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Saturday, June 2, 2018

(Cardinal) "Schonborn at odds with CDF statement on Women Priests", Only Resolved at an Ecumenical Council

The question of women’s ordination is one that can only be clarified at an Ecumenical Council, says Schönborn.

My Response: The Spirit of God within the people of God is speaking in the Church now and affirming the prophetic role of women priests who are leading the church toward the full equality of women as they minister in inclusive communities where all are welcome to celebrate Eucharist. Cardinal Schonborn's idea of an Ecumenical Council where representatives of Catholics throughout the world meet to discuss the Spirit's movement in the church affirming women's full equality could be a blessed event. Pope Francis needs to make the connections between justice for the marginalized in the world and justice for women in the Church.  The full equality of women including women's ordination is a social justice issue. The institutional Church's ban on women priests is contrary to Jesus' example in the Gospel, early church history, and contemporary experience of the Spirit's movement today in the international Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement. I suggest that Pope Francis take a positive step by lifting the excommunication against our RCWP communities and begin a dialogue with us. This could begin a process and lead to some Spirit surprises! Bridget Mary Meehan #womenpriestsnow,,

After CDF Prefect Luis Ladaria Ferrer SJ this week reaffirmed the impossibility of ordaining women in the Catholic Church, it has become clear that cardinal-elect Ladaria’s statements run counter to a position recently enunciated by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
In an article in L’Osservatore Romano on 30 May, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated that expressing doubt about the impossibility of ordaining women to the priesthood “creates serious confusion among the faithful”.
His article was given the headline “The definitive character of the doctrine of Ordinatio sacerdotalis”, referring to Pope John Paul II's 1994 apostolic letter that outlined the reasoning behind the ban on the priestly ordination of women.
The archbishop said he decided to write “in response to doubt” about Pope St John Paul II’s teaching. “It is a matter of serious concern to see the emergence in some countries of voices that question the definitiveness of this doctrine,” he wrote.
“To hold that it is not definitive, it is argued that it was not defined "ex cathedra" and that, then, a later decision by a future Pope or Council could overturn it,” he stated. “Sowing these doubts creates serious confusion among the faithful, not only about the Sacrament of Orders as part of the divine constitution of the Church, but also about the ability of the ordinary magisterium to teach Catholic doctrine in an infallible way.”
Interviewed on the subject in his Easter interview for the Salzburger Nachrichten of 1 April 2018, Vienna archbishop Cardinal Schönborn referred specifically to the possibility of change via a Council. He stated that the question of women’s ordination was a question that “can certainly only be clarified at an [Ecumenical] Council. It cannot be solved by a Pope alone. It is far too important a question for it to be solved from the desk of a Pope.”
Asked whether he was only talking about ordination of women to the priesthood, he said he meant the ordination to the diaconate, the priesthood and the episcopate. He was then asked whether it was possible for Pope Francis alone to give the go-ahead for a women’s diaconate.
“I would not consider it a good thing,” Cardinal Schönborn replied. “The Church is a community. Important decisions should be made collaboratively.”
Asked if he was in favour of a Council so that these questions could be discussed, the cardinal replied: “I want us to continue the synodal way, a way Pope Francis is strongly promoting. I am in favour of a Council whenever it comes. Pope John XXIII recognised the right moment for a Council when no one else expected one. I trust in the Holy Spirit.”  
However, Cardinal-designate Ladaria says the Church’s belief in a male-only priesthood is infallible teaching which should be held as an unchanging and “definitive” part of the Catholic faith. In the most forthright doctrinal statement so far against the ordination of women under Francis’ papacy, the CDF Prefect says maleness is “an indispensable element” of the priesthood, and the Church is “bound” by Christ’s decision to choose male apostles. 
He pointed out that that infallible teaching is not simply proclaimed by a council or a Pope speaking “ex cathedra”, but is also proclaimed by bishops across the world who, in communion with the Pope, propose doctrine that should be “held definitively”. He revealed that Pope St John Paul II had consulted with leaders of episcopal conferences before issuing Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, and that they all declared support and obedience to the teaching. 
The Polish Pope, Ladaria explained, did not wish to “work alone” but sought to ensure he was listening to an “uninterrupted and lived tradition”.  In 2015, Francis said it was after “long, long intense discussions”, that John Paul II issued his ruling on women’s ordination. 
“He did not declare new dogma, but with the authority conferred on him as successor of Peter, he formally confirmed and made explicit – to remove any doubt – that which the ordinary and universal magisterium had considered as belonging to the deposit of faith throughout the history of the church,” the CDF prefect wrote. 
The 74-year-old cardinal-designate stressed that the refusal to ordain women does not mean a “subordination, but a mutual enrichment” of men and women while the exalted role of Mary shows the importance of both the feminine and masculine aspects of the Church.  
This is all the more important in a contemporary culture, which Archbishop Ladaria says “struggles to understand the meaning and the goodness of the difference between man and woman”, and what should be complementary, although distinct, roles.
For his part, Pope Francis has made attempts to give women greater roles inside the Church and in August 2016 established a commission examining female deacons. 
That body is led by cardinal-designate Ladaria, and there is speculation in Rome that his intervention could be a shoring up of teaching on the priesthood ahead of a move on allowing women into the diaconate. 
In 2009, Benedict XVI issued a legal ruling clearly delineating the role of deacons – technically members of the clergy – from the ordained priesthood. While deacons serve the Church, Benedict ruled, it is priests and bishops who participate in the “headship of Christ”, following the Catholic teaching that the priest acts in the “person of Christ”.
That distinction between the diaconate and priesthood might free up the possibility of allowing a diaconate that includes women, but definitely rules out priesthood. 
Archbishop Ladaria wrote: “Christ willed to confer this sacrament on the 12 apostles – all men – who, in turn, communicated it to other men. The church always has seen itself as bound to this decision of the Lord, which excludes that the ministerial priesthood can be conferred validly on women.”
It was Paul VI, in a 1975 letter to then Archbishop of Canterbury Donald Coggan, who issued the first modern-day papal ruling against ordination of women saying it was “not admissible to ordain women to the priesthood for very fundamental reasons”. Archbishop Coggan had written to Paul VI to explain a growing consensus in the Anglican Communion in favour of ordaining women. The Anglican Communion now has women serving at the highest levels of ecclesiastical leadership. 
The radical opposition group We Are Church International (WACI) this week strongly rejected Archbishop Ladaria’s claim that the ban on ordaining women to Catholic priesthood has a “definitive character” and “is a truth belonging to the deposit of faith”.
Archbishop Ladaria will be made a cardinal by Pope Francis on 28 June.  

