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Saturday, July 31, 2010

"On the west coast of Florida, a small group of Catholic women priests is saying mass in defiance of the Vatican"

Dena O'Callaghan presides at Liturgy

Palm Beach Post

ESTERO — "Like the first Christians, they are outcasts. They meet in private homes and sympathetic Protestant churches.

They are a small band of women priests and the people who believe that they can melt the rock-solid determination of the Vatican to keep the Catholic priesthood all male..."

"...Dena O'Callaghan, 73, ordained two years ago, remains upbeat in the face of every new Vatican pronouncement. She is certain that the church will eventually change its position on women priests.

"Gosh, if I didn't believe that, I'd have no vision," said O'Callaghan.

A group of about 25 people, including several women priests, several husbands and other supporters of the movement, met in Estero on July 22, the feast day of Mary Magdalene, the first person to see the risen Christ. They call her the apostle to the apostles.

O'Callaghan officiated at the Mass, assisted by her husband, John O'Callaghan, a priest who was suspended from official ministry when they married in 1996."....


  1. From what I can see from the picture, it does not look like there is anyone present under 70.

  2. Then I would suggest that you are not a very good judge of age.

  3. In God's eyes age is no big deal ! Must just be these blog leaches that try and pull the work of the Holy Spirit down ! Shame on them !

    Oh yeah, I know the drill, here comes last words from the leaches ...

    The bait is out ....


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