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Friday, March 25, 2022

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests A Renewal Movement Within the Roman Catholic Church World Day of Prayer for Women’s Ordination , March 25 2022; 7:30 EDT; Zoom Liturgy: Feast of the Annunciation

The seven bold women who were ordained on the Danube River were from right to left:
Iris Müller, Ida Raming, Pia Bruner, Dagmar Celeste, Adelinde Roitlinger,
Gisela Forster and Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger.

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Katy: We welcome you on this World Day of Prayer honoring Women’s Ordination in the Roman Catholic Church. Today we join in community and worship on the Feast of the Annunciation.  Like Mary, we prophetically proclaim “YES” to our priesthood and remind ourselves and others to speak out for equality in our Church and world.   We gather with those who serve the People of God in other ministries and we thank you for joining us in this liturgy. Please gather bread, wine or juice for our communion.

We invite you to participate in our liturgy; to sing and pray along wherever you see ALL while remaining muted. All present will be muted during the liturgy except the liturgists and readers. This evening we celebrate the Good News of Mary’s pregnancy with Sophia’s Light of the Word and World. May we minister with the People of God, the Beloved Community, carrying within us the call to justice and equality for all of God’s People and Creation.  Welcome to our liturgy as we celebrate our “YES” to the call to ministry from Holy Mystery Sophia!                           

Opening Song:  All Are Welcome, Marty Haugen

Mary Theresa: Let us begin in the name of Holy Mystery who creates life, in the name of Jesus who loves life and is our Way and in the name of Spirit Sophia who is the Fire of Life. Beloved Brother Jesus, inspire us with creativity as we minister for the equality of women and men in the Roman Catholic Church, for justice and peace on earth, for the waters and the skies and all life on your planet earth; as we gather in the name of our Universal Christ who is Peace.  All: Amen

A Litany of Belonging (Reconciliation and of Hope) (Adapted from Center for Contemplation, Corpus Spring issue 2022)

Diane: We invite you to feel truly welcomed—all parts of you, especially those that culture or church have denigrated. We want you to know that you belong:

Our response to each is All: I belong

People on all parts of the continuum of gender identity and expression, including those who are gay, bisexual, heterosexual, transgender, cisgender, queer folks, the sexually active, the celibate, and everyone for whom these labels don’t apply. All: I belong 

People of African descent, of Asian descent, of European descent, of First Nations descent in this land and abroad, and people of mixed and multiple descents and of all the languages spoken here. All: I belong

Bodies with all abilities and challenges. Those living with any chronic medical condition, visible or invisible, mental or physical. All: I belong

People who identify as activists and those who don’t.  Mystics, believers, seekers of all kinds. People of all ages.  Those who support you to be here. All: I belong

Karen: Your emotions: joy, fear, grief, contentment, disappointment, surprise, and all else that flows through you. All: I belong

Your families, genetic and otherwise.  Those dear to us who have died. Our ancestors and future ones. The ancestors who lived in this land, in this place, where these buildings are now… we honor you through this (ministry) that we are undertaking. All: I belong

People who feel broken, lost, struggling; who suffer from self-doubt and self-judgment. All: I belong

All beings that inhabit this earth: the two-legged, winged and finned, those that walk, fly and crawl, above the ground and below, in air and water. All: I belong

Sign of Peace

Katy: Let us share the Peace of Christ with one another now.  Let us share a gesture of peace around the ZOOM room. (For example, the peace sign or hands over heart, namaste bow...) 

Opening Prayer

Bridget Mary and All: 

           Mary, Blessed Mother of Jesus,

     Who manifests God’s warm mothering love,

     Embrace us this day with the strength, peace, and healing we need

     To be the presence of the Holy One in our world.    

      May we be prophetic voices for those 

     Who suffer from poverty, hunger, discrimination and war

     Assuring them that they are God’s beloved people.

     May we work for justice in our neighborhoods and around the globe.    

     Be with us as we challenge the Powers of Patriarchy, Misogyny, Violence and Empire. 

                    (Adapted From Praying with Celtic Holy Women by Bridget Mary Meehan and Regina Madonna Oliver.)

