Suzanne Thiel, rcwp, with new banner showcasing
our loving service to God's people. Click on picture to enlarge.
Left to right:Fred Ruof, a married priest, Andrea Johnson, rcwp, bishop of eastern region,
and Zemaya Jones, representing Living Waters Inclusive Catholic Community
in Catonsville, near Baltimore, MD. (co-pastors Gloria Carpeneto, rcwp and
Andrea Johnson, rcwp)
If you click on the map above, you will see red dots that indicate where there are womenpriests-led communities in the United States.
Left to right; Bill Manseau, married priest and president of
The Federation of Christian Ministries and prominent
leader in CORPUS, a married priest advocacy community,
Suzanne Thiel, rcwp, Andrea Johnson rcwp, and Zemaya Jones, ( Living Waters Inclusive Catholic Community)
Unidentified man
On Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009 Suzanne Thiel,a Roman Catholic Womanpriest from our Western Region, distributed our
Year of the Priest- Prayer for Vocations to some of the bishops who were attending the United States Catholic Bishops' meeting in Baltimore.
Suzanne was able to share the prayer cards with the bishops during their lunch break.Only one bishop responded negatively. He yelled, " wait a minute!" This did not slow down Suzanne. She continued to move from table to table, smiling graciously at each bishop as she placed the vocation prayer in his hands.
Then, on Wednesday, Nov. 18th, several representatives of Catholic renewal organizations gathered together outside the hotel including Bill Manseau, a married priest who is president of the Federation of Christian Ministries, Fred Ruof, a prominent elder and leader of justice and peace causes in the Baltimore area, Zemaya Jones, a representative from Living Waters Inclusive Catholic Community in Catonsville, Andrea Johnson, Roman Catholic Womanbishop of the Eastern region and (co-pastor with Gloria Carpeneto, rcwp of Living Waters Inclusive Catholic Comunity) and Suzanne Thiel, rcwp. They held up banners including a map with red dots indicating the states where Roman Catholic Womenpriests serve the Catholic family in the United States.
(Click on the map with red dots, to enlarge the photo and see the places in the United States where Roman Catholic Womenpriests serve)
Then at lunch time, our womenpriests, accompanied by their companions, came into the hotel, took off their coats and sat at a table near the bishops. According to one report, the male bishops practiced custody of the eyes when the women took off their coats and their clerical collars became visible!
Just in case, any bishop missed out on receiving a copy of our rcwp prayer the day before, Suzanne took one final stroll through the dining area where the bishops were seated. She was even able to catch the bishops as they left the hotel on their way to the airport! Unforgettable encounters!
I hope our bishops will join us in the prayer for vocations and "practice the equality that Jesus modeled to embrace all women and men whom you have gifted for sacramental ministry."
On one side of our vocation prayer is the text below. On the other side of our vocation prayer is a colorful collage of pictures depicting Roman Catholic Womenpriests serving the people of God (similar to banner above) that is entitled:
Ordained Women are serving the People of God.
If you want this prayer for your local parish, diocese, or community, contact Suzanne Thiel at,
Year of the Priest
Roman Catholic Womenpriests' Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood
Ever present God; open the hearts and minds of all people,
and inspire us to use the unique gifts you have given us for loving service to each other.
We pray especially now, for those women whose gifts are best suited to serve your Church as ordained priests.
Empower them with the courage as they answer your call and strengthen them for humble service, great compassion, and insightful wisdom.
Support them through their ministries and enlighten the leadership of your Church to practice the equality that Jesus modeled to embrace all women and men whom you have gifted for sacramental service.
Strengthen your Holy Spirit within those you have chosen for priestly ministry.
May they answer your call and follow with generous hearts.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, who called Mary Magdalene and Phoebe- as well as Peter and Paul- to be ministers in the early Christian communities. Amen.
Bridget Mary Meehan, rcwp