
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Moments of Simple Abundance Remind Us that Grace is Everywhere by Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP

When we are aware of the simple abundance around us, we discover grace everywhere and realize we are held in infinite love. How blessed we are!

Here are few of the things I am thankful for:

 a gorgeous sunset on a beach, 

a walk with friends by the sea

 a birthday party for Seth, and his parents, Kathryn and Stephen who inspire me and show the world what it means to soar everyday.

These times remind me to breathe in deeply the goodness of life and to  let go of stresses about schedules, email, social media and other distractions, which do not matter at all.

The simple abundance of loving with all our souls everyday and knowing that we are loved is all that really matters.

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