved sainthood. As I got older in my teen years, the Gospel reading of the Beatitudes, always read on November 1, was a path I could strive to follow. 

As my spiritual journey continued after college, I was a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps down in a flood-ravaged area of West Virginia; 2 years later I joined the Roman Catholic congregation of priests and brothers, the Glenmary Home Missioners, to become a priest. During this time as a volunteer, and the 4 years of my Glenmary study and experience, I strove through prayer and sacrifice and work to live a virtuous life. Yet, I began experiencing what is described by Nadia Bolz Weber, the author of today’s first reading, a disconnect. My path to move from sin to a virtuous life, a theme throughout my Catholic upbringing, the “...list of conditions we should try and meet to be blessed,” was not inspiring me anymore. The prayers and sacrifices of mine, my “good works,” seemed too self-serving, insular from the world. A hierarchical church, lacking inclusivity, concentrating on rites and rituals that emphasized personal sacrifice and salvation and so often silent on society’s justice concerns—I could not continue on. 

While I continued to love the Catholic church, sainthood and the church seemed much bigger than the Roman Catholic church. Nadia Bolz Weber writes that in the Beatitudes, perhaps Jesus was “...blessing the world around him especially that which society doesn’t seem to have much time for, people in pain, people who work for peace instead of profit, people who exercise mercy instead of vengeance.” She implies we can be saints while also being sinners. Take off one’s blinders, look around. Accept the blessing, recognize the saints in all the religions, all genders, races, sexual orientations, cultures. Accept that I can be a saint, today—it is my choice.

So, again we return to the Beatitudes, and the saints around us.

During March and April, I felt so powerless watching my beloved New York City close down as COVID spread, and simultaneously the country and the world. Hospitals filled up, nurses, doctors, first responders and health care staff had and continue to make the difficult decision to treat the infected and risk their lives with infection:

“Blessed are those who show mercy to others...”

I felt stunned by the incredible death toll of my fellow New Yorkers—500 a day, 600, 700, 800 a day, funeral homes overflowing! And for every  person who died throughout the world, there is a friend, a spouse, a child, a parent, a family left to say goodbye in a new, socially distant manner, no church or temple or mosque with open doors:

“Blessed are those who are mourning...”

I watched as our school teachers were asked to immediately learn how to and then begin their teaching online, many students lacking computer resources, with many teachers simultaneously caring for their own young children, with cafeteria workers suddenly needing to get nutritious lunches to student homes:

“Blessed are those who are gentle...” 

I read and watched as cars across the country lined up for hours, in order to receive food they, the newly unemployed, now needing help to put food on the table. Unprecedented and staggering. And I read about the workers and volunteers at the food banks and food pantries who just accepted the challenge, working tirelessly, risking their own health, people donating food, all working to feed the hungry

“Blessed are those whose hearts are clean...”

And then, there was an 8 minute 46 second video, George Floyd tortured and killed, a death we could not ignore, unveiling the unjust daily killing of black men and women in this country, a systemic, long-standing police racial bias that was graphically and clearly exposed. An up swelling of Black Lives Matter demanding reform:

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice...”

In mid-October, I read about the remaining 545 immigrant children who were separated from their parents at the border of Mexico over 2 years ago, who have yet to be reunited with their parents. I read about the parents and children living in inhumane conditions on the Mexican border, awaiting their turn to plead for asylum in this country, hoping for a better, safer life, and the people advocating for them:

“Blessed are they who are persecuted because of their struggle for justice...”


We and others continually strive to be better, to seek justice, to remain aware of and concerned for the poor, to allow grace to flourish. We do what we can, with the gifts and energy we have. The Spirit is within each of us, we are connected to each other throughout the world, and remain connected even when we have let go of our last breath within the communion of saints. 

This Upper Room community is filled with much wisdom. Please, consider sharing your thoughts.

Shared Homily

Homily Wrap Up: 

Julie: Thank you all for your heartfelt and insightful comments. You are a blessing to our community.

Statement of Faith: 

Tim: We believe in the Holy One, a divine mystery
beyond all definition and rational understanding,
the heart of all that has ever existed,
that exists now, or that ever will exist.

