
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pope Benedict Summons Cardinals to Rome to discuss sex abuse scandal and other issues/

Prelates to discuss response to sex abuse scandal

EXCERPT: VATICAN CITY (AP) --" Pope Benedict XVI has summoned cardinals from around the world to a daylong summit in Rome next week on the clerical sex abuse scandal and other issues facing the Catholic church, the Vatican said Monday."
Bridget Mary's Reflection:
I wonder what are the other issues. I hope there are no more "delicta graviora" (s) for Roman Catholic Womenpriests!
In July, 2010, the Vatican announced that Roman Catholic Womenpriests' ordinations were serious crimes, in the same category as pedophiles. Since then we have received more applications from women wanting to sign up to serve the church as priests in a renewed priestly ministry and more people have expressed interest in our liturgies! Yeah God!

1 comment:

Jean D said...

"Yeah God!"
I do love you Bridget Mary!