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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Catolicas Romanas Mujeres Sacerdotes: Article in Spanish Blog about Roman Catholic Womenpriests

9 Abril, 2010 por evangelizadorasdelosapostoles
Por Diana Cariboni*

MONTEVIDEO, (IPS) – Las mujeres católicas que aspiran al sacerdocio enfrentan una dura temporada de tormentas, iniciada en el pontificado de Benedicto XVI. Algunos creen que el ministerio femenino es sólo cuestión de tiempo, pues la Iglesia echará mano de las mujeres para paliar la merma de sacerdotes, que amenaza su sobrevivencia en varios lugares del planeta. En el papado de Juan Pablo II (1978-2005) los católicos pasaron de 758 millones a 1.071 millones, medidos por cantidad de bautismos, acompasando apenas el crecimiento de la población mundial. En el mismo período, el número de sacerdotes cayó 3,7 por ciento y
y el de monjas 20,9 por ciento, según el Anuario Pontificio. Pero algunas mujeres no gustan de ese argumento. ”

Es la primera vez que me dicen que las mujeres que estamos a favor de la ordenación lo hacemos para la sobrevivencia de la Iglesia”, contestó a IPS la teóloga uruguaya Gladys Parentelli, coordinadora del movimiento Somos Iglesia en Venezuela e integrante de su consejo mundial. ”Éste sería un argumento ante la jerarquía de la Iglesia, porque a ésta le preocupa mucho la falta de vocaciones de varones. Sin embargo, las que luchamos por la ordenación, lo hacemos porque tenemos vocación y, como bautizadas, tenemos pleno derecho a ello, a pesar de lo que diga el Vaticano”, replicó. ...

The Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal and the Paradoxical Legacy of Pope John Paul 11/Sojourners

The Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal and the Paradoxical Legacy of Pope John Paul II
by César Baldelomar 04-08-2010"The Catholic church is reeling from the several sexual abuse allegations that have come to light over the past three months. Downplaying the severity of this scandal will only further damage the already beleaguered church’s image and credibility. Many in the media blame Pope Benedict XVI for the mismanagement of the sexual abuse crisis. Pope Benedict certainly deserves some blame for his relative indifference to the sexual abuse allegations while prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. But what about his predecessor, Pope John Paul II? Questions are now swirling in the media over John Paul’s involvement in the cover-up of sexual abuse allegations. The time has come to reconsider the legacy of this paradoxical public figure. And with the Vatican proceeding with unusual haste to beatify and then canonize the late pontiff, justice and compassion for the victims demand that we examine his role in the sexual abuse crisis."

AP Article: Vatican Stalls on Defrocking Sex Abusers

AP: Letter shows future Pope Benedict XVI resisted defrocking molester priest in California

Associated Press Writer


LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Four years after a California priest and convicted child molester asked to be defrocked, his bishop pleaded with the future Pope Benedict XVI to remove the man from the priesthood. Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger replied, urging caution.

"Consider the good of the Universal Church," Ratzinger wrote in a 1985 letter to Oakland Bishop John Cummins. "It is necessary for this Congregation to submit incidents of this sort to very careful consideration, which necessitates a longer period of time."

Documents obtained by the AP last week revealed similar instances of Vatican stalling in cases involving two Arizona clergy.

In one case, the future pope took over the abuse case of the Rev. Michael Teta of Tucson, Ariz., then let it languish at the Vatican for years despite repeated pleas from the bishop for the man to be removed from the priesthood.

In the second, the bishop called Msgr. Robert Trupia a "major risk factor" in a letter to Ratzinger. There is no indication in those files that Ratzinger responded.

The Vatican has called the accusations "absolutely groundless" and said the facts were being misrepresented.


Associated Press writers Brooke Donald in Oakland, Eric Gorski in Denver, John Mone in San Diego, Raquel Maria Dillon in Los Angeles and Victor L. Simpson in Rome contributed to this report.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Future Pope Stalled on Abuse Case, Letter Suggests
April 9, 2010
Future Pope Stalled on Abuse Case, Letter Suggests
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- "The future Pope Benedict XVI resisted pleas to defrock a California priest with a record of sexually molesting children, citing concerns including "the good of the universal church," according to a 1985 letter bearing his signature."

"The correspondence, obtained by The Associated Press, is the strongest challenge yet to the Vatican's insistence that Benedict played no role in blocking the removal of pedophile priests during his years as head of the Catholic Church's doctrinal watchdog office."


"The correspondence, obtained by The Associated Press, is the strongest challenge yet to the Vatican's insistence that Benedict played no role in blocking the removal of pedophile priests during his years as head of the Catholic Church's doctrinal watchdog office.
The Vatican refused to comment on the contents of the letter Friday, but a spokesman confirmed it bore Ratzinger's signature.
California church officials wrote to Ratzinger at least three times to check on the status of Kiesle's case. At one point, a Vatican official wrote to say the file may have been lost and suggested resubmitting materials.
Documents obtained by the AP last week revealed similar instances of Vatican stalling in cases involving two Arizona clergy.
In one case, the future pope took over the abuse case of the Rev. Michael Teta of Tucson, Ariz., then let it languish at the Vatican for years despite repeated pleas from the bishop for the man to be removed from the priesthood.
The Vatican has called the accusations ''absolutely groundless'' and said the facts were being misrepresented."