We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word,
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion,
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's
prophets, mystics, and saints.

We believe that We are called to follow Jesus
as a vehicle of divine love,
a source of wisdom and truth,
and an instrument of peace in the world.

We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One,
the life that is our innermost life,
the breath moving in our being,
the depth living in each of us.

We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now,
stretched out all around us for those
with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it,
and hands to make it happen.


Julie: As we prepare for the sacred meal, we bring to this table our blessings, cares and concerns.  Dennis will read the intentions.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Tim:  With open hands let us pray our Eucharistic Prayer together:

O Holy One, the first passion of Jesus was his passion for you and for justice so that all may reap the beauty and bounty of Creation in equal measure. Jesus lived to incarnate your justice for all the world according to your covenant with Israel. In solidarity with Jesus, and with all the faithful men and women who have gone before us, we lift up our hearts and sing:

Holy, Holy, Holy

Words and Music by Karen Drucker

We are Holy, Holy, Holy. 

We are Holy, Holy, Holy.

We are Holy, Holy, Holy.

We are whole.

Spirit divine, Come to me

Feeling love, Healing me .

Open my heart, Allow me to see,

Beauty & love, Lives in me.

You are Holy, Holy, Holy…

Julie:  Holy One, we celebrate the life of your son and our brother, Jesus. He lived his life and walked forward to his death knowing that you were leading him. We walk forward in his pathway and follow his teaching.

We are standing in the right place with Jesus when we let go of money, possessions, pride and privilege, to become vulnerable and open to you, to accept poverty of spirit and reliance on you. 

We are standing with You when we are compassionate for all human beings, and when we extend empathy and love to everyone, especially the poor, oppressed, and mournful. We remember all those who suffer and die each year from war, poverty and unjust disease. We mourn for them, and for all creatures we destroy, and for the earth itself.

Tim: We are blessed when we are gentle, nonviolent, courageous and humble, like your saints. We pray to grow in awareness of our unity with all of creation and co-create with You our earth as a sanctuary of peace.

We rejoice, O Holy One, as we join the lineage of Your prophets of justice and peace. We, Your daughters and sons, continue to work with Your grace as we arise and walk forward in the footsteps of our peace-loving brother, Jesus.

Julie: On the night before he died, Jesus did more than ask us to remember him.  He showed us how to live in humility and generosity when he washed the feet of his friends.

All lift their plates and pray the following:

Tim: At the table, he took the Passover Bread, spoke the grace, broke the bread and offered it to them saying:

Take and eat of the Bread of Life

Given to strengthen you

Whenever you remember me like this

I am among you.  (pause)

All lift their cups and pray the following:

Julie: Jesus then raised a cup of blessing, spoke the grace saying:

Take and drink of the covenant

Made new again through my life in you.

Whenever you remember me like this,

I am among you. (pause)

Tim: What we have heard with our ears, we will live with our lives.  As we share communion, we will become communion both love's nourishment and love's challenge.

Julie: You are the face of God and a blessing to us all.

All consume their bread and wine at this time.

Communion Meditation/Song: We Are All Angels by Karen Drucker

Prayer after communion: 


Tim: Holy One, we trust You to continue to share with us Your own Spirit, the Spirit that filled Jesus, for it is through his life and teaching, his loving and healing that all honor and glory is Yours. Amen.

Julie: Let us pray as Jesus taught us:

O Holy One, who is within, around and among us, 

We celebrate your many names. 

Your Wisdom come. 

Your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us, 

Each day you give us all we need; 

You remind us of our limits, and we let go. 

You support us in our power, and we act with courage. 

For you are the dwelling place within us,  

the empowerment around us, 

and the celebration among us, now and forever.  Amen  

(Miriam Therese Winter) 


Tim:  Let us raise our hands and bless each other.

May we be blessed with a restless discomfort about easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships.

May we seek truth boldly and love deeply. 

May we continue to be the face of the Holy One, and 

May our names be a blessing in our time.

