Roman Catholic Womenpriests' Ordination of U.S. bishops
left to right Joan Houk, Great Waters, Ida Raming, Germany,
Regina Nicolosi, Midwest (holding crozier) Bridget Mary Meehan, South
Andrea Johnson, East, second row, right Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, Austria, Patricia Fresen, Germany
Patricia, Ida and Christine presided at historic U.S. bishops ordinations on April 19,2009 in California. Our first bishops were ordained by a male Roman Catholic Bishop in apostolic succession, therefore, our RCWP ordinations are valid, but in violation of man-made canon law. We claim equal rights by using equal rites.
2010 -- July 9-12 -- "The CofE General Synod approves the latest stage in the consecration of women bishops, a long process unlikely to be completed before 2014. Within days, the Vatican codifies the "attempted ordination of a woman" to the priesthood as a most serious crime against Church law." Bridget Mary's Reflection Bravo for the Anglican Communion for moving ahead with women bishops. Equal rights for women in the church is the Voice of God in our times! The Vatican's new law codifies misogyny. It takes us back to Church Fathers like Tertullian who called women "the gateway to the devil." It is time for the Vatican to follow Jesus' example of Gospel equality. The Risen Christ appeared first to Mary of Magdala, the apostle to the apostles. Is it a crime to ordain a woman, or is the real crime the institutional church's discrimination against women? Roman Catholic Womenpriests are leading the way toward justice and equality for women in the Roman Catholic Church. Bridget Mary Meehan,, 703-505-0004
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