
Friday, September 11, 2009

Roman Catholic Womenpriests : Prominent theologian Edward Schillebeeckx supports new initiatives in the church as path to renewal in RC church

Prominent theologian Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P. in his book: Ministry: Leadership in the Church of Jesus Christ stated: "Against the background of the existing church order then, new and sometimes urgently required alternative possibilities are often only to be seen through the medium of what is bound to be regarded as, at least temporarily, illegal. This is not a new phenomenon in the church - it has always been the case.
Renewal in the church usually begins with illegal deviations and it rarely happens that attempts at renewal come from above.
It is not possible to ask the highest authority in a world church to change the prevailing order in that church if the change does not meet with the approval of the majority of Christian communities."

This insight affirms the Roman Catholic Womenpriests movement which is offering a renewed model of priestly ministry in the church, rooted in Jesus example of Gospel equality. For Jesus women and men are equals. At the Last Supper, Jesus addressed his mandate: "Do this in memory of me" to women and men, therefore empowering women to preside at Eucharist, which they did in the house churches in the early centuries of the church's history.
Roman Catholic Womenpriests remind us that women are equal images of God and are called to preside at sacramental celebrations and to be partners n all areas of governance in the church. Roman Catholic Womenpriests are moving from a top-down approach to a more open, inclusive, participatory model in union with the people with whom we serve. We are charting a new path of renewal for priestly ministry an emerging model of renewal for priesthood and church. No wonder the Vatican including some of our bishops are threatened! We must be patient as the Spirit will prevail. She always does!
Bridget Mary Meehan, rcwp

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