Julie: Please join us in singing Anthem by Tom Conry

The Eucharistic Prayer is adapted from Beatitudes for Peace by John Dear.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Liturgy for All Saints' and/ All Souls' Oct. 31, 2020, Presiders: Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP and Pat MacMillan

Unsplash_ Viktor Talashuk,

Zoom link for video and audio:
Meeting ID: 862 4086 8327
Password: 1066

Dial-in for audio only
929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 862 4086 8327
Password: 1066

Presider 1: Welcome to Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community, where all are welcome.  We gather together as “companions on this journey” walking with Jesus and all the saints.  In this Liturgy we honor our favorite saints who have gone before us and all saints-in-the-making  at our homily sharing time. Let us reflect on the saints as treasures of our faith and caring friends in a delightful 3 minute video entitled “Who Cares About Saints” by Jesuit Fr. Jim Martin.

Presider 2:  

We invite you to pray the liturgy and respond aloud and muted where it says “All.” And during the songs, sing your heart out, while muted.  All participants will be muted during the liturgy except for the presiders and readers. Our readers today are  Mary Al and Elena. We will be using some beautiful music recorded by Linda Lee Miller, particularly a new rendition of When the Saints Go Marching in with a wonderful editing feat that features my Dad in an earlier recording in Ireland in 2009.  Please have bread and wine/juice nearby as we pray our Eucharistic prayer.

Let us now sing our opening song: The Gathering of Spirits


The Gathering of Spirits- Opening by Carrie Newcomer

Let it go my love my truest,
Let it sail on silver wings
Life's a twinkling that's for certain,
But it's such a fine thing
There's a gathering of spirits
There's a festival of friends
And we'll take up where we left off
When we all meet again.

I can't explain it.
I couldn't if I tried
How the only things we carry
Are the things we hold inside
Like a day in the open,
Like the love we won't forget
Like the laughter that we started
And it hasn't died down yet

Let it go my love my truest,
Let it sail on silver wings
Life's a twinkling that's for certain,
But it's such a fine thing
There's a gathering of spirits
There's a festival of friends
And we'll take up where we left off
When we all meet again.

Oh yeah, now didn't we
And don't we make it shine
Aren't we standing in the center of
Something rare and fine
Some glow like embers
Like a light through colored glass
Some give it all in one great flame
Throwing kisses as they pass

Let it go my love my truest,
Let it sail on silver wings
Life's a twinkling that's for certain,
But it's such a fine thing
There's a gathering of spirits
There's a festival of friends
And we'll take up where we left off
When we all meet again.

Just east of Eden
But there's heaven in our midst
And we're never really all that far
From those we love and miss
Wade out in the water
There's a glory all around
And the wisest say there's a 1000 ways
To kneel and kiss the ground

Let it go my love my truest,
Let it sail on silver wings
Life's a twinkling that's for certain,
But it's such a fine thing
There's a gathering of spirits
There's a festival of friends
And we'll take up where we left off
When we all meet again.

Community Reconciliation Rite:

All: Let us pause now to pray with one another for forgiveness for the times we failed to trust Your Spirit speaking within us and through others in our world. 

All: Raise hands in gesture of mutual forgiveness and sing this chant: 

Ubi Caritas: Linda Lee Miller

Ubi Caritas, et amor, ubi caritas, deus ibi est.

(Sing 3 times refrain from-Taize played by Linda Lee Miller)

Gloria: Linda Lee Miller

ALL Sing: Glory to God, glory, o praise God, alleluia, Glory to God, glory, o praise the name of our God (3 times)

(played by Linda Lee Miller)


Presider 1:  Today, we  celebrate the saints in our families, among our friends, the saints with whom we identify, and the saints we are becoming.  

Presider 2: We celebrate especially this day, the Saints who have crossed over in our MMOJ Community


Mary Al Gagnon: First Reading: 

 Our first reading is from the first Letter of John

See what love Abba God has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God!

Yet that, in fact is what we are.

The reason the world does not recognize us 

Is that it never recognized Christ.

Dearly beloved, we are God’s children now;

What we will later be has not yet come to light.

We know that when it comes to light,

We will be like Christ,

For we will see Christ in reality.

These are the inspired words of All: Thanks be to God.

