
Friday, June 17, 2011

Reflection on American Catholic Council: Dr. Michael Rigdon

Michael and Imogene Rigdon
assembly at Easter Liturgy
at Mary MOJO community
at Easter Vigil.

After reflecting on the current situation in the church, James Carroll wondered, "Is there anyone here who doesn't have a broken heart?" A poignant reminder of the loss and betrayal we have all experienced. He also emphasized several times how important it was for us to be in attendance at the ACC gathering. And he re-told the story of Galileo's public admission of his "error" in claiming that the earth moves around the sun. According to Carroll, Galileo concluded by muttering under his breath, "But it does move." He said that our role now is not to mutter, but to shout out, "It moves!" And he lead us in several rafter-shaking shouts.
Matthew Fox emphasized that Vatican Council II is the ultimate authority in the church. So he concluded that the hierarchy is in schism due to their wholesale rejection of the council's teachings. He has a way of turning a situation on its head by one simple turn of a phrase. I will remember to pray for those who are in schism from the people of God. I also enjoyed his video of his 2005 submission of his 95 theses at St Mary Major basilica.
I'll also remember a remark by Joan Chittister that the seed never sees the flower. A good reminder to be hopeful that my/our efforts will blossom, perhaps years from now. She also quoted someone who said, "When you approach a chasm, jump.....!" And she lead us to loudly encourage each other: "Jump!!" A reminder to me of the risk involved in promoting change.
I know there were some points I remembered from Anthony Padovano's talk and from his video interview with Hans Kung. But by the end of the weekend my head felt like it would explode from all the input. Some items just leaked from my brain I guess.
The concluding liturgy was wonderful, altho the music not so much. Wearing the red Pentecostal stoles was a wonderful symbol of the equality of all God's people.
Our MMOJ booth in the exhibit hall was wonderful! Lee & Carol Ann designed a great display. And the prayer cards were unique.
We have DVDs of the keynote presentations that we can show to MMOJ this coming season and to Call To Action. Now we can begin to look forward to an international lay council--Rome 2015!
Michael Rigdon

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