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Monday, September 9, 2024

Funeral Service for Bishop Patricia Fresen RCWP


 Funeral Service for

Bishop Patricia Fresen

(7 December 1940 - 3 September 2024)


9 September 2024


You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord

Who abide in His shadow for life

Say to the Lord, “My refuge, my rock in whom I trust”

And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings

Bear you on the breath of dawn

Make you to shine like the sun

And hold you in the palm of His hand

The snare of the fowler will never capture you

And famine will bring you no fear

Under His wings your refuge, His faithfulness your shield

Refrain: And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings

Bear you on the breath of dawn

Make you to shine like the sun

And hold you in the palm of His hand

You need not fear the terror of the night

Nor the arrow that flies by day

Though thousands fall about you, near you it shall not come Refrain

For to His angels He’s given a command

To guard you in all of your ways

Upon their hands they will bear you up

Lest you dash your foot against a stone Refrain

[Michael Joncas]





Eternal Spirit,

before whom generations rise and pass away,

We find that even in the face of death,

our words can be those of thanksgiving.

We are thankful for Patricia, who shared her life with us,

for whom those she loved and those who loved her, were so important

and whose life was lived with kindness and generosity of spirit.

For the struggles of life, and for the triumph of character over trial, of courage over difficulty, of faith

over sorrow, we give thanks.

God grant us such strength in the memory of Patricia that we might be thankful for the gift of life that

is given to each of us, and in our hearts, may the loss of her here with us be balanced by

thanksgiving for the life that she shared with us.



FIRST READING: Isaiah 43:1-3a, 4a

The words of a prophet in the tradition of Isaiah

Response: Thanks be to God

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 42 (adapted from Nan Merrill, Psalms for Praying)

Refrain: As a deer longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for you, O Beloved

As a deer longs for flowing streams,

so longs my soul for you, O Beloved

my soul thirsts for the Beloved,

for the living water.

When may I come and behold your face?

Refrain: As a deer longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for you, O Beloved

Tears have been my only nourishment

day and night,

while friends ask continually,

“Why do you seem so lost and forlorn?”

All this I remembered,

as I poured out my soul:

for I knew your Presence within me

as I went out among the throng,

proceeding to the House of Prayer;

Refrain: As a deer longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for you, O Beloved

With loud voice we gave You praise

and acclamation,

a multitude proclaiming gratitude and joy.

My hope is in you,

O Spirit of Truth;

be my strength and my guide.

O my soul, let us celebrate the Oneness

of all Creation!

Refrain: As a deer longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for you, O Beloved


Munazero x 3

Munazero Ka Jesu

Munazero hallelujah

Sing out gladly x 3

Sing out gladly to Jesus

Sing out gladly Hallelujah

Sing out gladly O my brother

Sing out gladly

Sing out gladly to Jesus

Sing out gladly Hallelujah

Sing out gladly O my sister

Sing out gladly

Sing out gladly to Jesus

Sing out gladly Hallelujah

Sing out gladly all you children

Sing out gladly

Sing out gladly to Jesus

Sing out gladly Hallelujah

Sing out all you nations

Sing out gladly

Sing out gladly to Jesus

Sing out gladly Hallelujah

Munazero x 3

Munazero Ka Jesu

Munazero hallelujah

GOSPEL: John 18:28-37

The Gospel of our God

Response: Praise to you, Jesus the Christ





OFFERTORY SONG: Take my hands

Take my hands and make them as your own,

and use them for your kingdom

here on earth.

Consecrate them to your care,

anoint them for your service where

you may need your gospel to be sown.

Take my hands, they speak now for my heart,

and by their actions they will show their love.

Guard them on their daily course,

be their strength and guiding force to

ever serve the Trinity above.

Take my hands, I give them to you, Lord.

Prepare them for the service of your name.

Open them to human need

and by their love they’ll sow your seed

so all may know the love and hope you gave.

Take my hands, take my hands, O Lord.



Blessed are you, God of all Creation.

Through your goodness we have this bread to offer,

which earth has given and human hands have made.

It will become for us the bread of life. Blessed be God forever.

Blessed are you, God of all Creation.

Through your goodness we have this wine to offer,

fruit of the vine and work of human hands.

It will become our spiritual drink. Blessed be God forever.

Our table has been prepared, and all are welcome to it.

We pray that these gifts and the gift of our own lives may be acceptable to our loving God.

Holy One, accept these gifts from our hands, for the praise and glory of your name,

for our good and the good of all your people.


God of all life,

we have seen your glory, felt the touch of your love, and felt your presence with us.

With joyful hearts, we offer you our gifts.

Having heard your call, we offer you our lives and our service.

In your name we pray. Amen.

Our God be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to our God.

Let us give thanks to our loving God. It is right to give God thanks and praise.


Gracious God, we praise and proclaim your wonder.