Sung Response The Beatitude by Noirin Ni Riain

Amen. Truly I say to you, gather in my name, I am with you. (2x)

Elena Garcia: Second Reading:  

Our Second Reading is from Praying with Visionary Women 

Dorothy Day is a goad to our middle-class consciences. She radiates the mind of Christ, which reiterates that we are our sisters’ and brothers’ keepers. She shows us the face of Christ in every bag lady, derelict, and protester we attempt to ignore. She also reminds us that our small a acts of caring and our simplest efforts to foster justice does make a difference. Dorothy Day lived the Sermon on the Mount and showed us how to deal with conflict and violence in our society in a positive way.  If, like Dorothy, we are criticized, even persecuted, for our beliefs and actions on behalf of a more just world, we will know we are really on track.

Let us listen to Dorothy’s own words on sharing hospitality with people in need. 

“if we hadn’t got Christ’s own words for it, it would seem raving lunacy to believe that if I offer  bed and food and hospitality to some man, woman or child, I am replaying the part of Lazarus or Martha or Mary and my guest is Christ.

We can do it too, exactly as they did. We are not born too late. We do it by seeing Christ and serving Christ in friends and strangers in everyone we come in contact with.”

These are the inspired words of Dorothy Day in Praying with Visionary Women,  by Bridget Mary 

All: Thanks be to God. 

Alleluia (eightfold)

Pat MacMillan: A Reading from the Holy Gospel According to Matthew (5:1-12)

We are standing in the right place with Jesus when we let go of money, possessions, pride and privilege, to become vulnerable and open to you, to accept poverty of spirit and reliance on you. 

We are standing with You when we are compassionate for all human beings, and when we extend empathy and love to everyone, especially the poor, oppressed, and mournful. We remember all those who suffer and die each year from war, poverty and unjust disease. We mourn for them, and for all creatures we destroy, and for the earth itself.

We are blessed when we are gentle, nonviolent, courageous and humble, like your saints. We pray to grow in awareness of our unity with all of creation and co-create with You our earth as a sanctuary of peace.

We rejoice, O Holy One, as we join the lineage of Your prophets of justice and peace. We, Your daughters and sons, continue to work with Your grace as we arise and walk forward in the footsteps of our peace-loving brother, Jesus. 

Reader: These are the inspired words of  the Beatitudes as interpreted by  Mary Theresa Streck

And we respond.  

All: Thanks be to God.


Bridget Mary Meehan: Homily Starter: 

Instead of a homily starter by the presider, we invite you to share with us “a  saint whom you consider a special friend who walks beside you as you live the live the Beatitudes today. We ask for brevity because we want to give as many of you as possible an opportunity to share. 


Profession of Faith: ALL:  We believe in God, the creator and lover of all. We believe in Jesus, the Christ, who shows us how to live in the fullness of God’s love. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, who empowers us with spiritual gifts for loving service of our sisters and brothers. We believe in Shekinah, God’s dwelling among the people. We believe in Sophia, Holy Wisdom, leading us to justice, and equality.  We believe in Christ Sophia, nourishing us with abundant life as the Body of Christ at the table, on the table and around the table at the Banquet of love. 

General Intercessions:

Presider 1: As we prepare for the sacred meal, we pray for the needs of the people of God in our community and around the world.

 I bring to the Table… Response to each prayer: Amen

Please share your spontaneous prayers.

Presider 2: We give thanks for all whom we held in the circle of grace and will continue to pray for and serve. Amen.


Presider1: and All:  Blessed are you, God of all Life. Through your goodness we offer these gifts: bread, wine, our lives and the lives of those we love.  ALL:  Blessed be God Forever. 


Presider 2:  God dwells in you.  

ALL:  And also in you.    

Presider 2:  Lift up your hearts.  ALL:  We lift them up in the Christ Presence everywhere.  

Presider 2: Let us give thanks to  the Holy One.

ALL:  With the saints we give God thanks and praise.

Voice One:

We thank you, Holy One, for the saintly women and men of old, the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us, and who accompany us on our journey. We pause now to mention the names of our beloved family members and friends who have loved us tenderly and revealed your goodness to us. ………………….

Presider 1 and All: Holy, holy, holy, Lover of all saints and saints-in-the-making, blessed are all who have lived and continue to live the Christ Presence now. 