Roman Catholic Womenpriests: "Fighting Advanced Cander: Woman Stands on Brink of Priesthood"/ Chicago Tribune,0,3182254.story?page=1

>"Fighting advanced cancer, woman stands on brink of priesthood
Excommunicated Catholic seeks to become Chicago area’s third ordained female priest

For Denomme to arrive at this day, it's been a long struggle, mentally, spiritually and physically. She has made her tough choice, and she said she believes Catholicism will eventually have to do so, too."

"I think the reality is the church will change or it will die," she said.

Local Catholics Respond to Abuse Reports in Europe /Article: Seattle Times
Local Catholics respond to abuse reports in Europe
Seattle Times
"Roy Bourgeois, a priest who was excommunicated after he participated in the ordination of a woman organized by the movement Roman Catholic Womenpriests". ...

"Bourgeois said the widening sex-abuse scandal has made him more convinced than ever how important it is for the Catholic Church to have women priests.

"I do believe that women would not sit back in silence and see children sexually abused, and protect the church," he said.

"Barbie Becomes a Priest": Julie Blake Fisher designs priest outfits for doll/ may inspire girls/ future vocations

"Barbie gets ordained, and has the smells-and-bells wardrobe to match"
By Leanne Larmondin

(RNS) "With her careers as veterinarian, astronaut and U.S. president behind her, Barbie has at last found her true calling: as a second-career Episcopal priest..."

"The doll, her wardrobe and portable sacristy were a gift from Cleaver-Bartholomew’s friend, the Rev. Julie Blake Fisher, a priest in Kent, Ohio.

“I got a phone call from my husband who said a large package had arrived;Julie had told me that she was making something for me. She used to be a dressmaker and she makes gorgeous stoles, so I thought she was making me a stole,” said Cleaver-Bartholomew. “When I came home and there was this enormous box, I knew it wasn’t just a stole!”

Fisher had made Episcopal Priest Barbie and a few vestments two years ago for the children in her parish to dress.

“I thought the children would like to practice playing with the vestments and learning what they are,” said Fisher. The Rev. Barbie was a hit with both the children and a local group of women clergy, including Cleaver-Bartholomew.

When Cleaver-Bartholomew later got called to her parish in New York, Fisher knew the perfect gift for her friend.

“I thought, `I don’t have time to make her one of her own; I’ll just send her Episcopal Priest Barbie for her farewell gift,”’ said Fisher. “But then, when I sat down to start to package everything up, I thought `What if I added this? What if I added that? What if I made this? It would just take one more day.“‘

One more day turned into 100 hours of painstaking labor, and “b
efore I knew it, it was Episcopal Church Barbie—High Church Edition,” Fisher said.

I am delighted to hear of Priest Barbie and grateful to Julia Fisher, who is the daughter of Dick Fisher, a member of our Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Community in Florida. Julia gifted me with a beautiful stole for my ordination as bishop last April. I think the "priest vestments and outfits" are great to promote the calling and will touch the imagination of girls everywhere. Maybe a vocation surge for women priests will be coming in the next decade or so!.
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP

The Crucifixion that Didn't End on Good Friday: Role Church Leadership Played in Sex Abuse/National Catholic Reporter Article

"The church leaders are correct: this Holy Week we witnessed the suffering, mockery, and execution of our incarnate God. But the pope is not the one pained and persecuted in this latest round of secrets, cover-ups, abuse, and negligence -- those wounds belong to God and the body of Christ. They are blows dealt by a religious leadership that would allow countless children and teenagers to be violated, and then claim to have been "too busy" with comparatively trivial doctrinal and academic concerns. They are hurts inflicted by a church hierarchy that treats its people with rigid moralism, but refuses to admit its complicity in the suffering of the faithful. They are injuries inflicted by a church leadership that insists on absolute conformity, while refusing to conform not only to the laws of society, but to the laws of the heart that would compel any decent person to protect innocent children from such harm."
Jamie L. Manson NCR

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Hire Female Clergy" by Rev. Roy Bourgeois in USA Today/Letter to Editor

Rev.Roy Bourgeois, Bishop Dana Reynolds, Janice Sevre-Duszynska
Hire female clergy

The Rev. Roy Bourgeois - Columbus, Ga.

As a Catholic priest for 38 years, I am both sad and angry because the sexual abuse scandal in my church continues to claim more victims, now in Germany.

My instincts tell me that this coverup, silence and indifference toward the victims would not have happened if the Catholic Church had women priests and women bishops.

(Negative view: The favorable view of Pope Benedict XVI fell from 63% of adults — his personal best in the USA in 2008, when he visited New York and Washington D.C. — to 40%, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll./Andrew Medichini, AP.)

