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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Liturgy Celebrating Mary Magdalene: Magdalene Rising Summit - Presiders: Bridget Mary Meehan and Mary Theresa Streck, July 23, 2024, 12:45PM-1:45PM EDT


Theme: We should clothe ourselves with the perfect Human, acquire it for ourselves as he commanded us, and announce the Good News. 

(Gospel of Mary 10:11-13)


A warm welcome to our Liturgy celebrating Magdalene Rising. You are invited to participate in the prayers and homily and to share Communion. All you will need is bread, wine or juice. Our Eucharistic feast at the Table of Boundless love and kinship is open to all. 

Presider 1:  We gather in celebration of Mary Magdalene and countless other women who came before us – our foremothers in faith -- whose too often forgotten stories instruct and inspire us.

We gather in solidarity with women throughout the world, whose demands for justice and inclusion call us to conversion.

We gather in hope for our church, that - with our help - it might become a place of radical inclusion and justice, and equality without qualification.

Gathering Song: Women of the Church by Carey Landry


Women of the Church, how rich is your legacy!

Women of the Church, how great is your faith!

Women of the Church, wellsprings of integrity,

Lead us in the ways of Peace!


1. Women at the foot of the Cross,

Fearless and truly faithful friends,

First ones to see the Risen One of Life

And the first to tell good news.

2. Companions and disciples of Jesus,

chosen and called by name,

witnesses of wisdom, weavers of the Word,

lead us in the ways of Truth!

3. Living signs of service and strength,

hands of healing, hearts of love,

women of vision, voices for the voiceless,

lead us in the ways of Hope.

4. Women of compassion and care,

bearers of God’s life-giving light,

centered in prayer while working for justice,

lead us in the ways of Peace!

5. Women martyred in our time,

Laid down their lives for the poor, 

Moments of courage, who stood with those oppressed, 

Help us all to walk your path.  

© 2005, 2010, 2011, Carey Landry. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.

Opening Prayer

Presider 2:  Like Mary Magdalene, we rejoice that our spiritual power to live the Gospel is rooted in the presence of Spirit within each and all of us. Like Mary Magdalene, we rejoice that our oneness with Christ frees us from rules, projections and expectations that limit our ability be a radiant reflection of the Holy One’s love and compassion. Like Mary, our call is to walk with Christ and to love as Christ. All: Amen

Communal Transformation Rite

Presider 1: We pause now to remember the times we have let false messages about our unworthiness cloud our vision of the infinite depth of love within us.  Now imagine the imperfections, and chaos in your life  and in our world illuminated by a love within you that is healing and transforming as you evolve and grow in awareness of your divinity and humanity.

(Pause briefly. Then extend arm over your heart)

Presider 1: Let us pray: I love you, I forgive you, I am sorry, I thank you.


First Reading: “Mary Magdalene did not look away” by Cameron Bellm

Mary Magdalene did not look away, did not flee.

She stayed and she wept

And she fixed her gaze on the cross, on the tomb.

And because she did not look away,

Jesus, who told stories, became her story, too.

And because she did not look away, she heard him

When he said that the story hadn’t ended, 

That despite a terribly tragic turn, 

The story was really only just beginning.

His story was her story, and her story is our story—

A story of abiding, a story of prophetic witness,

A story of love unfathomably deep.

When we carry spices for anointing,

When we carry wine for celebration,

When we bear witness to love,

May we lift our voices, as she lifted hers—

Tell our story, tell her story, tell his story—

May we say, too, “We have seen the Lord.”

These are the inspired words of Cameron Bellm and we affirm them with, Amen.

Alleluia (Eightfold) – Jan Phillips

Gospel: A reading from the Gospel Mary

Then Mary arose, embraced them all, and began to speak to her brothers: 

 “Do not remain in sorrow and doubt, for his Grace will guide you and comfort you. 

 Instead, let us praise his greatness, for he has prepared us for this. 

He is calling upon us to become fully human .

Thus Mary turned their hearts toward the Good, and they began to discuss the meaning of the Teacher’s words.

Peter said "how is it possible that the Teacher talked in this manner with a woman about secrets of which we ourselves are ignorant? Must we change our customs and listen to this woman?  Did he really chose her and prefer her to us?" 

 Then Mary wept,  and answered him: 

“My brother Peter, what can you be thinking? 

Do you believe that this is just my own imagination,  that I invented this vision?

 Or do you believe that I would lie about our Teacher?” 

At this, Levi spoke up: “Peter, you have always been hot-tempered, and now we see you repudiating a woman,vjust as our adversaries do.  

Yet if the Teacher held her worthy,  who are you to reject her?

  Surely the Teacher knew her very well, for he loved her more than us. 

 Therefore let us atone, and become fully human  so that the Teacher can take root in us. 

 Let us grow as he demanded of us, and walk forth to spread the gospel, without trying to lay down any rules and laws other than those he witnessed.”

(The Gospel of Mary Magdalene translated by  Jean-Yves Leloup, section 1 vs. 13-20, section 2: 4-21, 9:4-8)

These are the inspired words of the Gospel of Mary, and we affirm them with, Amen.

Homily: Bridget Mary Meehan

(You will have time to share your thoughts in the chat at the conclusion of our liturgy)

Communal Statement of Faith

Presider 2: Let us pray together our Statement of Faith

We believe in the Holy One, a divine mystery
beyond all definition and rational understanding,
the heart of all that has ever existed,
that exists now, or that ever will exist.

