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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

National Catholic Reporter: Stories on Vatican Sex Abuse Scandal loyalties: an incredible situation
by Joan Chittister on Mar. 17, 2010

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the record straight on Benedict and the crisis
by John L Allen Jr on Mar. 26, 2010

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under the Bus
by Michael Sean Winters on Mar. 31, 2010



  1. So how about linking to more current stories, like Cdl Levada's article about the NY Times? How about a little balance?

  2. Bridget Mary,

    May I politely suggest you lay down your sword for the next few days?

    The Church is entering into the most sacred and holy season of the year. There will be plenty of time to attack, lambast, smear the pope, talk about how "women should run the Church" and how the "pope should resign along with all the bishops" and about how the Church "needs to empower the laity, just like Vatican II says, and end celibacy" (translation: Women should run the Church) and "That evil bishop in Florida, who does he think he is celebrating Mass as the Church asks of him, next thing you know, he will demand Catholics actually believe what they claim to believe, and live their faith publically!" (Egad!) and how there "needs to be accountability and transparency, replete with 'truth commissions'" blah, blah, blah, after the Holy Week Celebrations.

    Right now it is time to put our focus on the things that are not of this world, like- the mysteries of our redemption. You might not be Catholic, but I am sure you will have your own liturgical celebrations to mark the sacredness of this week in whatever way is meaningful for your orginzation.

    By the way- from this day until after the celebration of Easter I will take my own advice. I will lay down my sword so that I might more fully enter into the mysteries of our redemption. It is time in these next few days the Church gives us to focus on what is really important, and what really matters in the end- like our eternal destiny as "Son's in the Son."


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