Friday, June 1, 2018

Women's Ordination Conference Responds to CDF, Catholic Women Called Video with Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP

Catholic Women Called: Bridget Mary Meehan

This week, the prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Luis Ladaria, suggested that the movement for women's ordination creates "serious confusion" among the Catholic faithful. To this we say...  

There is no confusion that God continues to call women to renewed priesthood. 

There is no confusion that the hierarchy is struggling to hold an increasingly untenable position that is against the will of the People of God. 

There is no confusion that living out God's realm on earth means full equality and dignity for all people.

In this week's Catholic Women Called video, Bridget Mary Meehan, a bishop with the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests, reminds us that we are already making what some have called "impossible," possible. 

The bravery of the women of Catholic Women Called directly contradicts Archbishop Ladaria's assertion that the ban on women's ordination is doctrine definitively held. Catholic women hear and respond to God's call, no matter the cost. This, we know, is crystal clear. 

The only "serious confusion" among the faithful is just how long the Vatican will continue to parade indefensible arguments that attempt to limit the reaches of God's call.
For Equality,

Kate McElwee
Executive Director 

P.S. We are still seeking submissions for Catholic Women Called. Fill out this form to receive more information on how to participate. Please share your story!
WOC Responds to Archbishop Ladaria

"Matters of doctrine must be created and accepted with the consultation of the sensus fidelium, the sense of the faithful, as a body of people who through their baptism and the movement of the Spirit can identify what is true to the heart of the Gospel. The continued presence of a strong movement clamoring for the ordination of women shows that Ordinatio Sacerdotalis is far from definitively held as doctrine by the faithful of the Church."
Reinterpreting Religion: art exhibition in Chicago

Reinterpreting Religion is a group exhibition featuring seven artists from the U.S., the U.K., and Italy, including Giulia Bianchi, whose work was featured in WOW's Jubilee for Women Priests poster project throughout the streets of Rome.

