
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Media Release: Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests Calls for Compassion and Justice for Migrant Children Suffering from Inhumane and Cruel Treatment

Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP

Bridget Mary Meehan: ARCWP, 

The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests (ARCWP) calls for adequate food, water, shelter for all migrant children and for immediate reunification with their families as a humanitarian act of compassion and justice. We oppose all acts of violence and cruelty against our sisters and brothers detained at  U.S. detention camps where children sleep in cold cells and are separated from their loving parents. A  child held in one of these facilities is reported to have said: "I cannot feel my heart."   

People throughout our country are challenging the failure of our present U.S. policy on immigration that separates children from their parents and incarcerates them in horrific conditions. "Bleak scenes of tearful, malnourished children reeking of filth and jammed into frigid, overcrowded quarters have emerged in new accounts from immigrant rights lawyers, who conducted dozens of interviews with children inside Border Patrol stations across Texas."

ARCWP follows the inclusive teachings of Jesus that "whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do to me."We stand with  all those who are working tirelessly to end this crisis. We will not be silent. 

Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP at Demonstration for  Compassionate Care of Migrant Children in Detention Camps ( Sept.4, 2019, Newark, NJ)

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