
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Meditation and Mantras: A Boost to Both Soul and Brain/ Prayer Affirmations for Lenten Meditation

Meditation is a popular practice for millions of people throughout the world. However many of us do not realize the unexpected benefits not only bless our souls, but also enhance our brain's health.

In an article that appeared in the Washington Post entitled "Mantras, Meditation May Give Your Brain a Boost", Carolyn Butler writes:"New research from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston indicates that meditating regularly can actually change our brain structure for the better and in just a few months. (, Tue., March 8, 2011)

So here are a few suggestions for Lent:
1. Establish a routine- a daily practice- (5 or 10 minutes works)

2. Be conscious that all of life and everyday activity is laden with grace- with the presence of the divine. Whether eating, drinking, walking, driving, talking, God is always already present loving you in the present moment and offering you opportunities to love, give, forgive, heal, and grow holy and healthy.

3. Let distractions go. Don't get caught up in doing it "right". When distractions come, let them go, release worry about past or future and gently be attentive to the present.

4. Mantras are simple prayer words or a phrase that can help you center and be attentive to the precious moment. There are many forms of meditation and a wide diversity of approaches: chanting, centering prayer, guided relaxation exercises etc.

A few powerful mantras that focus our spirits on the divine are: God, Sophia, Holy Wisdom, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Yahweh, Holy One, Creator. One can also use words like any of the following words: peace, love, compassion. etc

Prayerful Affirmations:
God's infinite boundless love is embracing me, my family, ___
I thank a loving God for all the miracles I have received.
God's love sustains, supports and strengthens me in all that I do.
With God's help and love, I let go of all my fears.
God, your heart of love and healing fills my soul.
I let go of resentment and open my heart to forgiveness and healing.
I am a passionate reflection of the Holy One in our world.
(adapted from my book, Affirmations from the Heart of God)
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP

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