The exhibition at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago opens June 1 and runs through July 29th.  "Reinterpreting Religion" artists employ photography, installation, painting, sculpture, and video to highlight the ways feminism, religion, and perspectives shaped by life experiences coalesce to cultivate individualized systems of belief that move away from stringent guidelines outlined by the conservative structures of worship. 

Find out more about the exhibition here. Or let us know if you'd like to be part of a Chicago WOC outing to the gallery! 

Video: Is the Table Really Big Enough? by John Pavlovitz

Is the Table really Big Enough- Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community with John Pavlovitz
Focal points how to make room for those you may have difficulty welcoming/diversity of Jesus’ table
Radical Hospitality
Total Authenticity
True Diversity
Agenda Free Community

St. Joan of Arc, Poem by Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP

St.Joan, witch, mystical and courageous,
enduring despite the torture of being burned alive.
Message: Powerful women be aware!
Such were the machinations of both state
and church. Not canonized for several centuries!
We were included by the Vatican in the same category of
Mafioso and Pedophiles.. 
Fear of women's ability to create Community?
To challenge the way things are? To birth new

"Revolutionary Relationships" by by Susan Rose Francois, Global Sisters Report, A Project of the National Catholic Reporter

"I've been thinking a lot about relationships lately. As a vowed religious, I'm obviously not referring to relationships in the romantic sense, even if I do love a good romantic comedy, but simply in the most human sense. Me to you, you to me, we to them … until there is simply us, brothers and sisters created in the image and likeness of God.
"When there is an us," Pope Francis said in last year's surprise TED talk, "there begins a revolution."
Pope Francis inspires me to risk revolutionary relationships, or as he calls it, a revolution of tenderness. Looking at the division, polarization, hate speech, and angry tweeting peppering our (un)civil discourse these days, I can see why he is calling for a little tenderness. The negative energy around us can seep into the everyday. We can be tempted to close in on the comfortable, surround ourselves with like-minded folks, and miss out on the transformative power of surprising connections.
Dorothy Day inspires me. It seems that the need for revolutionary relationships is not necessarily new, given that she wrote these words in her 1963 book Loaves and Fishes:
The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us. When we begin to take the lowest place, to wash the feet of others, to love our brothers with that burning love, that passion, which led to the cross, then we can truly say, "Now I have begun."
My friend Virginia Herbers, a member of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus community, inspires and challenges me to create communion in my own existing sphere of relationships. In her opening chapter of our collaborative book projectIn Our Own Words: Religious Life in a Changing World, Virginia writes:
In the communion paradigm, I am called to the table by Jesus who values me simply because he does, simply because I am. Looking to my left and to my right, I see that he values you simply because you are. The true call of communion is to be able to say to you with my own voice, "I love you; sit next to me," "I am trying to love you; sit next to me," or "You don't seem to love me; sit next to me."
This passage has challenged me ever since I first read it during our writing retreat, when we gathered to read and critique each other's chapters. This tender revolution of the heart is not pie in the sky, something we preach and aspire to live out some day. Rather, if I truly believe the truth of this call to be about building the beloved community, then it needs to start in my everyday life and relationships.
Who do I avoid, and why? Who do I judge before they even open their mouth, because I of course know exactly what they will say, and it is just going to be utter nonsense, so in the end, do I even truly listen to what they have to say? Maybe it is exactly what I thought they would say, but perhaps today I will hear it a little differently. Maybe today, we'll have a conversation. This might be the day we've been waiting for when we will each think a little differently after our connection. You never know until you try.
Relationships are revolutionary because they require us to be vulnerable and share at least a little bit of ourselves, even if we follow the principles of self-care and healthy boundaries. Relationships require us to show up with open minds and open hearts. Relationships require us to give people permission to step out of the boxes we have already drawn around them.
I return again to the keen insights of the heart of Dorothy Day. When pondering what to say to those who question what one person can do, she wrote:
They cannot see that we must lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time; we can be responsible only for the action of the present moment but we can beg for an increase of love in our hearts that will vitalize and transform all our individual actions, and know that God will take them and multiply them, as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes.
And so I pray for the grace to risk revolutionary relationships in my daily life. I pray for the grace to listen with an open mind, to be present with an open heart, and to love my way into the "kindom," step by step, day by day, moment by moment, knowing that all things are possible through God who first loved us into being."
[Susan Rose Francois is a member of the Congregation Leadership Team for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. She was a Bernardin scholar at Catholic Theological Union and has ministered as a justice educator and advocate. Read more of her work on her blog, At the Corner of Susan and St. Joseph.]

