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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Peg Farrell Bowen: Memorial Service October 26,2023, Murphy's Funeral Home, Arlington, Virginia and Committal at Arlington Cemetery on October 27,2023

YouTube Videos:

Link to Live Stream of Peg’s funeral service

April 27, 1955- July 2, 2023

Song: O Loving God

O Loving God (to the tune of Londonderry Air or "Danny Boy") 

Vs. 1
O loving God, we send our daughter home to you,
home to a place of everlasting love,
to join there with the angel choirs and blessed saints,
and to behold your glorious holy face.

Receive her soul and let eternal light shine,
eternal light forever on her/his soul,
so she/he may be forever in your dwelling place,
and be at rest in peace until we meet her there

Vs. 2
O loving God, have mercy and forgiveness
Upon your servant's now departed soul,
And may your grace and love enfold her evermore,
So she may dwell in paradise at last.

Receive her soul and let eternal light shine,
eternal light forever on her soul,
so she/he may be forever in your dwelling place,
and be at rest in peace until we meet her there.

Opening Prayer: 

Gracious God, we gather to remember our dear Peg. We are grateful for the many ways Peg revealed your love to us. We remember the love she shared with her precious Bowen and Farrell families, and her devoted service to her company and support of Rick her boss. We are grateful for all that she did to bless her faith communities as a prayer group leader, liturgical minister, retreat coordinator, choir member, and administrator of several faith communities: the Ft. Myer Chapel Community, the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests and Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community in Florida. We remember her gracious hospitality, laughter, and skills as a creative events planner, organizer of paperwork, files, creator of surveys and list serves and keeper of detailed records. But most of all, we remember her as a loyal and loving presence we could always count on every time we heard her voice on the other end of the phone saying: “Peg, here.” Yes, dear Peg, we will continue to count on your loving presence with us -connecting us forever to you. Amen.

Imagine Prayer:(Peg requested this prayer with you at her Funeral Service)

“Imagine stepping onto a shore and finding it’s Heaven.
Imagine taking hold of a hand and finding it’s God’s hand.
Imagine breathing new air and finding it’s celestial.
Imagine feeling invigorated and finding its immortality.
Imagine passing from storms & tempest to an unknown calm.
Imagine waking up and finding it’s home.” (anonymous)

Psalm 23: God is my Shepherd -Bobby McFerrin

(11 seconds of silence at beginning)

Gospel: John 14:1-3

Don’t let your hearts be troubled.

You have faith in God.

In God’s house there are many dwelling places.

Otherwise, how could I have told you that I was going to prepare a place for you?

I am indeed going to prepare a place for you.

And then I will come back to take you, that where I am, there you may be as well.

On Eagles' Wings by Michael Joncas

Tribute to Peg Bowen.

We now light a candle as each person shares a thought, prayer, poem or brief story about our beloved Peg as we grieve her loss and celebrate her life.

At the conclusion of each person’s tribute, we pray together.

All: Loving God, we remember the blessings that Peg brought to us.

Closing Blessing: Irish Blessing 

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May you be held in the palm of God’s hand. 

Music: When the saints go marching in (Jack Meehan- Peg’s request)

October 27, 2023

RITE OF COMMITTAL at Gravesite at Arlington Cemetery for Peg Farrell Bowen

(As the coffin is sprinkled with holy water from Our Lady's Shrine in Knock, Ireland, Bridget Mary prays) 

Opening Prayer

Let us pray:

Because God has chosen to call our sister Peg, into the fullness of love, we bless her earthly remains and commit her body to the earth.

Aware of Angels surrounding us, and that Peg’s spiritual presence will always  be with us , we bless her earthly remains and commit her body to the earth. In the loving embrace of God, Peg is now united with her dear Bob and all her family and friends who have gone before her in the Communion of Saints.  

With Jesus we pray: Our Father

Our Father (and Mother), who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. 

Hail Mary

May the prayers of Mary, Mother of Jesus, who stood by the cross as her Son was dying, help all those who mourn for Peg, and accompany us in our time of grieving.

Hail Mary, 

Full of Grace,

The Lord is with thee.

Blessed are thou among women,

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God

Pray for us sinners

Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


May the angels lead you into paradise, Peg, may the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem.  May choirs of angels welcome you and lead you to the bosom of Abraham and Sarah; and where Lazarus is poor no longer may you find eternal rest.

Eternal rest grant unto Peg, O God
R. And let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen 

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