
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Not Bad for a Day of Ordinary Miracles" by Judy Lee, RCWP

The Shadow At the Door

She was a dark shadow on the door

of the downtown St Francis Catholic Church
huddled in the corner

between the white wall and the red door

thin and gaunt,

black on black

except for the blue checked men's winter jacket pulled over her head.

This was where she lived for all the world to see.

Urine ran down her legs gathering in her one sandal,

the smell was a cornered animal baking in the Florida sun.

I moved closer very slowly, not sure it was her.

"Jennifer", I whispered her name.

The coat, concealing her wet dress and a plastic bag

with rancid foodthat she was eating,

slipped down over her pencil thin shoulders covered with infected bug bites.

"Pastor", she said,"I was praying-God sent you to me".

"Yes, Jennifer" I said, moving closer,"God sent me,

will you come with me so we can get your income back

and find a place for you to live inside?"

"I"ve been waiting for you", she stammered,

moving toward the car, and getting in.

"Can I have a fish sandwich?""

As many as you like."

And before the end of the day,

she had her income restored,

a downpayment on her new trailer home,

and a fish sandwich with all the works.

"Thank God, thank God, she said.

Her name is *Jennifer Blue and

she is no longer a shadow on the door of the Catholic church

but an equal at the Table and a home owner besides.

Not bad for a day of ordinary miracles.

Judy Lee, RCWP

( *Jennifer Blue is a pseudonym to protect privacy.)

Ft. Myers, Florida

Bridget Mary's Reflection:

Pastor Judy Lee, RCWP, works with the homeless in Ft. Myers, Florida.

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