Thursday, May 31, 2018

As we approach the second anniversary of the Pulse shooting and as South Florida heals from the Parkland mass shooting, when will enough be enough? by Rev. Paul Werner, Pastor at St. Andrew UCC, Sarasota, Florida

JUNE 2018

Paul's Pondering

Thoughts and prayers...
...and actions

In a couple of weeks, it will be the two-year anniversary of the massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. As a result of the mass shooting at Pulse, 49 people lost their lives and 53 were injured.

Nothing was done, except for "thoughts and prayers" offered by elected officials.

Unfortunately, this is what happens every time there is a mass shooting in the United States. A mass shooting event occurs, people decide that they want to talk about our way-too-easy access to guns, NRA-backed officials say it is "too soon" to talk about way-too-easy access to guns, the same officials offer "thoughts and prayers," and then nothing happens. Just more shootings and more "thoughts and prayers" afterwards.

As we approach the second anniversary of the Pulse shooting and as South Florida heals from the Parkland mass shooting, when will enough be enough?

At Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, 20 little kids and six staff members lost their lives in a mass shooting back in 2012. Ever since this horrific incident brought this phenomenon to the forefront, the only actions taken by our elected officials were "thoughts and prayers."


The United Church of Christ has responded to the epidemic of gun violence in our nation (click here for more information). Locally, our friends at First United Church of Tampa keep a regularly updated gun death tally sign (above) that passers-by can see on East Fowler Avenue in Temple Terrace.

Our nation has a problem with way-too-easy access to guns and a high level of gun violence. Certainly, no one wants to take away anyone's right to own firearms (for the record, I support the right to own firearms); however, something must be done, besides "thoughts and prayers," to make sure that only properly trained firearm owners own properly regulated firearms. The Second Amendment mentions a "well regulated militia." But where is it?

As a former high school teacher, I am impressed by the young people of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. They are teaching our lawmakers and business leaders (and us) a few things, because the adults elected to represent them do nothing but offer "thoughts and prayers." When they discovered that Publix was giving massive amounts of money to an NRA-backed gubernatorial candidate in Florida, 
the students held "die-ins" at Publix stores. Publix ended up suspending its political donations because of this. (If only Publix would listen to the farmworkers' repeated requests for improved working conditions and compensation...)

As a result of the Parkland students' work regarding an issue that touched their lives directly, our governor enacted minimal reforms by signing a bill into law that raised the age to buy a rifle to 21 years and included a mandatory three-day waiting period to buy a gun.

What can we do? The UCC has some suggested ways we can reach out to our elected officials as well as other resources for addressing and preventing gun violence (click here).

I'm glad our young people are showing us the way forward by taking risks and actions for positive change. I'm grateful for their wisdom. Sometimes we grownups need to step aside and let our young people show us the way.

Vatican Ban on Women Priests as Definitive is Example of Sexism on Divine Steroids, Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP

My Response: In a May 29 article in Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, Cardinal-elect Luis Ladaria, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote that  “Christ wanted to give this sacrament [of holy orders] to the twelve apostles, all men, who, in turn, transmitted it to other men. The Vatican's blaming God and Jesus for its own patriarchal teaching banning women priests is deeply sexist and violates the fundamental identity of women as images of Christ. As many theologians have pointed out and I have repeated over and over---this teaching ignores the biblical text and centuries of scholarly research because Jesus did not ordain the twelve apostles or anyone else at the Last Supper. Cardinal Ladaria's message is an example of sexism on  divine steroids- only males have been called and ever will be called to the all-male Roman Catholic priesthood - and you can blame Jesus and God that women cannot be ordained. 

