We live in challenging political and moral times. What is our grounding as we live in this emotional, spiritual and cultural turmoil? Our historic norms, institutions and government are being thrown out, changed, or dismantled. Let us reflect on Reign of God, Jesus’ teaching of non-violence, and our intentions and responses as an individual and in community
Let us each share for a minute or two: “How am I feeling after the inauguration and the actions Congress and the President are proposing/taking?’ (We will share more about this later)
Reader 1: Readings from Fr. John Dear
We will be using readings from the latest book by John Dear, “The Gospel of Peace; A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective of Non-violence”
As we practice and teach Jesus’ teachings of universal love, universal compassion and total nonviolence, we find ourselves in the kin-dom of God right now. We can explore how the Kin-dom of God is within us as individuals…and we can also notice signs of the kin-dom of God among us as a community—(in our local communities), church, among our friends and family as we share meals and celebrate life, and among those who participate in the grass root movement for justice, disarmament and creation. There especially, as we carry on Jesus’ campaign to proclaim God’s reign, we will experience God’s reign inside us and among us as we press forward in the public work of God’s justice and peace. (pg. 338-339)
Reader 2: We know that we are being invited into God’s reign by the nonviolent Jesus, we take Luke’s warning to heart to live intentionally, prayerfully, mindfully, nonviolently focused on Jesus, trusting in God. As followers of the nonviolent Jesus, we are determined not to serve the culture of death or the idols of death, including any rulers or militaries, instead, we intend to spend every moment serving the God of life. We take heart because, through Jesus, we are now entering God’s reign of peace and universal love…Gospel nonviolence is now the boundary within which we live, breath, pray, think, and act. (pg. 341)
Katy: Meditation Meeting Jesus in Luke 17:20-21
The Pharisees asked Jesus when the reign of God would come. Jesus replied, “The reign of God doesn’t come in a visible way. You can’t say, see here it is!’ Or “There it is! No—look, the reign of God is already in your midst.”
(Katy will lead a guided meditation, and a couple of minutes for you to write your experience)
Karen: Daily Practices: What is God’s call to you at this time to live in and to build up the reign of God?
Today, I wish to share with you my reflections about Diana Butler Bass’ daily practices which are attached. The methods are for helping each of us to pay attention to what Our Beloved may be calling us to do during these times we live in? What can we do to help build up the Reign of the Kin-dom in our midst? I believe daily practices such as Diana’s can help us avoid reactionary behaviors of fight, flight and freeze and help us to come out at our own lives and world in nonviolent ways.
Diana’s reflection connects this experience with a parable found in the seventh chapter of Matthew. The one about the house that was built on a rock and withstood the storm. She asks her readers, how is my own spiritual house built for the times I am living in today? What can I do to better my own inner household?
In her writing, Diana offers us ten daily practices, called The Ten W’s, that I might use to help form and maintain my spiritual house on a solid foundation to weather the storms of these times. The Ten Ws are: Wake up, Welcome the Day, Walk, be With others, Work, Write, Watch the news, practice Wide-sight, Weep and Wonder.
Wake up! Some days, just getting out of bed may seem like a struggle. Welcome the Day! Greet every day with gratitude. Just saying thank you is enough prayer, says Meister Eckhart.
Walk! My best walks are outdoors with nature.
Be With others! As a single person, living alone, I find getting out and being with others to be an essential part of boosting my morale.
The next method is Work! The structure and routine of my job helps me to organize my other days. We need to pace ourselves and balance work with rest.
Write! Her idea reminds me of the morning pages, a personal journal.
Watch the news! As you are able. Balancing the news with positive reading can help with my perspective.
Wide-sight! What can I do to broaden my perspectives to better discern what is mine to do and what is not?
Weep! I’ll never forget hearing that after the events of 9/11, the government of Ireland declared a National Day of Mourning! When a news reporter asked, why would Ireland take a day of mourning for something that happened in the United States? The response was that “Americans do not know how to grieve and mourn.”Laughter is also important. What brings joy to you? I remember hearing the wise saying, “what you can laugh at, does not own you!”
Wonder! Diana says zzz’Awe is pro-social and has been shown to reduce polarization!” What brings awe and wonder to you?
Once again, The Ten W’s are: Wake up, Welcome the Day, Walk, be With others, Work, Write, Watch the news, practice Wide-sight, Weep and Wonder. Diana believes and I agree, that working with these daily practices will help me to build up my spiritual household to better withstand the many storms coming beforehand, like the homeowner whose house withstood the storm! I believe routines such as these strengthen resilience to meet the demands ahead. Doing practices such as these are some little ways that can help bring The Kin-dom of Our Beloved into our midst and help energize and refresh us for larger events that may occur.
Please take about 2 minutes to think about your choices for daily practices. Do you have any other practices to suggest? I invite you to share how some of Diana Butler Bass’ Ten W’s may be helpful to you. (Discussion Time)
Intentions (for the next month in our daily intentions)
Katy: Response: Sophia Wisdom may The Reign of God be amongst us.
We pray to live with kindness, courage, empathy, understanding, compassion, honesty, gathering, community, oneness, attentiveness to those in need, healing the wounds of your sons and daughters. Response
We pray for those who commit acts of violence and injustice. Circle O Beloved those who have committed acts of violence and injustice, encircle them with your redirecting presence. Help them to learn compassion and leave hard-heartedness behind. Help them find the courage to turn away from that which tears apart; may they feel your love in a world filled with cruelty and hate.Help them to choose your way. In the name of the Sacred Three. May it be so! Response
Please add your own intentions. Response
In closing, how can we support each other? Are any of you personally or with a group going to be involved in an action or project you wish us to know about?
Let Your Light Shine by Kathy Sherman OSJ
Refrain: Let your light shine in us, let your light shine in us and we will be light for the world.
Our relationship with Jesus changes over time, from experiences I have, or from trauma, a challenge mentally, spiritually. Or when a new President is elected. Who is Jesus for me today? You may experience another wisdom figure.
Please get comfortable, relax your body, shrug away tightness,
feet on floor, close your eyes
Breath in and breath out.
You see before you a blackboard, write your name on the board
It opens before you and you see a path
You step onto the path.
You are led to a place that is safe and serene
You see a person walking toward you
Welcome this one whom you know
You talk of your relationship
Ask any questions that flow from your present experience. Listen
It is time to leave however you may return here if you choose.
Walk onto the path and return to your room
open your eyes when you are ready.