We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word,
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion,
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's
prophets, mystics, and saints.

We believe that We are called to follow Jesus
as a vehicle of divine love,
a source of wisdom and truth,
and an instrument of peace in the world.

We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One,
the life that is our innermost life,
the breath moving in our being,
the depth living in each of us.

We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now,
stretched out all around us for those
with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it,
and hands to make it happen.

Prayers of the Community

Presider 1: As we prepare for the sacred meal, we bring to the table our prayers and intentions.  Please place your intentions in the chat. ( silent pause for about a minute) 


We pray for these and all unspoken intentions in our hearts. Amen. 


Preparation Of The Gifts

Presider 1:  Blessed are You, Holy One, through Your divine providence we have this bread, to share, the Bread of Life. 

All: Blessed are You, Holy One, forever.  

Presider 2:  Blessed are You, O Loving One through Your divine providence we have this wine to share, our spiritual drink. 

All: Blessed are, You, Holy One, forever.

Presider 1: Nurturing One, we are united in this sacrament by the love of Christ, whose presence we are as we proclaim the liberating power of your Spirit , in our humanity and divinity, calling us to build the unity of Love in a more compassionate and just world.  All:  Amen

Eucharistic Prayer

Presider 2: Your Spirit is rising up in all who work for humanity’s healing and well-being. With thankful hearts, in the company of all holy women and men, your liberating Spirit rises up within us, works through us and we sing:

Holy, Holy, Holy (adapted from Holy, Holy, Holy by Karen Drucker)

We are Holy, Holy, Holy…3x , You are Holy, Holy, Holy, I am Holy, Holy, Holy, We are Holy, Holy, Holy

Presider 1: O Heart of Love, Your Spirit moved through Mary Magdalene as she taught us that we are unified and undivided in continuous communion with you.  Your Spirit moves through our humanity and our divinity. Your Spirit moves through the love within us, expanding out in widening circles to embrace all people and creation in our evolving universe.

 Please extend Your hands in blessing.

Presider 2:  You pour out Your Spirit Sophia anew upon this bread and wine and upon us as we become more deeply the Christ Presence in our world.

Presider 1: On the night before he died, Jesus came to table with his family and the women and men he loved. Jesus took bread blessed and broke it, saying, 

“Take, eat, this is my body. Do this in memory of me.”                         


Presider 2: After supper, Jesus poured a cup of wine and shared it with his friends, saying,

“This is the cup of the covenant of my love. As often as You drink of it, remember me.”

Presider 1:  Let us proclaim the mystery of faith:

All: Christ has died in all those who have passed away. 

Christ is rising in all those working for the well-being of humanity.

Christ comes each day in our prayers and actions for a renewed world with justice and equality for all.

Presider 2:  Embracing Presence, we remember all the companions who have gone before us:  Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and all holy women and men who are rising up in loving service to heal our world.  We pause now to remember our personal communion of saints. 


(Presiders hold bread and wine)

Presider 1:  We pray for all of us gathered here and like Jesus, we open ourselves up to your Spirit, for it is through living as he lived that we awaken to your Spirit within, 

moving us to glorify you, at this time and all ways.


Presider 2: Let us pray as Jesus taught us:

Holy One, you are within, around and among us.  

We celebrate your many names. 

Your wisdom come; your will be done, 

unfolding from the depths within us. 

Each day you give us all that we need. 

You remind us of our limits and we let go. 

You support us in our power, and we act with courage. 

For you are the dwelling place within us, 

the empowerment around us, 

and the celebration among us,  

now and forever, Amen.  

                                Adapted by Miriam Therese Winter 

Sign of Peace

Presider 1: Let us offer each other a sign of peace. Namaste, Namaste, Namaste


Presider 1: Please join in praying the Litany for the Breaking of the Bread All:

All: Holy One, You call us to speak truth to power; 

we will do so.

Holy One, You call us to live the Gospel of healing and justice; 

we will do so. 

Holy One, You call us to be Your presence in the world; 

we will do so.

Presider 2:  This is the bread of life and the cup of blessing. Blessed are we who are called to Christ’s table.  

All:  We are the Body of Christ for the world.                         

Presider 1: Pease receive/share Eucharist now.

Communion Song: I am willing by Holly Near, video by Donna Panaro, ARCWP

Prayer After Communion

Presider 2: O Divine Love, your transforming energy is within us and just as you called Mary Magdalene, you also call us to go forth and to share the good news  rising up within us.  May Mary Magdalene, Tower of Strength, accompany us on our journey to live the fullness of our humanity and divinity in every moment of our lives. May we- like Mary- radiate the joy and peace of the Beloved One everywhere we go!

Concluding Rite

Presider 1: Please extend Your hands as we pray our final blessing.

May our lives radiate the love of the Holy One. 

May we live justice and equality in our church and world.  

May Mary Magdalene be our model of courage and faithful service.  

May we be a blessing in our time. Amen.

Presider 2: We go forth in the spirit of Mary Magdalene, first apostle, 

rejoicing that Love is within us.

celebrating Love outside of us.

We go forth, called to action, to move mountains!

Closing Song

 Woman Spirit by Karen Drucker, video by Mary Theresa Streck and Juanita Cordero 

Liturgy prepared by Rev. Dr. Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP, and Rev. Dr. Mary Theresa Streck, ARCWP

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests: 

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