 Our international Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement is grounded in the example of Jesus who called women and men as disciples and equals. We are living prophetic obedience to the Spirit by disobeying an unjust man-made Canon law, and we are creating a more inclusive compassionate and loving community of faith that welcomes the marginalized members of our church and treats everyone as beloved sisters and brothers.  

Bridget Mary Meehan #womenpriestsnow,,

.- The teaching of the Catholic Church on the impossibility of ordaining women to the priesthood, now or in the future, is clear – and to sow confusion by suggesting otherwise is a serious matter, wrote the Vatican’s top authority on doctrine.
In a May 29 article in Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, Cardinal-elect Luis Ladaria, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote that “Christ wanted to give this sacrament [of holy orders] to the twelve apostles, all men, who, in turn, transmitted it to other men.”
“The Church has always recognized herself bound by this decision of the Lord, which excludes that the ministerial priesthood can be validly conferred on women.”
Taking this into account, as well as Pope St. John Paul II’s 1994 apostolic letter “Ordinatio sacerdotalis,” which states that all Catholics must “definitively” follow this teaching, Ladaria said, “it is a matter of serious concern to see the emergence in some countries of voices that question the finality of this doctrine.”
Ladaria spelled out several reasons why the Catholic Church cannot ordain women to the priesthood, the first being that it is part of the substance of the sacrament of holy orders that the person receiving ordination be a man. And the Church cannot change this substance because the sacraments, as instituted by Christ, are the foundation of the Church.
Contrary to what some have argued, this limit on holy orders, Ladaria explained, does not prevent the Church from being effective in her ministry, because if the Church cannot change something, it is because “the original love of God intervenes on that point.”
God is “at work in the ordination of priests, so that the Church always contains, in every situation of her history, the visible and efficacious presence of Jesus Christ ‘as the principal source of grace,’” Ladaria said, quoting Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Evangelii gaudium.
Following the tradition of the Catholic Church in this teaching is a matter of obedience to the Lord, he continued, noting that the Church is called to deepen her understanding of the sacramental priesthood: that the priest stands “in the person of Christ” and is a spouse of the Church, making his being a man an “indispensable part” of the sacrament.
He pointed to the fact Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have both confirmed Pope St. John Paul II’s teaching in “Ordinatio sacerdotalis,” on the impossibility of ordaining women in the Catholic Church.
In a press conference aboard the papal plane returning from Sweden Nov. 1, 2016, Pope Francis said: “On the ordination of women in the Catholic Church, the last clear word was given by St. John Paul II, and this remains.”
Ladaria also wrote about the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the most “complete figure” in the Church’s history though she was never an ordained minister.
“Thus we see that the masculine and the feminine, the original language that the creator has inscribed in the human body, are taken on in the work of our redemption,” he said.
“Precisely the fidelity to the design of Christ on the ministerial priesthood allows, then, to deepen and further promote the specific role of women in the Church, given that ‘in the Lord, neither man is without woman, nor woman is without man’ (1 Corinthians, 11:11).”
The Catholic Church can also bring light to the culture concerning “the meaning and the goodness of the difference between man and woman,” he continued.
“In this time, in which the Church is called to respond to the many challenges of our culture, it is essential that [the Church] remains in Jesus, like the branches in the vine,” Ladaria said, quoting Jesus’ words from the Gospel of John: “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.”
“Only fidelity to his words, which will not pass, ensures our rooting in Christ and in his love,” he concluded. “Only the acceptance of his wise design, which takes shape in the sacraments, reinvigorates the roots of the Church, so that it may bear the fruit of eternal life.”