Bridget Mary and All: Yes, may this prayer and our actions be our ministry 


Gospel Acclamation Alleluia-Sung by Ann Harrington Sing along while muted

Juanita: A Reading from the holy gospel according to Luke...and Dena O’Callaghan ARCWP (ordained Feb 6 2010, written for the 12 anniversary of her ordination)

It was a clear, sunny day as Jesus walked along the shore of the Sea of Galilee.  He entered the house of Simon Peter and spoke to his mother-in-law whom He had just healed.  "Come with Me" and preach the good news in other towns, for you have been brought to new life for the sake of the Reign of God. 

Soon afterward He came to a town called Naim and there he saw a distraught widow who wept over her dead son.  After Jesus raised the man to life again, He said to the widow, “Come with Me to show compassion and healing to all those who mourn. 

A Pharisee in the crowd invited Jesus to dine at his house.  While there, a woman, known to be a sinner, knelt at His feet, weeping and kissing him.  She anointed him with oil and Jesus said to her, “Come with Me" to preach the good news of forgiveness to all sinners.  Your faith has been your salvation.

Wanda: Continuing his journey, Jesus called other women in the crowd who assisted Him out of their means.  "Come with Me" Mary Magdalene of Cana, and you Joanna, wife of Herod's steward and you, Susanna.  Show the world that women are called to be my disciples. 

As Jesus continued on the way, a woman suffering from a hemorrhage touched the tassel of his cloak.  Jesus bent over, lifted her up and said, "Come with Me" Be at my side to show how faith in me can cure you. Be at peace, my daughter. 

The following day, as the crowd me them, a woman cried out, "Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, my only child.  An evil spirit took hold of him."  Jesus rebuked the spirit and said to the mother, "Come with Me" to preach the gospel of healing and good spirit. 

Jesus then entered the village of his friends, Martha and Mary.  They welcomed Him for respite and a meal.  Jesus said to them, "Come with Me" Mary.  You are to preach the Word of God. 

And "Come with Me" Martha, you are to preside at the table of my Body and Blood. 

While he was saying this a woman in the crowd called out, "Blest is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you."  Jesus said, "Come with Me".  Proclaim your womanly message to the world so all will believe. 

Janice: Later, on a sabbath day Jesus was teaching in the synagogue.  There was a woman there who had been possessed by a spirit who kept her bent over.  Jesus laid his hands on her.  She immediately stood up straight and began thanking God.  Jesus said to her, "Come with Me." Teach others to be thankful for all God's blessings and acts of loving embrace. 

Finally, Jesus told the crowd a Parable of the Prodigal Family. 

"A married couple had two children, a girl and a boy.  One of them strayed, 

It doesn't matter which one. Both are children of God.

Both are created in the image and likeness of God.

Both are called to preach God's Word.

Both are called to change their ways...

and to change the bread and wine into the

Body and Blood of Christ...

Mary Theresa: Jesus continues his journey of Call in our age. 

Our Loving God, in Jesus' name and in the Holy Spirit, 

has called women and men to priestly ministry and ordination 

We give thanks and ask for all who hear Sophia’s call in their hearts to say YES to Holy Mystery and became priest-partners... 

...proclaiming God's Word 

...presiding at God's Table 

...forgiving sins 

...anointing the sick and dying 

...burying the dead. 

This is the call of life’s purpose and mission for each and all of us.

Mary Theresa & All:  Let us continue to listen to the call from Sophia-Holy Spirit for our lives. May we support each other in our calls to diverse ministries with the People of God.

Shared Reflection on the Reading, Prayers and Our Call

Ann Harrington: Shared homily: Zoom Rooms (time allotted, number in each room, keep an eye on time, so everyone can share from their story)

Our focus will be to share from our experience; our call to ministry whether it be ordination in the RCC or with the People of God in your unique call. When did you first have your sense of a call?  How did you discern your call? How does your call continue in your life?  In your heart and in your environment/ministry?

