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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Redirect Your Peter's Pence Donation to the Nuns- Letter by Sr. Chris Schenk/Future Church

Dear Friends,
This coming weekend, please consider redirecting your Peter's Pence donation to your favorite community of sisters instead of the Vatican. Peter's Pence is an annual second collection, normally made at the end of June. 
According to investigative journalist, Jason Berry, Peter's Pence donations are frequently used to cover Vatican operating costs. Berry's meticulously documented book: Render Unto Rome: the Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church exposes a shocking misuse of charitable donations by people who administer the finances of the Catholic Church. There is no public accounting of Peter's Pence contributions as would be expected of other charitable organizations in the US and around the world.

Instead of contributing funds to a Vatican collection that lacks financial transparency, we think most Catholics would rather pledge to support the sisters. Already, nearly $54,000 has been pledged, nearly $19,000 of which is from the Peter's Pence redirection. The remaining being from our Pentecost pledge campaign.
If you haven't already, please write church officials about your concerns about how US sisters are being treated.
On June 13, members of the Nun Justice Project hand delivered 57,000 signatures to the U.S. Bishops meeting in Atlanta, and received great media coverage. See photos here.
FutureChurch has created a new St. Mary of Magdala celebration honoring women religious. You can download it here.
Here is a lovely YouTube tribute Love Cannot Be Silenced created by Alison McCrary CSJ with music by Sr. Kathy Sherman CSJ.
Here is recent video coverage you may be interested in viewing:

Simone Campbell SSS
on Colbert report (this is hilarious)
Maureen Fiedler SL on the Diane Rehm Show
Christine Schenk CSJ: Cleveland PBS: Feagler and Friends

Our advocacy support through the Nun Justice Project will continue through into August when the leadership of all US sisters meets in St. Louis August 7-11.

Thank you for all your support...and do pledge to support the sisters this weekend!

Chris Schenk and board and staff at FutureChurch 


  1. I will personally make up for any dollar diverted from Peter's Pence.

  2. In pieces of silver issued by Banca Vaticana.

  3. Great blog to come in, very interesting post! Donation Letters


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