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests Press Release in Response to Vatican Statement on ban of women priests as "definitive" teaching. May 30, 2018
Despite Jesus’ example of Gospel equality, despite 1100 years of church history of women’s ordination, despite the growing acceptance of Roman Catholic Women Priests worldwide, the Vatican’s affirmation of its ban on women priests as “definitive” teaching  rests solely on patriarchal church authority. In doing so, it denies the workings of the Spirit within the People of God. 

On the 10thanniversary of the Vatican’s decree of the excommunication of women priests in the USA, the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests continues to rise up for justice and equality for women in the church and the world.  We are fully committed to continue ordaining women. Like women who roar for full human rights, our movement is growing with enthusiasm among Catholics in grassroots communities, especially with marginalized LGBTI and divorced , and all who seek a bigger table where God's beloved family gathers to celebrate sacraments and to serve their sisters and brothers in mutual love in a community of equals.  

Janice Sevre Duszynska 859-684-4247,
Bridget Mary Meehan 703-505-0004,

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Olga Lucia Alvarez Benjumea ARCWP Responds to Vatican Reaffirmation of Ban on Women Priests as Definitive Teaching,


A raíz del reciente pronunciamiento del Papa Francisco: “Ningún pecado borra el sello del Bautismo. Dios no reniega nunca a sus hijos” (Mayo 9/18). Ante este pronunciamiento, surgieron inquietudes que voy a compartir.
Las presbiteras estamos siguiendo nuestras conciencias en el movimiento ARCWP como presbíteras en obediencia profética al Espíritu. Una ley injusta debe ser desobedecida para poder cambiarla. Estamos llevando a la iglesia a reconocer la plena igualdad de las mujeres en todos los roles como imágenes de la Divinidad. Somos fieles al Evangelio y al pueblo de Dios al vivir la justicia en comunidades inclusivas de amor compasivo y justicia al margen de la Iglesia Católica. El patriarcado es el problema, las mujeres sacerdotes son profetas de la justicia. Al igual que Santa Juana de Arco, hemos sido condenadas, pero un día la Iglesia estará agradecida por nuestro fiel testimonio de la igualdad evangélica.
Queremos que el Papa Francisco levante este duro castigo y afirme nuestro derecho a seguir nuestras conciencias al vivir el Evangelio de Jesús como fieles testigos en la Iglesia Católica Romana. !No es justo, que en pleno siglo XXI, se siga creyendo que somos las culpables de la corrupción en el mundo! Negando así la redención de Cristo, para mujeres y hombres.
Nos hemos reunido alrededor de este tema, realizando un conversatorio en profundidad, aprovechando que nos hemos encontrado.
Una comenta, la más inquieta,  que ha estado averiguando y leyendo y encontró lo siguiente:
“Aunque el Código de Derecho Canónico no la defina así, se suele considerar que el efecto de la excomuniónes la expulsión del delincuente de la Iglesia. Por la excomunión, el delincuente no pertenece a la Iglesia. Naturalmente, esta afirmación merece una reflexión: puesto que los bautizados no pierden su carácter del bautismo ni su condición de bautizados. En este sentido, no se puede decir que los excomulgados dejen de pertenecer a la Iglesia. Los vínculos de comunión espiritual e invisible no se alteran, pero se rompen los vínculos extrínsecos de comunión”.
Otra, reacciona, diciendo:  Por tan interesante descubrimiento, la verdad, es que de mi parte no me he sentido nunca como una “delincuente”. No me cabe en la cabeza que el anunciar el Evangelio, me haga “delincuente”. Es una palabra ofensiva y dolorosa, pero como bien dice el mismo articulo: “Naturalmente, esta afirmación merece una reflexión: puesto que los bautizados no pierden su carácter del bautismo ni su condición de bautizados”. Ninguna de nosotras, ha profanado el Eucaristia, no la ha pisoteado, o saqueado ningún sagrario. No nos hemos declarado herejes, ni cismáticas.
