
Monday, June 24, 2024

A Reflection for Chaotic Times: Jesus Calms the Storm by Debbie Manning

My Response: In  Spirit’s infinite love, we are embraced and empowered with all we need to do what God is calling us to be and do -no matter what happens.

From Debbie Manning:

“…three of the four wrote this story, recorded this story . That no matter what we're going through, Jesus is present with us. And that's what faith is about. 

Spirit of God blows within us more mightily than any winds of any storm in the power of God is stronger than any waves that beat against us. And the love of God is deeper than any water that threatens to drown us. I know that to be true. I've experienced it in every storm. Jesus is present and his response is always the same. Peace be still. 

Will you pray with me? Holy and gracious. God was thinking the other day about how so many are referring to our world as a world on fire. It feels that way. It feels like sometimes the world's on fire and our country's on fire and our communities are on fire. And sometimes it feels like our lives are on fire. God, we hang on to your promise that no matter what we walk through, uh, so often as beyond anything we could have ever imagined. But no matter what that is, God, that you are there with us, you're there with us bringing peace and comfort beyond our own human understanding. God, we're so grateful that we have this community to walk through the storms of life together and that we have you at the center. We pray all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

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