The Prayers of the People of God

Katy: Please take a couple of minutes now and enter your prayer, typing it into chat.  It will be read aloud for the gathered community (“Thursday Morning Sunrise” by Tim Janis)

Kathie OUR RESPONSE IS: “SPIRIT-SOPHIA FILL US AND GUIDE US…                                  

Kathie:  Sophia Wisdom, women are being ordained and living out their priesthood today. We celebrate Eucharist in a Community of Equals. We promote the Common Good with Nonviolence on Holy Mother Earth in solidarity with the poor and oppressed. Let us pray, Kathie & All: Spirit-Sophia fill us and guide us.

Kathie: We pray for the equality and ordination of women and married men in the Roman Catholic Church without delay. All: Spirit-Sophia fill us and guide us.

We pray for the end of the war in Ukraine, may we do all we can to non-violently to stop this war, all wars, and alleviate suffering and death. All: Spirit-Sophia fill us and guide us.

For what else shall we pray…Kathie reads from chat…

Kathie: We offer these prayers of our hearts and desire to call forth for each of us your evolutionary spiritual growth into the Compassion and Love who is Christ for all we minister with and for all the peoples of the world All: Amen

Eucharistic Prayer

Kathryn: Nurturing One, we eat this meal together, proclaiming the liberating power of Christ’s Spirit-Sophia. All women who ask for ordination have been diminished and wounded. May we learn to heal and release those who are oppressed in any way. As we are nourished by sharing this food, may we learn to live in right- relationship with each other and all of creation. 

Kathryn & All:  May it be so. 

Kathryn: Loving God, it is not easy being human. We struggle in caring for each other, ourselves and Holy Mother Earth. We make mistakes. We understand, however, that structures of domination can be obstacles that get in our way. In these gifts of bread and wine we offer our understanding that we are ONE in your Holy Mystery across the Earth. All are beloved daughters and sons of Holy Mystery. 

Preparation for our Eucharist: “Companions on the Journey” by Carey Landry

Diane: Grateful for the gift of Mary’s “Yes” that gave direction to the path of our lives, we recognize that as Mother to Jesus, Mary taught him to be wary of violent persons and structures. She taught him how to bring the mighty down from their thrones through the power of justice-naming and nonviolence. She taught Jesus her son to lift up the poor and oppressed. She was his first teacher.

Diane & ALL: May Mary, our Mother and Sister, teach us to do the same.

Karen: Before Jesus faced the forces of religious and political Empire, he called the Beloved Community together around the table: Mary Magdalene, his Mother Mary, Martha and Mary and other women Apostles were with him. The women stayed steadfast throughout Jesus’ torture and death. Some of the men were to slip away from danger. 

 (All lift the bread and hold hand up to bless)

Karen & All: During the meal Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to them saying, “Take this all of you and eat.  This bread is you; this bread is me. We are one body, called to share in the presence of God in the world.  Do this in remembrance of me. May it inspire all to nonviolence and just action.” 

(All lift the cup and hold hand up to bless)

Janice & All: In the same way Jesus took the cup of wine saying, “Take this all of you and drink. This wine is you; this wine is me. We are one blood, called to share in the presence of God in the world. When you do this, remember me and all that I’ve taught you. This is the new and everlasting covenant.”

Kathie R: May we live as prophetic witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We desire to be open, sharing your Gospel with horizons as wide as the universe. We want to live as Jesus did.

Janice & All: We pray all of this in the name of Holy Mystery who creates Life, in the name of Jesus who loves life and in the name of Spirit Sophia who is the Fire of Life. Amen!

Wanda & All: Holy Sophia who raised Jesus from the dead showed us, by Her action, that life is eternal and that love is immortal. 

Loving Source of All, we have looked for others to save us and to save our world. 

Yet, we are called, and consecrated and sent into the world to establish justice and show the blessed fulfillment that comes with simplicity and the giving of ourselves in love.  

We will make new our commitment to the harmony of the original vision of creation. 

We will open up wide all that has been closed about us, and our small circles.


Bridget Mary & All: Like Jesus, in all openness, we will be filled with your own Spirit and renew the face of the earth.

