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Thursday, April 1, 2010

An Unholy Holy Week: Is the All-Male Rule of the Roman Catholic Church Self-Destructing?
by Anne Eggebroten
"In the United States, he has approved an ongoing investigation of nuns whose social activism ranges from anti-war activity to challenging the Roman Catholic ban on contraception, married priests, women priests, and acceptance of same-sex relationships. But there’s no investigation of the reasons why widespread sexual activity by priests persists; whether it be child sexual abuse, affairs with parishioners, or “marriages” surrounded by a conspiracy of silence."

It is time for Catholics to take back our church from the control of the hierarchy!
Call for a renewed, reform church with women priests, married priests, an end to mandatory celibacy and structures of accountability for all including the Pope and the bishops. I agree that the all-male leadership of the church is adrift and it is time for change. Allwe need to ask is what Jesus would do now, and do it. Since Mary of Magdala was the first witness to encounter the Risen Christ, we know that women are equal members of the believing community. It is time for the hierarchy to call on women to be partners and equals in our church in all ministries including a renewed priestly ministry that is united with the people we serve.
Bridget Mary Meehan


  1. I'm so happy to have found out about you. I am barely hanging on to my Catholic faith and this evening I watched with repulsion the washing of the feet of 12 males in the Basilica in Asheville NC. I could not sing the hymn for thinking how our church serves those who are powerful. Patriarchy is alive and well. There is no place for women here.

    I sat there and sobbed.

  2. The bishops are whimps -- pansy-type people. They have forgotten they are vertebrates. They have also forgotten what they can and cannot do in their dioceses. Either that or they are too stupid or too scared to stand up and take their proper places in their dioceses. I am sorry Asheville followed the example. I imagine my daughter did not go to Holy Thursday. I don't blame her.

  3. I watched our Mass for the washing of feet for Holy Thursday, 3 young females, 3 young males, 3 respected Women and 3 respected Men !
    Absolutely beautiful !
    Guitars, piano, flute, bass, violin, cello, drums of past and cherubs of now !
    AND ... to many of the critical posters who are weak in the heart of God's calling...we had our Latin Mass Priest as one of the celebrants. The Pastor(not the latin mass priest) while not of the Tridentine Mass, lead all in beautiful adoration along with the parish family of varied ages, lifestyles, political favors, and gender.
    All would agree that we have ONE beautiful commitment to our Lord Jesus and being a Catholic !

    Such a fresh reminder of the power of the Lord vs the power of humankind supremacy and the "all male club" mentality.

    And for the fellas from the "compound groups as I have identified them"...yes we had incense ! You know who you are ! The altar boys of the 50's and early non moving 60's.

    We are Catholic and We are The Church.
    BTW - so you do not go romping to put downs fellas, yes the priests were guys - for now.

    Glory to the most loving God, Our our Lord Jesus Christ !


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