Blessing of Rings:
(Bridget Mary blesses rings with Holy Water from Mary's Shrine in Knock, Ireland)
Deliliah and Rich,
you will now symbolize your eternal love through the giving and receiving of rings. The circle of a ring symbolizes a love that lasts forever. May-these rings remind you of your passionate love for one another, a love that will endure the tribulations of life, a love that will grow stronger with each passing day. May the bliss of romantic love that you now experience be a mere shadow of the happiness that lies ahead in your married life.
May these rings be a symbol of your generous, tender love for one another in the abiding presence of God everyday of your lives.
Exchange of rings;
(Presider gives groom the bride's ring)
Rich, place this ring on Delilah’s finger and repeat after me:
Deliliah, I give this ring to you as a sign of my faithful love. I will love you all the days of my life.
(Presider gives bride the groom's ring.)
Deliliah, place this ring on Rich’s finger and repeat after me: (Rich), I give this ring to you as a sign of my faithful love. I will love you all the days of my life.
Delilah and Rich, you have promised to give yourselves in self giving love to one another in the exchange of these rings. Now I declare you blessed forever and joined together as husband and wife. You may now kiss one another.
Irish Blessing:
I ask everyone now to extend your hands in blessing of Delilah and Rich
May love and laughter light your days and warm your hearts.
May good and faithful friends be yours.
May peace and plenty bless your world with joy.
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again may you be held in the palm of God’s hand.
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