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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vatican Mandates Excommunication for Ordained Women, But Not For Pedophiles

Quote from homily given by Roberta Meehan,RCWP

"Women's ordination is a crime worthy of excommunication because it defiles a sacrament. This is a new ruling. Pedophilia, which destroys the
lives and souls of the victims, is a moral sin but it is not serious enough to warrant excommunication. But, women's ordination is not simple disobedience but is a sacrilege because the female body (being a second class creation) defiles the sacrament."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought you progressive folks do not recognize excommunication. So why does this bother you so much? If excommunication doesn't exist, in your eyes, then this is a non-issue.

    Also, if this is the kind of homilies that your congregants are subjected too on a regular basis, then I truly pray for their eternal souls. No instruction in the Catholic faith is present in this diatribe. It's just Vatican-bashing, man-hating, and self-serving drivel.

  3. Not recognizing excommunication and having a statement from the RCC maintaining that women's ordination is worthy of excommunication but pedophilia is not are two totally separate concepts.

    BTW -- this was one quote from a 1200 word homily. I read the whole thing. It deals with vanity and greed -- just as today's scripture readings do. (The homily is available on the Internet -- if you know where to look.)

    Do you really believe that women's ordination is a more serious "crime" than pedophilia?

  4. "Not recognizing excommunication and having a statement from the RCC maintaining that women's ordination is worthy of excommunication but pedophilia is not are two totally separate concepts."

    Not really...

  5. Mike said - It's just Vatican-bashing, man-hating, and self-serving drivel.

    Oh PLEASE ! Stop the man thing crybaby thing. No one hates men !

    The Vatican can take care of itself.
    This is not a self serving attempt.
    Stop playing games and go post to SAVE your own positive ambitions on life. You are wasting your time on this site and placing yourself in a lacking state of God's grace by your constant whining and attempts to know GOD and to serve God in a Catholic Church that has been called from numbness to life for all.

    Everybody PRAY for Mike -poor fella really needs it !

  6. The attempted ordination of a lady is punished with the penalty of excommunication. The reason no such penalty is applied to sex offenders is because it is obvious that sex abuse is a sin. The person has already committed a grave crime, it should be obvious. But it might be less obvious to others that attempted ordination of a lady is a big sin too, hence the Church reminds us that the person and others involved incurs an excommunication by act of the very sin they commit. That is to say, both the sex offender and the lady and those involved have all removed themselves from the Church and put their souls in grave danger.

  7. Oh Martin, Have you been to Mikes school of thought too. Let me tell you fellas, these women are not just attempting, the holy spirit is working amongst them and they are called to serve. The Holy Spirit has made it possible for these ordination to be in full succession with the bishops and in full communion with the policies of Rome.

    Only the fear of loosing power would drive a many/woman to try stop the Holy Spirits work !
    Women Priests and deacons are here to stay, AND they are being embraced across the country in Catholic Church Communities.

  8. "the holy spirit is working amongst them and they are called to serve"

    So now you know the mind of God? You have the power to discern when the Holy Spirit is truly at work and when it isn't? Perhaps the Vatican applying excommunication to your heresy is the Holy Spirit at work. Perhaps the Holy Spirit doesn't want you and your ilk to distort the teachings of Jesus Christ and the preachings of Christ through St. Paul. Perhaps the Holy Spirit is putting a stop to your cronies from leading others to the devil by separating the wheat from the chaff.


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