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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Liturgy 33rd Week of Extraordinary Time, November 13, 2021 Liturgy Team: Readers: Joan Meehan & Jerry Bires Prayer Leaders: Andrea Seabaugh, Ann Cooke & Jack Duffy, Mary Montavon & Jack McKillip , Janet Blakeley & Michael Rigdon Presiding, IT provided by Peg Bowen, Music by Linda Lee Miller

Meeting ID: 851 0809 5506
Passcode: 1066

Welcome! (Janet) We warmly welcome you to the inclusive Catholic Community of Mary Mother of Jesus in Sarasota, Florida. All are welcome here. We invite you to pray the liturgy where it says, All.” And please sing your heart out! Everyone will be muted during the service. Some of you will unmute yourself to read a prayer, then mute yourself again. Also during the shared homily and prayers of the community, we invite you to unmute yourself to contribute, then mute yourself again. (Hint: If you have a space bar on your device, simply hold it down while you speak, then lift your finger to mute again!) Please have bread and wine or juice with you as we pray the Eucharistic Prayer. We have pauses at several points in the liturgy. During the pause you might focus on your breathing during four slow breaths. Or reflect on the words, or re-read a few sentences that struck you.

Sign of Peace. (Andrea) Please welcome one another with a sign of Christ’s peace! Bow toward your camera with hands folded 🙏 as we pray:

All: I honor the presence of God in you. Namaste, Namaste, Namaste.

Theme (Michael) 1. In this month of All Saints, we remember that our beloved community saints are like the sparkling stars that fill the sky and twinkle on a clear fall evening. 2. Christ’s self-sacrificing love guarantees forgiveness, once and for all. We participate in this forgiveness—Christ’s paschal mystery, by baptism and by our selfless love for the neglected and abused among us. Please join in our 🎶 gathering song:

🎶  Prayer of St Francis

Make me a channel of your peace. 

Where there is hatred, let me bring your love. 

Where there is injury, your pardon, God, 

and where there is doubt, true faith in you. 

Make me a channel of your peace.

Where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope. 

Where there is darkness only light, 

and where there’s sadness ever joy. 

Oh God, grant that I may never seek 

so much to be consoled, as to console, 

to be understood as to understand, 

to be loved, as to love with all my soul. 

Make me a channel of your peace. 

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, 

in giving of ourselves that we receive

And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.

Make me a channel of your peace.

Reconciliation Rite (Jerry) 

Let’s remember now times when messages of our unworthiness clouded our vision of the infinite Love within us. Let us imagine our imperfections, the chaos and messes of our lives, all brightly lit by a love that heals and transforms us as we evolve and grow in awareness of our divinity and our humanity. 

(Pause for several moments…… Now place hand over your heart & say)

All: I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you. 

🎶 Joyful Gloria.

Opening Prayer (From our Solemnity of All Saints celebration on October 30)

(Janet) Let us pray: we rejoice that we are in the Holy One from the first moment of life until we pass into the fullness of eternal life. We are called to follow Jesus’ path to blessedness by living the Beatitudes in our world today. By the power of the Spirit working in us, it will be so. ALL: Let it be so!

Liturgy of the Word. Excerpts from The Message by Eugene H Peterson. 

First reading from the Book of Daniel (Jerry)

That's when Michael, the great angel-prince, champion of your people, will step in. It will be a time of trouble, the worst trouble the world has ever seen. But your people will be saved from the trouble, every last one found written in the Book. Many who have been long dead and buried will wake up, some to eternal life, others to eternal shame.

Men and women who have lived wisely and well will shine brilliantly, like the cloudless, star-strewn night skies. And those who put others on the right path to life will glow like stars forever. 

Let’s pause for a few moments to reflect on this inspired message from the Book of Daniel….  And we respond by proclaiming, All: I believe!

🎶 Starry Starry Night, Don McLean (verse 1)

Second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews (Joan M)

Every priest goes to work at the altar each day, offers the same old sacrifices year in, year out, and never makes a dent in the sin problem. As a priest, Christ made a single sacrifice for sins, and that was it! Then he sat down right beside God and waited for his enemies to cave in. It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. By that single offering, Christ did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process. 

The Holy Spirit confirms this:

   “This new plan I'm making with Israel

      isn't going to be written on paper,

      isn't going to be chiseled in stone;

   This time I'm writing out the plan in them,

      carving it on the lining of their hearts.”

The Spirit concludes,

   “I'll forever wipe the slate clean of their sins.”

Once sins are taken care of for good, there's no longer any need to offer sacrifices for them. 

Please pause for a few moments to consider these inspired words from the book of Hebrews….

🎶  Alle, Alle, Alleluia

A reading from the Good News attributed to Mark (Jack D)

Following those hard times,

   Sun will fade out,

      Moon cloud over,

   Stars fall out of the sky,

      Cosmic powers tremble.

And then they'll see the Son of Man enter in grand style, his Arrival filling the sky—no one will miss it! The Son of Man will dispatch the angels; they will pull in the chosen from the four winds, from pole to pole.

Take a lesson from the fig tree. From the moment you notice its buds form, the merest hint of green, you know summer's just around the corner. And so it is with you. When you see all these things, you know he is at the door. Don't take this lightly. I'm not just saying this for some future generation, but for this one,

too—these things will happen. Sky and earth will wear out; my words won't wear out.

