
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Jesus Message- lighten up, do not worry, smile!

The Jesus message is about shalom, peace, seeking well-being for self and others in chaotic times. 

In the story of the healing of Peter’s sick mother-in-law (Mark 1:29-31) Jesus lifts her up ( helps her to be filled with energy) and she serves a meal. The word used is diakoneo, the root word of deacon. I imagine that since her home was a meeting place for Jesus and his companions, there were lots of gatherings, delicious food ,and of course plenty of laughter. So too, at every meal, we remember that Jesus gathers at our tables - lifting us up- telling us not to worry, assuring us to  be at peace  and smile even if the sink overflows with dishes and our lives are a  hot mess!

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