Otra: Si seguimos leyendo, encontramos el siguiente comentario al Canon 1331: “El parágrafo 1º se refiere al excomulgado, sin dar más especificaciones. Por lo tanto, se refiere a todos los excomulgados, lo hayan sido latae sententiae o ferendae sententiae. Mientras que el 2º parágrafo sólo se refiere a quienes hayan sido excomulgados ferendae sententiae (excomunión impuesta) o latae sententiae: se excluyen quienes hayan incurrido en excomunión latae sententiae no declarada.”
Otra, agrega: Eso que has leído,  se refiere a que se haya recibido algún comunicado de la institución, como tal. Siempre y cuando se haya incurrido en escándalo. Así lo entiendo,  eso me hsce recordar aquel pasaje del evangelio:  «Maestro, hemos visto a uno que expulsaba demonios en tu nombre, y se lo hemos querido impedir, porque no es de los nuestros».Jesús respondió: «No se lo impidan, porque uno que hace milagros en mi nombre no puede luego hablar mal de mí. El que no está contra nosotros está a nuestro favor….El que escandalice a uno de estos pequeños que creen, más le valdría que le encajasen en el cuello una piedra de molino y lo echasen al mar.”Mc 9: 38-40:42
Una pregunta: De quién será la confusión, porque dentro de lo enunciado en el Derecho Canónico, las mujeres presbiteras no nos vemos reflejadas en lo que allí se dice: “Según las circunstancias puede ser “late sententiae“, si va junto a la comisión de un delito especialmente grave (apostasía, sacrilegios especiales, etc,), y “ferende sententiae“, si se comete un delito que conlleva amenaza de ser pronunciada esta sanción (robos, abusos, atropellos) (cc. 1364 a 1388).  Dando a entender, que la excomunión tiene la finalidad de proteger al Pueblo de Dios.
Además ni bíblica, ni teológicamente, se conoce argumento alguno, que impida la ordenación a las mujeres.
Es bueno recordar, que Jesús, no ordenó ni hombres, ni mujeres. en la última cena. El sacerdocio, es un servicio que se hace a la Iglesia.
Está el Canon 1024, que dice: “sólo los hombres bautizados, pueden ser ordenados”. Nosotras preguntamos: Es que el agua con que bautizan a los varones, es diferente de la nuestra?.
Está la carta apostólica de Juan Pablo II “Ordenatio Sacedotalis” de 1994, y lo confirma Francisco cuando se refiere a ello: “Lo ha dicho Juan Pablo II, pero con una formulación definitiva. Esa puerta está cerrada”.
Es una pena, que las mujeres presbiteras, no seamos escuchadas, a pesar de haber solicitado una cita con el Papa. Lo que se haya dicho y se siga diciendo, se ha hecho a nuestras espaldas, sin comentar, sin consultar, sin compartir, argumentando que el pronunciamiento es de “constitución divina”. Como mujeres, no somos inferiores al varón. Somos iguales aunque diferentes.  Ambos hemos sido creados/a imagen de Dios. Génesis 1:26.
Nosotras no tenemos dudas, acerca de nuestro ministerio presbiteral dentro de la Iglesia, somos conscientes,  este tema necesita mucha oración, reflexión, diálogo, aclaración y compartir con el Pueblo de Dios, dando a conocer la Historia de las primeras comunidades cristianas, que se iniciaron en las casas de varias lideresas como Lidia, Febe, Priscila, la obispa Theodora y otras. (
El tema no es para tratar, de manera superficial, es algo que nos implica a todos/as en todo el vivir y sentir de la Ecclesia. Sin desconocer el papel que juega la Cultura y la Sociedad, que tambien compete a la Iglesia.
Desde el momento en que solicitamos y aceptamos el sacramento del Orden ordenación al presbiterado, nos encontramos en santa desobediencia, siguiendo nuestra conciencia:
“Es necesario obedecer a Dios antes que a los hombres!” Hechos 5:29
Anunciamos el Evangelio sin fronteras, de manera inclusiva .”No hay judío ni griego; no hay esclavo ni libre; no hay hombre ni mujer; porque todos sois uno en Cristo Jesús.” Gálatas 3:28. No pretendemos hacer competencia, mucho menos clericalismo, en actitudes y vestimenta.
*Presbitera católica romana

ARCWP Press Statement en respuesta a la declaración del Vaticano sobre la prohibición de mujeres sacerdotes como enseñanza “definitiva”