Zoom link for video- 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
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Theme: What happens to us when we imagine miracles happen?
Joan M:
Welcome and Gathering: Welcome to our Zoom liturgy at Mary Mother of Jesus, an inclusive Catholic Community, where all are welcome. We invite you to pray the liturgy and respond where it says, All. All participants will be muted during the liturgy except for the presiders and readers. During the shared homily and community prayers we ask you to unmute yourself if you would like to contribute. Please have bread and wine/juice in front of you as we pray our Eucharistic prayer.
Gathering Song: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi adapted by Sebastian Temple, played by Linda Lee Miller
Bridget Mary:
Opening Prayer: Holy One, we believe that signs and wonders are happening every day. Your healing presence is within us making us whole in body, mind and spirit. You care for others though us. Our eyes are Your eyes to see human need and suffering. Our ears are Your ears to hear words of wisdom and pain. Our voices are Your Voice speaking kindly and respectfully. Our hearts are Your heart offering comfort and support. We are filled with awe and wonder at the miracles that happen each day. Alleluia!
Community Forgiveness
Joan M: Blessed One, we open ourselves to your liberating grace within us empowering us to be Christ’s presence in the world.
Joan M: Let us hold our hands over our hearts and pause now to ask for forgiveness for our failures to treat ourselves and others as the Beloved.
Joan M and all: I am sorry, Please forgive me I love you, thank you.
A Joyful Gloria: Linda Lee Miller and graphics by Rick Miller
Liturgy of the Word
Jim B: A Reading from the Book of the prophet Isaiah (35:4-6)
Say to all of faint heart:
Take courage! Do not be afraid!
Look YHWH is coming , vindication is coming,
The recompense of God-
God is coming to save you!
Then the eyes of the blind will be opened,
The ears of the deaf will be unsealed.
Those who cannot walk will leap like a dear
And tongues of those who cannot speak will sing for joy.
These are the inspired words of the prophet Isaiah land we affirm them by saying
All: Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 49 – I Will Not Forget You – Carey Landry
Cheryl B: Second Reading: A Reading from We Make the Road by Walking by Brian McLaren
Instead of “Yes, miracles actually happened.” Or “No, they didn’t really happen,” we could ask another question: “What happens to us when we imagine miracles happening?” In other words, perhaps the story of a miracle is intended to do more than inform us about an event that supposedly happened in the past, an event that if you were to believe it, might prove something else.
Perhaps, by challenging us to consider impossible possibilities, these stories can stretch our imagination, and in so doing, can empower us to play a catalytic role in co-creating new possibilities for the world of tomorrow. Doesn’t that sound rather miraculous?
These are the inspired words of contemporary author, Brian McLaren. and we respond to them by saying: Thanks be to God.
Alle, Alle, Alleluia: Linda Lee Miller
Joan M: A Reading from the Gospel of Mark (7:31-37)
Jesus left the region of Tyre and returned by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of Ten Cities.
Some people brought an individual who was deaf and had a speech impediment, and begged Jesus to lay hands on that person. Jesus took the afflicted one aside, away from the crowd, put his finger into the deaf ears, and spitting touched the mute with his saliva. Then Jesus looked up to heaven, and with a deep sigh, said, “Ephphatha!” – that is “Be opened!”
At once the deaf ears were opened and the impediment cured; the one who had been healed began to speak plainly.
These are the inspired words in the Gospel of Mark and we affirm them by saying:
All: Thanks be to God.
Alle, Alle, Alleluia
Everything is possible to those who believe.” (Mk 9:23)
Miracles Happen: Aunt Molly’s Story
All you can do now is pray," the doctor informed our family as we gathered around seventy-year-old Aunt Molly as
she lay in intensive care. The diagnosis was grim. Molly was in a
coma; there was bleeding in her brain. Assuring us that the nurses would call if anything happened during the night, the doctor left the family alone to say "goodbye" to Molly.
Looking at this wonderful woman who, with her husband, had sponsored our family when we immigrated in the 1950s from Ireland, I could not hold back the tears as I placed my hand on her head and prayed that God's love would permeate every cell in her body. I imagined Molly whole and healed in God's embrace, surrounded with boundless love. Asking Mary, the mother of Jesus, to be her companion through the night, I kissed Molly gently and left the room.
For the next three days, our family prayed, watched and waited while Molly remained in the coma. Then on the third morning, Dad and my brother Sean went to see her. "Molly," Dad said in a loud, teasing voice, "it's time for you to get up out of the bed. You've been sleeping long enough." Suddenly, Sean noticed Molly's toes moving. They called the nurses and doctors into the room and, as the medical professionals came in to check her, Molly opened her eyes and yawned, as if she had awakened from a long winter's nap.
Several weeks later, Molly recovered completely and returned home. From that day onward, Molly did not let any grass grow under her feet. She took trips, cared for my mother, cooked meals, and enjoyed every minute of the fifteen years of life God gave her after that illness. People who knew her story of healing called her the "miracle lady."
When I was a young adult, I used to think that miracles were healings performed by Christ long ago to help us have faith. I used to think that you had to be "a good Christian" for God to do a miracle for you. I used to think that miracles happened only in places like Lourdes. Then God healed Aunt Molly, and I felt like God had hit me over the head with a sledge hammer. When I awoke from the impact, so to speak, I had a deeper consciousness that, yes, miracles do happen. They happen to ordinary people-like our family.
Miracles are God's way of saying to us: "Hello! I am the God who works miracles all the time. Never put limits on what I can do for you. There is always more that I will do. Open yourself to my healing power. I will make you whole in body, mind and spirit. I will take perfect care of you and your loved ones. All I ask of you is to believe in me
Community Sharing: What happens to us when we experience and/or imagine miracles happening?