Roman Catholic Womenpriests: Janine Denomme Will Be Ordained On April 10, 2010 in Chicago
Janine Denomme/ Diaconate Ordination/July 2009(left)
Bishop Patricia Fresen, (center)
Juanita Cordero, RCWP (right)

"Denomme's ordination ends search, anguish"
by William Burks

"Denomme added, "My own sense of loss engenders much of my sorrow, but I also carry a pool of tears for Nancy. We did not imagine this. None of us do. Call it the price of love. And so each day is a gift. Unbending in her love and commitment, no matter how this all plays out, Nancy walks beside me assuring me I am not alone." The support and prayers of many friends and family also accompany Denomme as she completes her journey toward ordination as a priest this week."

"Denomme will be ordained Saturday, April 10, at Ebenezer Lutheran, 1650 W. Foster, at 1 p.m. See for more information."

Roman Catholic Womenpriests: Catholic Church Needs A New Pentecost of Reform and Renewal, End Clericalism Now
At our Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community liturgies, the people assemble around the altar for Eucharistic Prayer and recite the Words of Consecration.
The New Pentecost has begun and all are welcome in our inclusive communities! Roman Catholic Womenpriests call for a Truth Commission made up of people of integrity, including non-ordained to start the process of procuring justice and healing in response to the global sex abuse crisis in our church. This includes the institutional church opening the priesthood to women priests, married priests and an end to mandatory celibacy.
This in my view will lead to worldwide Ecumenical Council: Vatican 111.

Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP

Clercalims and Liturgy
Paul Philibert
"To the idea that the priest celebrates the Eucharist and that the faithful are nourished from afar, the council insisted on the contrary: “The eucharistic celebration is the center of the assembly of the faithful over which the priest presides. Hence priests [must] teach the faithful to offer the divine victim to God the Father in the sacrifice of the Mass and with the victim to make an offering of their own lives” (Presbyterorum Ordinis 5). By offering themselves and their apostolic action in the world, the faithful bring the fruit of their baptismal priesthood (which is essentially non-liturgical and lived out in the world) to the church’s fundamental act of sacrifice and self-offering to God at Mass. When this role of the faithful is denied, then Sunday Mass becomes the place where people assemble not as a priestly people offering their lives to God, but as individuals praying private devotions as they watch the priest offer sacred rites on a distant altar."

"To the idea that the faithful are sanctified uniquely through the ministries of the ordained, the “Constitution on the Church” clearly says: “The baptized, by regeneration and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, are consecrated a spiritual house and a holy priesthood, that through all their Christian activities they may offer spiritual sacrifices and proclaim the marvels of him who has called them out of darkness into his wonderful light” (Lumen Gentium 10). In other words, the vocation that the church offers to the faithful is not a secondary role as clients of clerical ministries, but a Spirit-filled participation as pioneers in the church’s role as herald of the kingdom of God."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Vatican Covered Up Abuse in Minnesota, lawyers say
CNN Wire Staff
(CNN) -- "Vatican officials failed to take action against a priest accused of sexually abusing two teenage girls in Minnesota despite repeated warnings from a local bishop starting in 2005, attorneys for one of the alleged victims said Monday.

The Vatican's failure occurred despite the establishment of safeguards established four years earlier to deal with the growing abuse scandal inside the Catholic Church, they said."

John Cooney: Cardinal Still a Captive of Clerical Culture and Rome
John Cooney: Cardinal still a captive of clerical culture and Rome

"Both the Pope's Secretary of State and Doctrinal Enforcer -- along with Pope Benedict himself -- stand accused of covering up crimes of paedophile priests.

No, Cardinal Brady, a Roman solution to an Irish problem spawned by Rome is not the way to clean up the Irish church. "

"The Failed Papacy of Benedict XVI" SPIEGEL Staff

"The pope's reluctance to take a firm stance on sexual abuse by
priests is expanding into a crisis for the Catholic Church and
fueling outrage over his papacy. Some Catholics are now even calling on Benedict, who has committed a series of gaffes since becoming pope in 2005, to resign."
By SPIEGEL staff.,1518,687374,00.html

Catholics: Tme to Break Up All Male Boys' Club/Newsweek

More than 60 percent of American Catholics support the ordination of women, and though traditionalists insist that's a pipe dream, realists think otherwise. With priestly vocations in steep decline in the U.S., and women running 80 percent of parish ministries, female priests seem an inevitability. A small group of about 100 renegade women have already been ordained "by a bishop in good standing," says Eileen McCafferty DiFranco, who is one of them. Though excommunicated, DiFranco remains unbowed. "Jesus never said only men can be priests."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Liturgy: Pictures and Links to Mini-Movies of Easter Liturgy

Link to Picasa album

Priest Partners: Michael Rigdon, Lee Breyer and Bridget Mary Meehan

Imogene Rigdon left and Carol Ann Bryer, front blessing assembly with Water

Andrew Hudson "Drew": Music Minister Leader of Song, Jack Meehan, musician

Movie links:
Lighting of Fire

Lighting of Easter Candle

Lighting of Candles in Church

Placement of Paschal Candle in front of Altar

Reading:Genesis: Imogene Rigdon

Meditation on Mary of Mary of Magdalene Embracing Jesus

Blessing of Water

Eucharistic Prayer

Holy, Holy

Consecratory Prayers;

Communion Rite:
The Prayer of Jesus