From of old, you have created us.

From before our birth,

you have held us in your heart - each one of us, special and unique to you.

You call us each by name and say that we are good.

You call and set us free. You form us each anew in the image of Jesus,

your Beloved One, and so we sing your praise.

Ungcwele, Ungcwele, Ungcwele

Nkosi Nkulunkulu wamabandla

Kungcwele izulu nomhlaba udumo lwakho

Makabongwe ozayo egameni leNkosi

Hosanna kweliphezulu


Creator God, we see around us the work of your hands,

the fruit of your wisdom and love.

The unfolding story of creation witnesses

unceasingly to your creative power.

Sending among us Jesus, your Son,

you birth afresh in our world the power of your Holy Spirit,

and in the gift of the Spirit,

your creative goodness blooms anew,

amid the variety and wonder of life.


We open ourselves to your Spirit present in every moment,

who transforms this bread and cup and all of us gathered here.

May they become for us the + Body and Blood of Christ,

May we become the Body of Christ as we fulfil your command of love.

We remember the night before Jesus died, when he took bread

Gave you thanks for everything he had, gave it to his friends and said:

Take this all of you and eat.

This is my body which is given up for you.

When you break bread together, remember me.

When supper was ended, he took the cup

Again he gave you thanks and handing the cup to his friends said:

Take this all of you and drink.

This is my blood, the new covenant of God-with-you.

When you drink from this cup, remember me.

Let us proclaim the mystery of faith:

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

As we celebrate this sacred meal, we recall those who have gone before us,

and their gifts passed down to us through the ages;

and we look forward in hope,

knowing that you, our wise and faithful God,

will continue to shower us with abundant blessings.

In the power of this Eucharistic meal, bless us afresh with the gift of the Spirit,

that our hearts may be open and receptive as you invite us into the fullness of life.

In union with all people living and dead, we unite our thoughts

and prayers, asking wisdom and courage:

- to discern more wisely your call to us in the circumstances of our daily lives;

- to act more justly and creatively in confronting the pain and suffering of the Earth

and its peoples;

- to risk more courageously, in speaking and living your truth, and allowing your Spirit

to move freely in our lives.

May we ever be aware and alert to the new things

The Spirit makes possible, as our world unfolds amid pain and beauty,

into the fullness of life to which all are called,

participating in the wise and wonderful work of co-creation.

Embrace us, O Spirit of Christ

with your life-giving power,

that as bread and wine are made one with us,

we may become one with you.

We thank you that we have gathered here as the Body of Christ;

May we be truly Eucharistic to one another.

Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours

almighty God forever and ever. AMEN

Let us pray together the prayer that Jesus prayed:

Together we pray using the translation from the Aramaic:

Abba, God of the cosmos

breathe life into our hearts.

May your power and counsel rule our lives and the whole creation.

May your will to love find its home in each human heart,

as it is at home throughout the cosmos.

Grant us today both bread and wisdom,

that we may in turn become bread for others.

Loose the cords of secret debts that bind us,

and in the strength this freedom gives us,

help us loose the cords we bind round others.

Don’t let surface things delude us,

but free us from unripeness,

from all that holds us back from loving you.

For from you is born the astonishing fire,

the ruling will, the power and song

that give life to all,

here and now and forever, Amen.


May the peace of our God be with you always. And also with you.


Beloved One of God

You lead us into freedom

Reveal your love.

Beloved One of God

You lead us into freedom

Grant us peace.


This is Jesus, who loves us as we are. Happy are we who share in this table of love.

Jesus, you make us worthy to receive you, and by your word we are healed.


Body of Christ/The Bread of Life. Amen

Blood of Christ/The cup of Life. Amen


The Servant Song

Will you let me be your servant

Let me be as Christ to you

Pray that I may have the grace

To let you be my servant too

We are pilgrims on the journey

all together on one road

We shall happily walk together

share the mile and share the load.

And I shall hold the Christ light for you

In the night time of your fear.

II shall hold my arms out to you

Speak the words you long to hear.

I will weep when you are weeping

When you laugh, I’ll laugh with you,

I will share your joy and sorrow

Till we’ve seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven,

We shall find such harmony

Born of all we’ve known together

Of Christ’s love and agony.

So will you let me be your servant

Let me be as Christ to you

Pray that I may have the grace

To let you be my servant too

I Say Yes My Lord

To the God who cannot die, I say "Yes," my Lord.

To the one who hears me cry, I say "Yes," my Lord.

To the God of the oppressed, I say "Yes," my Lord.

To the God of all justice, I say "Yes," my Lord.

I say "Yes," my Lord,

in all the good times, through all the bad times.

I say "Yes," my Lord,

to every word you speak.

Soy un serviente del Señor, Digo si Señor.

y trabajo de los campos, Digo si Señor.