Jill and All:
We believe in Jesus formed in Mary’s womb,
and nurtured by her faith.
He called women and men to follow him and invited the least and the last to an open table where all were welcome. He helped the blind to see the deaf to hear.
He rejected rigid laws, confronted abusive religious leaders and was put to death.
We believe that the Spirit of Jesus
rises again and again in our lives each day,
freeing us from prejudice
and hate so that we can carry on his revolution of love.
Joan M:: As we prepare for the sacred meal, we bring to this table our blessings, cares and concerns.
Joan Meehan holds up Prayer Intentions for Week and shares the list of requests.
Joan and all: Holy One, You heal and make us whole.
Joan M: For what else shall we pray?
(Community members, unmute your microphone. Speak your concern when there is an opening, Re-mute your microphone)
Joan M: We pray for these and all unspoken concerns that we hold in our hearts.
(After everyone has prayed)
Joan M: Let us hold each other in prayer each day in the coming week. Amen.
Bridget Mary: Blessed are you, God of all life, through your goodness we have bread, wine, all creation, and our own lives to offer. Through this sacred meal we become your new creation.
Joan M: My sisters and brothers, these gifts give glory to you, Holy One.
You dwell in us, and accepts the gifts that we offer in service to our faith community. We do this in memory of our brother, Jesus. Amen.
Mary M: The Spirit of the Living God is within you.
Jack M: And also within you.
Mary M: Lift up your hearts.
Jack M: We lift them up to the Holy One, the Love of our Hearts.
Mary M: We give thanks and praise to you Spirit of love for the grace of new beginnings.
Jack M: It is a joy to be fully alive.
Mary M: We are grateful that -in your transforming presence- we can see ourselves and others as you do, free, healed and whole. We seek to share your compassion with those who are hurting and suffering. We praise and exalt you forever with grateful hearts as we sing:
All: Holy, Holy, Holy by Karen Drucker, played by Linda Lee Miller
We are Holy, Holy, Holy…3x , You are Holy, Holy, Holy, I am Holy, Holy, Holy, We are Holy, Holy, Holy
Cheryl B: Divine Healer, you are always with us. You work through our doctors, nurses, therapists, ministers and health care workers. We trust that -no matter the outcome- you accompany us on our journey to healing and wholeness. We are never alone.
Jim B.: Empowering Spirit, in you we live and move and have our being. In you, we are part of the world's healing each day. With you we bless all that exists. In you, with you and through you, these gifts of bread and wine, and our lives are filled with boundless grace that nourishes and sustains us and all creation on our journey.
(Please extend Your hands in blessing.)
Bridget Mary and All: You pour out Your spirit anew upon this bread and wine and upon us as we become more deeply the Christ Presence in our world.
On the night before he died, Jesus came to table with the women and men he loved.
Jesus took bread blessed and broke it, saying,
“Take, eat, this is my body. Do this in memory of me.”
Joan M and All: After supper, Jesus poured a cup of wine and shared it with his friends, saying,
“This is the cup of the covenant of my love. As often as You drink of it, remember me.”
Jill: Let us proclaim the mystery of wonder in our midst:
Jill and All: Christ of the Cosmos you are the spark of love in whom we believe; the Wisdom of Sophia in whom we trust; and the Desire for justice that consumes us.
Mary M: As we celebrate the memory of Jesus, we remember our political and religious leaders, especially President Joe Biden, Pope Francis and all God's holy people. We remember the communion of saints and all who have inspired and loved us.
(pause to remember your loved ones who have gone before us)
Jack M : May we recognize the face of the Holy One in every person everywhere. May we, be instruments of your healing love to every person we meet. May we serve the needs of the hungry, homeless and sick in our local community and around the globe.
(Presiders hold Bread and wine.)
Bridget Mary: For it is through living as Jesus lived,
That we awaken to your healing Spirit within us,
Moving us to birth new life,
O Holy One,
At this time and all ways.
Great Amen: Linda Lee Miller
Jill: Let us pray as Jesus taught us.
O Holy One, you are within, around, and among us.
We celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us. Each day you give us all we need. You remind us of our limits, and we let go. You support us in your power, and we act with courage. For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us, and the celebration among us, now and forever. Amen (Adapted, Miriam Therese Winter, MMS)
Sign of Peace:
Cheryl B: Jesus said to his disciples, “My peace I leave You. My peace I give You.”
The peace of the Holy One enfolds You.
Let us share a cyber hug as we sing:
Peace is flowing like a River by Carey Landry: Linda Lee Miller
Prayer for the Breaking of Bread:
Jim B. : Please join in praying the prayer for the breaking of the bread:
and All:
Loving God, You call us to live the Gospel of peace and justice.
We will live justly.
and all: Loving God, You call us to be Your presence in the world.
We will love tenderly.
and all: Loving God, You call us to speak truth to power.
We will walk with integrity.
(Presiders hold up bread and wine)
Bridget Mary: Let us pray our communion prayer together.
Bridget Mary and All: Nourished by the Body of Christ, may we be instrument of healing,
Joan M.: Let us share Communion with the words “ I am (You are) the Body of Christ” and “I am (You are) the Blood of Christ”
Communion Song: Summons
Thanksgivings, Introductions and Announcements
Final Blessing:
Bridget Mary and All: God’s Spirit inspires us to imagine miracles every day.
God’s Spirit empowers us to be part of the world’s healing every day.
God’s Spirit enlivens us to live in awe and wonder every day.
Joan M and All: Together, we are one in Christ, loving and serving God’s holy people.
Joan M: Go in peace and joy to be instruments of healing every day.
All: Alleluia:
Closing Song: St. Teresa’s Prayer: John Michael Talbot
This Liturgy was written by Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP