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Monday, February 6, 2012

Church's Ban on Contraception Starves Families and Damages Ecosystem/ Jamie L. Manson/ NCR
"As the battle over contraception coverage raged in our national debate last week, a small report on "PBS NewsHour" demonstrated the devastating effects that the Catholic church's ban on contraception has on poor nations..."

Bridget Mary's Reflection:
If we had a married priesthood, do you think they'd have large families? Would contraception be even an issue? I know that women priests are affirming primacy of conscience on this issue as well as other moral issues.  The institutional church's ban on contraception contributes to global poverty in the third world as Jamie Manson argues. Is this not a serious sin? Can you imagine Jesus of Nazareth supporting the Catholic Church's ban on contraception? Jesus criticized the religious leaders for placing heavy burdens - rules and rituals- on the people that did not draw them closer to God. Catholic hierarchy, take heed!


  1. "Can you imagine Jesus of Nazareth supporting the Catholic Church's ban on contraception?"

    YES, I can.

  2. "Can you imagine Jesus of Nazareth supporting the spread of AIDS in Africa?"

    YES, you can.

  3. According to a recent Public Religion Research Institute survey, a majority of Americans, including Catholics, believe employers should be required to provide health care plans that cover contraception and birth control at no cost. Catholics are more likely than Americans in general (52 to 49 percent) to say that religiously affiliated employers should have to provide contraception coverage. This is today's reality. One no longer sees large Catholic families, such as the one I grew up in, because Catholics use birth control. The Church Hierarchy's ruling is an attempt, much like witch burnings and the Inquisition, to unjustly force the will of a few onto the many.


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