Soy un prisonero de sus Guerras, Digo si Señor.

Como un politico, inevitable, Digo si Señor.

I am a servant of the Lord, I say "Yes," my Lord.

I'm a worker in the fields, I say "Yes," my Lord.

I'm a prisoner of their wars, I say "Yes," my Lord.

Like a politician, inevitably, I say "Yes," my Lord.

Digo Si Señor

en tiempos malos y en tiempos buenos.

Digo Si Señor

a todo lo que hablas.

For the dream I have today, I say "Yes," my Lord.

To be a healer of all pain, I say "Yes," my Lord.

To come to love my enemies, I say "Yes," my Lord.

For your peace in all the world, I say "Yes," my Lord.

I say "Yes," my Lord,

in all the good times, through all the bad times.

I say "Yes," my Lord,

to every word you speak.

Como Job santamente, Digo si Señor.

Como Maria completemente, Digo si Señor.

como David en una cancion, Digo si Señor.

como Israel que yo esperanza, Digo si Señor.

Like that of Job, unceasingly, I say "Yes," my Lord.

Like that of Maria, wholeheartedly, I say "Yes," my Lord.

Like that of David in a song, I say "Yes," my Lord.

Like Israel for you I long, I say "Yes," my Lord.

Digo Si Señor

en tiempos malos y en tiempos buenos.

Digo Si Señor

a todo lo que hablas.





Trusting in God, we have prayed together for Patricia and now we come to the last farewell. There

is sadness in parting, but we take comfort in the hope that one day we shall see Patricia. again

and enjoy her friendship. Although this congregation will disperse in sorrow, the mercy of God will

gather us together again in the joy of his kingdom. Therefore, let us console one another in the

faith of Jesus Christ.



Saints of God, come to her aid! Hasten to meet her, angels of our God!

R. Receive her soul and present her to God, the Most High.

May Christ, who called you, take you; may angels lead you to the bosom of Sarah and Abraham.

R. Receive her soul and present her to God, the Most High.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O God, and let perpetual light shine upon her.

R. Receive her soul and present her to God, the Most High.


Into your hands, God of mercies, we commend our sister, Patricia. in the sure and certain hope

that, together with all who have died in Christ, she will rise with Christ. We give you thanks for the

blessings which you bestowed upon Patricia in this life: they are signs to us of your goodness and

of our fellowship with the saints in Christ. Merciful One, turn toward us and listen to our prayers:

open the gates of paradise to your servant and help us who remain to comfort one another with

assurances of faith, until we all meet in Christ and are with you and with our sister forever. We ask

this through Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Ubi caritas et amor

Ubi caritas Deus ibi est


May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the

holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem.

May choirs of angels welcome you and lead you to the bosom of Sarah and Abraham; and where

Lazarus is poor no longer may you find eternal rest.


Patricia Anne Fresen was born on 7 December 1940 in East London, South Africa, the oldest of

twelve children. Trish entered the Dominican Sisters of King William’s Town at the age of 17; and

as a Dominican sister, one of her roles was as a school principal. Trish opened Saint Agnes Convent

Welkom in 1971 to learners of all races; for this she was arrested and jailed by the South African

Police. Trish later studied theology in Rome, and following her completion of a Doctorate of

Theology in South Africa, taught at the St. John Vianney Seminary and the Catholic University of

St. Augustine. During those years, a hunger grew in her to serve the Roman Catholic Church as an

ordained priest. Believing that she would not witness the ordination of women in her lifetime, she

determined to further women's rights in the church, including ordination. As often happens to

persons who surrender to God, Trish was surprised by the Spirit.

Following her ordination in Barcelona as Roman Catholic priest in August 2002, Trish was forced to

leave her Dominican order in South Africa, of which she had been a member for 45 years. After

settling in Germany, Trish began to direct the international Roman Catholic Women Priest

preparation program through which she trained many women seeking ordination to

the priesthood. In January 2005, Trish was ordained a bishop and became a major influence in the

growth of the Roman Catholic Women Priest movement. Since 2005, she has presided at numerous

diaconate and priestly ordinations in the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Germany,

and South Africa, as well as at the ordinations of seven women bishops.

In recent years, Trish returned to South Africa where she has been a much beloved presenter,

keynote speaker, and retreat facilitator and continued to develop the movement for women’s

ordination and to inspire and encourage the women priests and the communities they serve. She

has been a faithful servant of the Church who has followed the principles set forth by the Second

Vatican Council, as she embraced the Gospel teachings of inclusivity and a life of generous

service. Trish is preceded in death by her parents, John and Patricia Fresen, and seven of her

eleven siblings: Paul, Jean, John, Margie, Patrick, Anne, and Martin. She is survived by Doreen,

Louis, Florence (Bidz), and Michael.

All music used with permission.


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Du bist Mein.

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