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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Remembering Bishop Patricia Fresen RCWP by Bishop Jean Marie Marchant RCWP

Not visible to us gathered here in this sacred space, but standing beside and behind me in spirit, are the women from the United States and Canada, Europe and South Africa and around the globe, with hearts full of gratitude for Patricia’s courageous act of prophetic obedience to God’s call in her life which empowered and enabled us to do likewise.

Initially, Patricia in her profound humility was resistant to being consecrated a bishop, until she was informed by the “canonically correct bishop” who was asking this of her, that this call was for the precise purpose  of ordaining women primarily in the English speaking world to the priesthood.  In saying Yes to that commitment, Trish was answer to the prayers…dreams….and deep desire of many women in the United States, Canada and beyond who were theologically, pastorally, and spiritually prepared, actively engaged in ministry in the church, and yearning to answer our call to priestly ministry. 

Patricia’s first entre into this role as bishop was in March of 2005 when she ordained 2 women as deacons in the Boston area. I was blessed to be one of those women. In July of that year, Patricia along with bishops Christine Mayr Lumetzberger and Gisella Forster ordained   4 women as priests and 5 as deacons on the St. Lawrence Seaway.  Andea Johnson, bishop emerita of the Eastern Region of RCWP was a guest at that ordination and recalled that she witnessed the power of Patricia Fresen to make a clear case for the benefits to the whole church of an ordained ministry that included women.  Andrea shared that the press conference” felt to me like a Pentecost experience in which a clear message was received by a very diverse group of people”.

A Pentecost experience is a very apt description of the unfolding of Patricia’s ministry as bishop.  For her voice has travelled far and wide, from country to country, as she spoke to people from a myriad of diverse backgrounds about the injustice of a church blind to the call of women and how the mission of the church would be enhanced if the gifts of women called were recognized and welcomed at the altar.    The fruits of Trish’s ministry extends far beyond the many woman and six bishops whom she ordained, as these women continued on to minister to God’s people in establishing and pastoring inclusive communities of faith, welcoming of people from every walk of life and experience of faith, gender, or marital status.  Priests are also serving as chaplains, spiritual directors, organizers and activists, and managers in non-profit organizations designed to tend to the needs of the marginalized. The bishops Trish ordained have perpetuated her ministry and have ordained other priests and bishops in North  America. I am blessed to be one of those. And it seems a miracle, that after years of exile, Trish came home to South Africa and has ordained Mary, Ann, Dianne and Sarah with Uschi and MaryAnne in the wings preparing to be ordained in May.    Just like that first Pentecost….Trish’s gifts and grace have reached out across the globe to bring the flames of faith to a people in need of the warmth and substance of  solid, inclusive and just church.  

Trish was brilliant!  Her homilies, presentations, workshops and writings are testimony to this as she expanded the horizon of people’s thinking outside the margins.   However, her brilliance was overshadowed by her capacity to love, to inspire, empower and affirm women as we sought to live out the outrageous and courageous call to priestly ministry in the Catholic Church.  

Patricia, the world has yet to experience all that you have given to it; but even as we say farewell to you here today, we know that your labor has borne fruit which will continue to enrich and nurture the love of God ‘s people. 

May you dwell in the Holy Womb of God’s Love – and enliven there your advocacy for justice in our world….for women everywhere and for women’s call to ordination to be honored, for all people who hunger for God’s word made flesh!


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