Voice Two: We thank you for the courage and fidelity of all the ones you sent to prepare a path for us to follow - the holy women and men of every age, race ,and culture. We especially thank you for our dear ones in our MMOJ Community who have passed into your loving embrace. 

Voice  Three: We thank you, Nurturing God, for Jesus, who accompanies  us on our journey, and who energizes us to live the Beatitudes in our world today. 

(Extend hands in blessing toward bread and wine for Invocation of the Holy Spirit)

 Presider 1 and All: Now, as we share the bread of life and lift the cup of joy, we pray come Holy Spirit deepen your Presence within us and in these gifts of bread and wine. 

Presider 1 and All: On the night before he died, Jesus gathered with his friends, and washed their feet, so that they would follow his example. 

(lifts bread as community prays the following:)

When he returned to his place at the table, he spoke the blessing, broke the bread and shared it with them saying: 

Take and eat of the Bread of Life 

Whenever you remember me like this  

I am among you. (pause) 

Presider 2 and all (lifts the cup as community prays the following:)

All: Jesus then raised a cup of blessing, spoke the grace saying: 

Take and drink of the covenant 

Made new again through my life in you. 

Whenever you remember me like this, 

I am among you. (pause)

Presider 2 and All: As we share this bread and cup, we proclaim Christ dies, Christ rises and Christ comes again and again. 

Voice 4: Holy One , Your creativity flows through our beings. Your joy fills us and Your empowerment bubbles up inside us as we celebrate your presence always within us and within all our saints. 

 For you are the Love that dwells in our depths, the Wisdom of the Ages that speaks within us and through us, and the Divine Passion that makes us all one.  

 Presider 1and all:

Thru Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit, all glory is yours, gracious God.   

The Great Amen. Linda Lee Miller 


Voice 5 and All:  Let us pray  as Jesus taught.

O Holy One, you are within, around, and among us.

We celebrate your many names. 

Your wisdom come, your will be done, 

unfolding from the depths within us.

Each day you give us all we need. 

You remind us of our limits, and we let go. 

You support us in your power, and we act with courage. 

For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us,

And the celebration among us, now and forever. Amen

(Adapted, Miriam Therese Winter, MMS)

Sign of Peace: 

Presider 2: Let us sing “Peace is flowing like a River” by Carey Laundry as we pray for peace and justice to spread through our world.


Presider 1:  Please join in the prayer for the breaking of the bread:

(Presiders break the bread)

Presider 1 and All:   O God of Courage, You call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice.  We will live justly.

O God of Compassion, You call us to be Your presence in the world.  We will love tenderly.

O God of Truth, You call us to speak truth to power.  We will walk with integrity in your presence.  

(Presiders hold up bread and wine)

Presider 2: "This is the bread of life and the cup of blessing. Through it we are nourished and we nourish each other. All are welcome to the Feast.

 Presider 2 and All: What we have heard with our ears, we will live with our lives; as we share communion, we will become communion, both Love’s nourishment and Love’s challenge.

Communion Meditation: Root of the Root by Sara Thomsen


Presider 1:  Holy One, we praise your glory reflected in our saints. May we who share at this table be filled with your love and celebrate with joyful hearts our communion with all the saints especially our beloved MMOJ saints.   ALL:  Amen.


Presider 2:   The Holy One dwells within you and illuminates our world through all our saints. ALL:  and is also within you and within all saints in the making!


(everyone please extend your hands in mutual blessing)

Presider 1 and All: May the God of Sarah and Abraham bless us; may the God of Jesus and Mary Magdalene bless us; may the God of  all our MMOJ Saints bless us and may we always celebrate our oneness in the communion of the saints.  ALL:  Amen

Prayers of Gratitude, Introductions, Announcements


Presider2:   Go in peace, let the celebration continue!

 ALL:   Thanks be to God. 


"When the Saints” (Linda Lee and Jack Meehan)

If you want to add an intercession to our MMOJ Community Prayer book, please send an email to

If you want to invite someone to attend our liturgy, please refer them our website at      

  1. 1.

To support our community, please send your check to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community

St Andrew UCC, 6908 Beneva Rd, Sarasota, Florida 34238

Liturgy written by Bridget Mary Meehan

Association of Roman Catholic Woman Priests,