
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Women Priests Demonstrate Profound Faithfulness to God" by Jamie L. Manson/ NCR Online

"This weekend Pink Smoke had its debut as part of the Athena film festival hosted by Barnard College in New York. The film had been screened previously at the national Call to Action conference last November. The documentary chronicles the fight against the injustice of the ban on women’s ordination in the Roman Catholic Church. .."
"The womenpriests are manna for many Catholics who, too, are in exile; these communities of Catholics are clearly manna for the womenpriests as well. "
.."In many ways, their movement reflects the early Christian Church before it was accepted by the Empire. The risks that many womenpriests take infuse their ministries with a deep sense of commitment. "

"Pink Smoke leaves you hoping that all of the grace received through their living as marginal church communities will be remembered and sustained when women are welcomed finally into the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church."

Bridget Mary's Reflection:

Excellent article by Jamie Manson! I really don't think that RCWP will be be welcomed in to the priesthood by the institutional church in our lifetime. if the hysterics of the hierarchy in response to our movement is any indicator!!)
However, I appreciate Jamie's challenge to RCWP.
Indeed it is our call as women priests, to stay on the margins with the oppressed and live as prophetic witnesses within an empowered community of believers where justice for all, including women in our church and world in our mission!
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP

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