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Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Workers, Not Catholic Hierarchy, Should Choose Their Health Care"/Washington Post/ Time to Hear from Millions of American Women and Men Who Practice Contraception

..."Michael Gerson imputed nefarious motives to President Obama for his administration’s requirement that contraception be made more affordable and available for American workers. He lamented the decision’s effects on a bishop, a priest and the vice president. Tellingly missing from this analysis: the profound and beneficial effects on the millions of American women and their families, Catholic and non-Catholic, Democrat, Republican and independent, whose health-care decisions are too often thwarted by a small, powerful cadre of men who have zero credibility with many lay Catholics when it comes to contraception. Churches across the country are filled with good Catholics, the majority of whom use contraception and have no objection to it...."


  1. The hierarchy of your schismatic church shouldn't tell us Catholics what kind of health care our Catholic institutions should offer.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Us" Catholics are shepherded by "a small, powerful cadre of men who have zero credibility with many lay Catholics" in matters other than just contraception. Their failed moral leadership shames the Body of Christ.

    "Us" Catholic sheep prefer having our own wool pulled over our own eyes. It makes "Us" Catholics feel more comfortable not having to see the decay we continue subsidizing.

  4. Us Catholics know the bishops are wrong. A church hierarchy that fails to represent or care about millions of Catholics should not dictate rules that benefit everyone.


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