For it is through learning to live as Jesus lived, and why he lived, and for whom he lived,

That we awaken to your Spirit within, moving us to worship you truly, O Holy One,

At this time and all time and in all ways. and we say yes to You! 

Prayer of Jesus

Juanita: Let us pray together as Jesus taught us 

Juanita & All: “Our Mother, Our Father who is in heaven and within us, we call upon your names.

Your wisdom come Your fertile will be done, in all the spaces in which You dwell.

Give us each day sustenance and perseverance.

Remind us of our limits as we give grace to the limits of others.

Separate us from the temptation of empire, but deliver us into community.

For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us

and the celebration among us now and forever.”                          (A Womanist Prayer from Juicy Ecumenism)    


Katy & ALL: We share this bread and cup to proclaim and live out the gospel of justice and peace. We choose to live justly, love tenderly, and walk with integrity. 

 (All lift bread and cup) All: This is Jesus, whose life and Spirit teaches us how to liberate, heal, and be transformed ourselves; then heal and transform our world.  All are invited to partake in this community meal. 

Katy & ALL:  We are the Body of Christ. (All consume their bread and wine) 

Communion Song   Irish Blessing (reflective meditation) by Bill Leslie

Expressions of Gratitude from Your Ministry with the People of God

Katy: We invite you to share gratitude arising from your personal experiences of your ministry. 

Community Blessing

Katy: Let us rejoice in our celebration of Women’s Ordination! May our remembering Mary’s YES, Ludmilla’s YES, the Danube Seven’s YES, nourish and enrich Sophia’s Beloved Community. 

(Together with our arms extended to one another we offer this blessing)

Wanda & All: May our lives radiate the love of the Holy One.

May we live justice and equality in our church and our world.

May we be humble enough to be like children in receiving the kindom of our Creator, Mother and Father to all.   

May we demonstrate through our words and actions that we are all God has called us to be. 

May we walk the path of Jesus as the first women apostles did; singing, dancing, smiling, loving. 

May the light of love be with you every day.  

May we be a blessing in our time and the Face of God to all whom we meet. 

Wanda & All:  Let us now go forth energized with the People of God; transforming love into action.

Katy: On behalf of the Justice and Peace Support Circle of ARCWP and RCWP-USA, we wish to thank all of you for joining in our celebration of Women’s Ordination and priesthood. We invite you to join our Justice and Peace Support Circle, offer ideas for study or action. Please contact anyone in the JPSC. Let us join together following our call to ministry. Please join us in singing The Summons as our call to ministry continues. 

Closing Song The Summons

The co-writers of today’s liturgy are from The Justice and Peace Support Circle of ARCWP: Janice Sevre-Duszynska, Karen Kerrigan, Katy Zatsick, Ann Harrington Diane Dougherty, Shelley Gilchrist, and Rita Lucey. (2021) writings for 2022 were also taken from Kathryn Shea ARCWP-To remember Mindy Simmons liturgy. From Liturgy to celebrate 12th anniversary of their ordination-Dena O’Callaghan, Katy Zatsick. 

(Gratefully, ARCWP & RCWP-USA acknowledges, The Women’s Ordination Conference who established this celebration in 1994 as a public witness and call for Reform in the Roman Catholic Church to ordain women as deacons, priests, and bishops. We gratefully, celebrate today’s liturgy knowing that ordained women, deacons and bishops are already here!)

From WOC this year’s prayer, received March 22 2022.

Loving Creator, you call forth the gifts of the natural world in their wondrous, startling diversity.

You call forth the gifts of all genders to serve as priests to your people.

For too long, we have allowed the sin of patriarchy to wreak havoc on Your creation and Your people.

And witnessed the harm of systems that name creation as lesser than people

And some people as lesser than others.

Jesus, born through the empowered yes of Mary, give us the courage born of love to reject anything

That denies God’s caress in all creation and God’s image in every person.

Holy Spirit, you empower women with Your fierce creativity To save our church To save our earth.

May we boldly recognize and ordain their leadership and their priesthood.

As co-creators with You, we pray.


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