Archbishop tells Pope: there will be no turning back on women priests
Ruth Gledhill and Richard Owen in Rome
"The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday made his most outspoken challenge to the Roman Catholic Church since the Pope invited disaffected Anglicans to switch to Rome.
Speaking before he meets Benedict XVI tomorrow, Dr Rowan Williams told a conference in Rome that the Catholic Church’s refusal to ordain women was a bar to Christian unity."
Bridget Mary Meehan's comment:
Three cheers for Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams' challenge to Pope Benedict: -women priests are here to stay! So are Roman Catholic Womenpriests here to stay! Roman Catholic Womenpriests are growing in numbers and on the move in the Roman Catholic Church. See map below indicating growth in the United States. We love our church and are working to renew it in grassroots inclusive communities where all are welcome at the table. Now wouldn't it be wonderful if more of our bishops, like Bishop Tom Gumbleton of the United States and Bishop Willie Walsh of Ireland, would advocate for women's ordination in the Roman Catholic Church. Let's pray that many bishops worldwide will take a page out of their books, and speak up as prophets for justice and equality for women in the Roman Catholic Church. After all, women are half of the population!
Article on Roman Catholic Bishops:
Bishops Try to Reassert Control of a Restive Flock
BALTIMORE -- The leader of the Catholic hierarchy in the United States on Monday launched a new effort to rein in Catholic debates and dissidents and to remind the flock that the bishops will be the arbiters of what it means to be a Catholic.
Bridget Mary Meehan's Comment:
No amount of power and control tactics will stop the Holy Spirit, Bishops! Let go and let God move among the Catholic family. Ask yourselves, what would Jesus do? His harshest criticism was against the religious leaders of the time who tried to control the people of God! Our Roman Catholic Womenpriests were in Baltimore where the USCCB met this week. Some of you were fortunate enough to receive prayer cards for vocations to a renewed priestly ministry. (See story below about Suzanne Thiel, rcwp sharing Prayer for Vocations with U.S. Bishops)
All Roman Catholics are equal members of the church by their baptism. The hierarchy does not own the "franchise" or the name, "Roman Catholic". Let us pray for a deeper awareness of teachings of Vatican 11 --that the people of God are the church. The hierarchy's role is not to dominate or control the movement of the Holy Spirit within the community, but to serve as Jesus did.
We are beloved sisters and brothers. It is time for the whole Catholic family to own our identity and live our tradition. Let us be open and work together to heal the wounds of divisiveness. May we be united in prayer and loving service to God's people and follow the example of Jesus in our work for justice and equality in our world.
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