But the exact day and hour? No one knows that, not even heaven's angels, not even the Son. Only the Father. So keep a sharp lookout, for you don't know the timetable. 

Let us reflect on these words from the evangelist Mark….

 🎶 Alle, Alle, Alleluia

Shared Homily (Michael) 

Profession of Faith (Ann & All)  

~We believe in the all-embracing Source of Life, birthing and healing, making all things possible.

~We believe that the transformative Divine sparks relationship across Earth and Eternity, with love beyond our wildest dreams.

~We believe that The Beloved waits patiently for us to erase the boundaries we place around human consciousness, and to realize heaven in the here and now.

 ~We believe that in the twists and turns of difficult times, the Holy One invites us into relationship with a love that can soothe and unify a hurting world.

~We believe in Jesus whose radical blend of divinity and humanity reveals the promise and the challenge of being crafted in the image and likeness of our Creator.

~We believe that like Jesus, we are called to bring generous presence to the lonely and despairing, the hurting and broken, the yearning and


~We believe in the Spirit of Sophia Wisdom, nudging the universe to unfold as it would, making each new day one filled with promise and possibility.

~We believe that the Spirit inspires within and among us the gentleness to comfort, the daring to challenge and the strength to lift up.

~We believe in the wildfire of the Spirit, sweeping through this amazing journey of life, urging us toward wholeness, forever and ever. (2016, A Creed for all times by Lynn Kinlan)

A few moments of silence before we bring our community prayers and offerings to the table.

Prayers of the Community (Joan M) We bring to the table prayers for our community and the world. (Response: Christ, you graciously hear us!) 

We bring to the table our MMOJ members who aren’t with us today. In this time of physical distancing may we find ways to remain close and connected to our family, our friends, and our community. We pray. R 

We bring to the table all who have died from covid, who suffer from “long haul covid,” as well as their family and friends who bear an enormous burden of grief. R

We bring to the table all our MMOJ members with serious and chronic health conditions, especially Diane, Mary Kay, and Donna. We pray. R

We bring to the table our fellow citizens who work to address our national pandemic of racism and police violence. May we support efforts to promote justice for all who suffer from systemic racism. We pray. R 

We bring to the table the petitions in our book of community prayers… We pray. R

Who and what else shall we bring to the table today? 

(Please turn your mic on to offer a prayer, then mic off.) 

Christ, we will be your presence in the world today and every day of our lives. All: Amen

We Offer Our Gifts at the table 🥖 🍷(Michael & All)

Blessed are you, God of all creation. Through your goodness, we have this bread 🥖 and wine🍷 to offer, that earth has given and human hands have prepared. They will become for us the bread of life and our spiritual drink. 

Eucharistic Prayer (Michael) (pause) We begin our Eucharistic prayer in song:

🎶 We are holy!

(Mary M & All): O Holy One, send your Spirit now to settle on this bread and wine, 

and fill them with the fullness of Jesus.

And let that same Spirit rest on us, 

converting us from the patterns of this passing world, 

until we conform to the shape of Jesus whose food we now share. Amen

(Extend hand in blessing) 

We Remember Jesus (Janet & All): 

On the night before he died, while at supper with his friends, 

Jesus took bread 🥖, said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to them saying, Take this, all of you, and eat. This is my body which will be broken for you.” (Pause) 

In the same way, Jesus took the cup of wine🍷. 

Jesus said the blessing, gave the cup to his friends and said, 

Take this all of you and drink. This is the cup of my life-blood. 

Do this to remember me.” 

(Jack Mc & All): Remember, gracious God, your Church throughout the world. 

Make us open to receive all believers. 

In union with all people, may we strive to create a world where suffering is diminished, and where all people can live in health and wholeness.

Thru Christ, with Christ, in Christ, 

in union with the Holy Spirit, all glory is yours, gracious God.   

🎶 The Great Amen.

(Andrea) Let us pray as Jesus taught his companions to pray:

(Andrea & All): O Holy One, you are within, around, and among us.

We celebrate your many names. 

Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us.

Each day you give us all we need. 

You remind us of our limits, and we let go. 

You support us in your power, and we act with courage. 

For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us,

And the celebration among us, now and forever. Amen

(Michael & All): This is Jesus who liberates, heals and transforms us and our world. All are invited to partake of this banquet of love. We are the Body of Christ.      (All receive)

🎶 Lady’s Grace, Kerani

Concluding Prayer (Michael) O Holy One, we remembered today Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, once and for all. In our baptism we participated in this paschal mystery, the selfless love of Christ’s death, and his resurrection to new life in you. May we now go out to share your selfless love with everyone we meet this week, especially the abused and neglected who are Christ present to us. All: Yes, let us make it so!

Prayers of Thanksgiving & Announcements (Michael)

Final Blessing (Janet & All)

May our nurturing God bless ✝️ all gathered here 

in the name of the Creator, 

in the name of Mary‘s child, and 

in the name of the Spirit 

as we bring starlight to one another,

especially to the abused and forgotten. 

🎶 Starlight (Intro: Michael)


To add an intercession to our MMOJ Community Prayer book, please send an email to Joan Meehan  

If you want to invite someone to attend our liturgy, please refer them to the day’s liturgy at      

To support your community, please send your check to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community

St Andrew UCC, 6908 Beneva Rd, Sarasota, FL 34238

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